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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - towards


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1) к 2) на 3) навстречу - verge towards
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  1. prep указывает на: 2. движение по направлению к предмету: (по направлению) к they moved towards the town —- они двигались (по направлению) к городу he looked down towards the water —- он смотрел вниз на воду 3. положение по отношению к какому-л. предмету: к, на our window looks towards the river —- наше окно выходит на реку his back was towards me —- он стоял ко мне спиной to pass the knife with the handle towards smb. —- передавать кому-л. нож ручкой вперед 4. продвижение по пути к цели: к, по пути a long stride towards disarmament —- большой шаг к разоружению (на пути разоружения) the country is rapidly moving towards prosperity —- страна быстро идет по пути процветания 5. цель усилий, действий и т. п.: для, в пользу efforts towards a peaceful settlement —- усилия, направленные на мирное урегулирование work towards peace —- работа в пользу мира to apply smth. towards the solution of particular problems —- применять что-л. для решения определенных проблем 6. отношение к кому-л., чему-л.: (по отношению) к attitude towards smb., smth. —- отношение к кому-л., чему-л. to feel friendly towards smb. —- чувствовать расположение к кому-л. I feel very sympathetic towards you —- я вам очень сочувствую measures taken towards the colonies —- меры в отношении колоний (по отношению к колониям) 7. влечение к кому-л.: к he felt drawn towards her —- он чувствовал влечение к ней 8. приближение к...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  prep.  1) к, по направлению к; he edged towards the door - он пробирался к двери; the windows look towards the sea - окна обращены к морю; his back was turned towards me - он стоял ко мне спиной  2) к, по отношению к; attitude towards art - отношение к искусству  3) указывает на цель действия для; с тем, чтобы; to save money towards an education - откладывать деньги для получения образования; to make efforts towards a reconciliation - стараться добиться примирения  4) указывает на совершение действия к определенному моменту около, к; towards the end of November - к концу ноября; towards morning (evening) - к утру (вечеру) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  prep. 1 in the direction of (set out towards town). 2 as regards; in relation to (his attitude towards death). 3 as a contribution to; for (put this towards your expenses). 4 near (towards the end of our journey). Etymology: OE toweard (adj.) future (as TO, -WARD) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective see toward I, 1  II. preposition see toward II ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: in AM and sometimes in BRIT, use 'toward'; In addition to the uses shown below, 'towards' is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘count towards’ and ‘lean towards’. 1. If you move, look, or point towards something or someone, you move, look, or point in their direction. Caroline leant across the table towards him... Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer... When he looked towards me, I smiled and waved... PREP 2. If things develop towards a particular situation, that situation becomes nearer in time or more likely to happen. The talks made little evident progress towards agreement... PREP: PREP n/-ing 3. If you have a particular attitude towards something or someone, you have that attitude when you think about them or deal with them. It’s the business of the individual to determine his own attitude towards religion... Not everyone in the world will be kind and caring towards you... PREP 4. If something happens towards a particular time, it happens just before that time. The Channel tunnel was due to open towards the end of 1993... PREP 5. If something is towards part of a place or thing, it is near that part. The home of the Morgan family was up Gloucester Road, towards the top of the hill... PREP 6. If you give money towards something, you give it to help pay for that thing. He gave them ?50,000 towards a house... PREP ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  especially BrE toward especially AmE prep 1 moving, looking, or pointing in a particular direction  (He noticed two policemen coming towards him. | All the windows face toward the river. | He was standing with his back towards me.) 2 if you do something towards something, you do it in order to achieve it  (These negotiations are the first step toward reaching an agreement. | The council is constantly working towards racial and sexual equality.) 3 a feeling, attitude etc towards something is how you feel or what you think about it  (Brian's attitude towards his work has always been very positive.) 4 money put, saved, or given towards something is used to pay for it  (A lot of the donations will be put towards repairing the church roof.) 5 a) just before a particular time  (Toward the end of the afternoon it began to rain.) b) near a particular place  (As you get towards the coast you notice more and more hotels and restaurants.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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