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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - tax


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Перевод с английского языка tax на русский

налог, налогообложение after tax — за вычетом налога before tax — до налогообложения - excise tax - income tax
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См. в других словарях

  1) налог; пошлина; сбор 2) облагать налогом – inclusive value-added tax – net of value-added tax – taxes on a patent – tax shelter – annual tax – hidden tax – income tax – sale tax – stamp tax – value-added tax TAX 1. сущ. 1) а) эк. налог (обязательный, индивидуально безвозмездный платеж, взимаемый с юридических и физических лиц в форме отчуждения принадлежащих им на праве собственности, хозяйственного ведения или оперативного управления денежных средств в целях финансового обеспечения деятельности государства и (или) муниципальных образований); подать to collect taxes — взимать собирать налоги to abate taxes, to cut down taxes — снижать налоги to exempt from tax — освобождать от (уплаты) налога to lay heavy tax on smth. (smb.) — облагать что-либо (кого-либо) большим налогом to be liable to tax — подлежать обложению налогом to charge tax on smth. (smb.)— облагать налогом что-либо (кого-либо) to impose levy tax — вводить налог, облагать налогом to dodge evade tax — уклоняться от налога imposition of tax — введение налога, обложение налогом tax collection — взимание сбор налогов tax cut — снижение налогов tax boost — повышение налогов tax on income from securities — налог на доход от ценных бумаг heavy taxes — обременительные налоги liable to income tax — облагаемый подоходным налогом (о доходе или лице, его...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. налог, сбор; пошлина national taxes —- государственные налоги local taxes —- местные сборы direct taxes —- прямые налоги income tax —- подоходный налог single tax —- единый земельный налог inheritance tax —- налог на наследство profits tax —- налоги на прибыли corporation tax —- налог на корпорацию purchase tax —- торговая пошлина inspector of taxes —- налоговый или финансовый инспектор collector of taxes = tax-collector —- free of tax —- сборщик налогов after tax —- после удержания налога; за вычетом налога, "чистый" tax assessment —- налогообложение tax revenue —- поступление в казну от налогов tax benefit —- выигрыш на налогах tax incentives —- налоговые льготы (для поощрения, капиталовложений) tax rates —- величина налога tax rates on the unemployed —- налоги на безработных tax cuts —- сокращение налогов to lower tax rates —- уменьшить налоги to impose a tax on smb., smth. —- облагать кого-л., что-л. налогом to collect taxes —- взимать налоги; собирать пошлину to pay taxes —- платить налоги to pay a hundred dollars in taxes —- заплатить налог в сумме ста долларов 2. издержки court taxes —- судебные издержки 3. бремя, испытание; чрезмерное требование this is a tax on her strenght —- это подрывает ее силы this was a tax on his patience —- ему пришлось запастись терпением this was a tax on my time —- это отняло у меня уйму времени 4. ам. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with  а) делать выговор; упрекать; to tax smb. with ingratitude упрекать кого-л. в неблагодарности;  б) обвинять, осуждать; to tax smb. with trickery обвинить кого-л. в мошенничестве TAX evasion уклонение от уплаты налогов TAX avoidance уменьшение в результате перерасчета суммы налога TAX return налоговая декларация (подаваемая налогоплательщиком для исчисления причитающегося с него налога) TAX  1. noun  1) (государственный) налог; пошлина, сбор - direct taxes - indirect taxes - single tax - levy a tax on - heavy tax - nuisance tax - tax avoidance - income tax - pollution tax - sales tax - sin tax - tax exile  2) напряжение, бремя, испытание; it is a great tax on my time - это требует от меня слишком много времени  2. v.  1) облагать налогом; таксировать  2) чрезмерно напрягать, подвергать испытанию; утомлять; the work taxes my powers - эта работа слишком тяжела для меня; I cannot tax my memory - не могу вспомнить; to tax smb. s patience - испытывать чье-л. терпение  3) amer.; coll. спрашивать, назначать цену; what will you tax me? - сколько это будет (мне) стоить?  4) делать выговор, отчитывать (кого-л.); обвинять, осуждать (with)  5) leg. определять размер убытков, штрафа и т.п.; определять размер судебных издержек - tax with Syn: assess, impose, levy TAX exile эмиграция из-за налогов, бегство от налогов ...
Англо-русский словарь
  налог; сбор; пошлина land tax real estate tax ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) налог 2) такса плата - forest tax ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a contribution to State revenue compulsorily levied on individuals, property, or businesses (often foll. by on: a tax on luxury goods). 2 (usu. foll. by on, upon) a strain or heavy demand; an oppressive or burdensome obligation. --v.tr. 1 impose a tax on (persons or goods etc.). 2 deduct tax from (income etc.). 3 make heavy demands on (a person's powers or resources etc.) (you really tax my patience). 4 (foll. by with) confront (a person) with a wrongdoing etc. 5 call to account. 6 Law examine and assess (costs etc.). Phrases and idioms tax avoidance the arrangement of financial affairs to minimize payment of tax. tax-deductible (of expenditure) that may be paid out of income before the deduction of income tax. tax disc Brit. a paper disc displayed on the windscreen of a motor vehicle, certifying payment of excise duty. tax evasion the illegal non-payment or underpayment of income tax. tax-free exempt from taxes. tax haven a country etc. where income tax is low. tax return a declaration of income for taxation purposes. tax shelter a means of organizing business affairs to minimize payment of tax. tax year see financial year. Derivatives taxable adj. taxer n. taxless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF taxer f. L taxare censure, charge, compute, perh. f. Gk tasso fix ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, to estimate, assess, ~, from Anglo-French ~er, from Medieval Latin ~are, from Latin, to feel, estimate, censure, frequentative of tangere to touch — more at tangent  Date: 14th century  1. to assess or determine judicially the amount of (costs in a court action)  2. to levy a ~ on  3. obsolete to enter (a name) in a list there went out a decree…that all the world should be ~ed — Luke 2:1(Authorized Version)  4. charge, accuse ~ed him with neglect of duty; also censure  5. to make onerous and rigorous demands on the job ~ed her strength  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a charge usually of money imposed by authority on persons or property for public purposes  b. a sum levied on members of an organization to defray expenses  2. a heavy demand ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (taxes, taxing, taxed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Tax is an amount of money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. They are calling for large spending cuts and tax increases. ...a pledge not to raise taxes on people below a certain income... N-VAR 2. When a person or company is taxed, they have to pay a part of their income or profits to the government. When goods are taxed, a percentage of their price has to be paid to the government. Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes... The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe. VERB: be V-ed, V n, also V 3. If something taxes your strength, your patience, or your resources, it uses nearly all of them, so that you have great difficulty in carrying out what you are trying to do. Overcrowding has taxed the city’s ability to deal with waste... VERB: V n 4. see also taxing, council tax, income tax, poll tax, value added tax ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income, property, goods etc that is used to pay for public services  (The government claimed it would lower taxes.) + on  (If you cash in the investment early, then you have to pay tax on that.) before/after tax (=before or after paying tax on something)  (What are you earning before tax? | tax burden (=the total amount of tax paid by an average person)) 2 formal something that uses a lot of your strength, patience etc  (- see also capital gains tax, corporation tax corporation (3), income tax, property tax, sales tax, vat) ~2 v 1 to charge a tax on something  (heavily/lightly taxed)  (Cigarettes are heavily taxed in Britain.) 2 tax a car/motorbike etc BrE to pay the sum of money charged each year for using a vehicle on British roads 3 tax sb's patience/strength etc to use almost all of someone's patience, strength etc  (The kids are really taxing my patience today.)  (- see also taxing) - taxable adj  (taxable income) tax sb with sth phr v formal to tell someone they have done something wrong, or blame them for it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Trans Activator X UN abbr. Taxation U.S. gov. abbr. Taxation airport code Taliabu, Indonesia gen. comp. abbr. Tree Api For Xml ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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