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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - spout


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Перевод с английского языка spout на русский

1) горлышко 2) метал. желоб печи 3) нос сосуда 4) носик 5) рукав 6) столб 7) струя 8) труба 9) фонтанировать - bagging spout - gleanings spout - intake spout - pouring spout - tapping spout
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  дыхало (у кита) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. носик, горлышко (у сосуда); горловина, рыльце 2. водосточная труба, желоб 3. труба, выпускное отверстие 4. тех. сопло 5. струя, столб (жидкости, пара, пыли) a dark spout of smoke —- темные клубы дыма 6. смерч sand spout —- песчаный смерч 7. поток, струя spout of blasphemies —- поток брани a rising spout of debate —- разгорающиеся споры 8. разг. ломбард up the spout —- в залоге; в затруднительном положении, в стесненных обстоятельствах his financial affairs are up the spout —- его финансы в плачевном состоянии 9. горн. печь 10. дыхательное отверстие (кита) 11. фонтан, выпускаемый китом при дыхании 12. перепад, каскад 13. редк. ливень, проливной дождь 14. бить струей; хлынуть, литься потоком, фонтанировать blood spouted from the wound —- кровь хлынула из раны 15. изливать, извергать a whale spouts water —- кит выпускает фонтаны воды a volcano spouts lava —- вулкан извергает лаву the chimney spouted smoke —- из трубы валил дым 16. разг. разглагольствовать, ораторствовать he spouted his theories the better part of the night —- он почти весь вечер без умолку говорил о своих теориях 17. разг. закладывать, отдавать в залог под ссуду ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) носик, горлышко, рыльце  2) водосточная труба или желоб; выпускное отверстие  3) желоб или небольшой лифт в ломбарде для подъема заложенных вещей  4) струя; столб воды; водяной смерч  5) zool. дыхательное отверстие (у кита) up the spout -  а) в закладе; his watch is put up the spout он заложил свои часы;  б) разоренный; обанкротившийся  2. v.  1) бить струей, струиться, литься потоком (from); Water was spouting from a hole in the pipe.  2) извергать; the volcano spouts lava - вулкан извергает лаву  3) coll. разглагольствовать, ораторствовать (тж. spout off); Hes not fit to be chairman, he has a bad habit of spouting off about things that concern him, without thinking of the results of what he says; to spout poetry - декламировать стихи  4) sl. закладывать Syn: see flow SPRADDLE v. широко расставлять ноги ...
Англо-русский словарь
  спускной лоток, спускной жёлоб; спускная труба водосточная труба рештак discharge spout ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) жёлоб; лоток 2) выпускное отверстие, слив; гидр. сбросное отверстие 3) водосточная труба 4) горловина 5) горн. вентиляционная сбойка 6) лесн. патрон (дробилки или рубильной машины) 7) переливной брус (стекловаренной печи) 8) струя бить струей 9) столб жидкости - bagging spout - bitumen spout - charging spout - chipper spout - discharge spout - downflow spout - feed spout - flexible car-loading spout - grain spout - packing spout - shaking spout ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a projecting tube or lip through which a liquid etc. is poured from a teapot, kettle, jug, etc., or issues from a fountain, pump, etc. b a sloping trough down which a thing may be shot into a receptacle. c hist. a lift serving a pawnbroker's storeroom. 2 a jet or column of liquid, grain, etc. 3 (in full spout-hole) a whale's blow-hole. --v.tr. & intr. 1 discharge or issue forcibly in a jet. 2 utter (verses etc.) or speak in a declamatory manner, speechify. Phrases and idioms up the spout sl. 1 useless, ruined, hopeless. 2 pawned. 3 pregnant. Derivatives spouter n. spoutless adj. Etymology: ME f. MDu. spouten, orig. imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle Dutch spoiten to ~, Old English spiwan to spew  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to eject (as liquid) in a stream wells ~ing oil  2.  a. to speak or utter readily, volubly, and at length  b. to speak or utter in a pompous or oratorical manner ; declaim a candidate ~ing empty promises  intransitive verb  1. to issue with force or in a jet ; spurt  2. to eject material (as liquid) in a jet  3. declaim  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. a pipe or conductor through which a liquid is discharged or conveyed in a stream: as  a. a pipe for carrying rainwater from a roof  b. a projecting tube or lip from which a liquid (as water) issues  2. a discharge or jet of liquid or moisture from or as if from a pipe: as  a. water~  b. the blowing of a whale  3. archaic pawnshop  • ~ed adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (spouts, spouting, spouted) 1. If something spouts liquid or fire, or if liquid or fire spout out of something, it comes out very quickly with a lot of force. He replaced the boiler when the last one began to spout flames... The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air... In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale. VERB: V n, V n prep, V adv/prep 2. A spout of liquid is a long stream of it which is coming out of something very forcefully. = jet N-COUNT 3. If you say that a person spouts something, you disapprove of them because they say something which you do not agree with or which you think they do not honestly feel. He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team. VERB: V n c darkgreen]disapproval • Spout forth and spout off mean the same as spout. ...an estate agent spouting forth about houses... PHRASAL VERB: V P about n 4. A spout is a long, hollow part of a container through which liquids can be poured out easily. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a small tube or pipe on a container that you pour liquid out through 2 a spout of water/blood etc a sudden strong stream of liquid which comes out of somewhere very fast  (The whale blew a spout of water into the air.)  (- see also waterspout) 3 up the spout BrE informal a) if someone's plans have gone up the spout, they cannot succeed  (Her chances of studying medicine have gone up the spout.) b) completely wrong  (His calculations are completely up the spout.) c) old-fashioned going to have a baby; pregnant ~2 v 1 a) if liquid or fire spouts from somewhere, it comes out very quickly in a powerful stream + from  (Blood was spouting from the wound in her arm.) b) to send out liquid or flames very quickly in a powerful stream  (a volcano spouting lava) 2 also spout off informal to talk a lot about something in a boring way, especially without thinking about what you are saying + abou  (I'm tired of listening to Jim spouting about politics.) spout (off) sth  (It's no use spouting theories about education if you've never actually taught anyone.) 3 if a whale spouts it sends out a stream of water from a hole in its head ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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