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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - set


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Перевод с английского языка set на русский

1) агрегат 2) агрегация 3) ансамбль 4) включать 5) выметывать 6) задать 7) геод. закреплять 8) затвердевать 9) класс 10) комплект 11) множество 12) набор 13) оклад 14) откорректировать 15) партия 16) полагать 17) помещать 18) поставленный 19) семейство 20) сет 21) сочетание 22) упирать 23) установивший 24) установленный absolutely closed set — абсолютно замкнутое множество absolutely convex set — абсолютно выпуклое множество absorption of a set — поглощение множества adsolutely summable set — абсолютно суммируемое множество affinely invariant set — аффинно инвариантное множество almost closed set — почти замкнутое множество analytically negligible set — аналитически пренебрежимое множество aposyndetic point set — апосиндетическое точечное множество arithmetically definable set — арифметически определимое множество at most denumerable set — не более чем счетное множество boundary cluster set — матем. множество граничных предельных значений cardinality of a set — мощность множества collectively bounded set — ограниченное в совокупности множество completely arithmetically productive set — вполне арифметически продуктивное множество completely generating set — вполне порождающее множество completely nonatomic set — вполне неатомистичное множество completely productive set — вполне продуктивное множество completely separable set — вполне сепарабельное множество constructively nonrecursive set — конструктивно нерекурсивное множество convexly connected set — выпукло связное множество countably infinite set — счетно бесконечное множество cyclic factor set — циклическая система факторов deductively inconsistent set — дедуктивно несовместное дедуктивно противоречивое множество desk telephone set — настольный телефон doubly indexed set — дважды индексированное множество dynamically decomposable set — динамически разложимое множество effectively generating set — эффективно порождаемое множество elementarily definable set — элементарно определимое множество equivariantly contractible set — равновариантно сжимаемое множество externally stable set — внешне устойчивое множество finely open set — конечно открытое множество finitely definite set — конечно определенное множество fluctuations are set up — колебания возникают fully reducible set — вполне приводимое множество functionally open set — функционально открытое множество generalized almost periodic set — обобщенная почти периодическая последовательность hand telephone set — ручной телефон hyperarithmetically simple set — гиперарифметически простое множество inclusion in a set — включение в множестве internally negligible set — внутренне пренебрежимое множество inverse image set — множество прообразов language of set theoryязык теории множеств left normal set — нормальное слева множество linearly bounded set — линейно ограниченное множество local-battery telephone set — телефон системы МБ locally compact set — локально компактное множество locally convex set — локально выпуклое множество locally negligible set — локально пренебрежимое множество locally polyhedral set — локально полиэдральное множество metarecursively enumerable set — метарекурсивно перечислимое множество multi-operator welding set — многопостовой сварочный аппарат naturally associated set — естественно связанное множество nil weakly closed set — слабо замкнутое ниль-множество nonvacuous nonvoid set — непустое множество normally ordered set — вполне упорядоченное множество open in rays set — открытое по лучам множество optimum set of conditionsоптимальный набор условий partially ordered set — частично упорядоченное множество piecewise recursive set — кусочно рекурсивное множество positively homothetic set — положительно гомотетическое множество properly inconsistent set — собственно противоречивое множество radial cluster set — множество радиальных предельных значений rationally convex set — рациоНАЛЬНО ВЫПУКЛОЕ МНОЖЕСТВО recursively approximable set — рекурсивно аппроксимируемое множество recursively isomorphic set — рекурсивно изоморфное множество regularly closed set — регулярно замкнутое множество relatively bicompact set — относительно бикомпактное множество relatively dense set — относительно плотное множество resultant of set of polynomial equations — результант системы полиномиальных уравнений right normal set — нормальное справа множество sampling from infinite set — выбор из бесконечной совокупности sequentially compact set — секвенциально компактное множество set antenna to bear on an objectнаводить антенну на объект set down high bars — осаживать ламель коллектора set of axioms for equality — множество аксиом равенства set of content zero — множество наполнения нуль set of defining relations — множество определяющих соотношений set of elementary events — множество элементарных событий set of first kind — множество первого рода set of gauge blocks — набор концевых мер set of measure zero — нульмерное множество, множество меры нуль set of possible outcomes — множество возможных исходов set of rational numbers — множество рациональных чисел set of statistical data — набор статистических данных set of zero length — множество меры нуль; пустое множество, нульмерное множество set range finder on rod — фокусировать дальномер по рейке set up a channelнабирать канал связи set up connection between caller — осуществлять соединение абонентов set up fixed frequency — набирать дискретную частоту set valid in realization — множество, общезначимое в реализации shift invariant set — множество, инвариантное относительно сдвига simply connected set — односвязное множество simulation of given set of conditions — моделирование заданного комплекса условий sound-powered telephone set — безбатарейный телефон strongly closed set — сильно замкнутое множество strongly dependent set — сильно зависимое множество strongly independent set — сильно независимое множество strongly reducible set — сильно приводимое множество subtotal cluster set — субтотальное предельное множество tautologically complete set — тавтологически полное множество topologically free set — топологически свободное множество totally imperfect set — вполне несовершенное множество totally unimodular set — вполне унимодулярное множество truth-table reducible set — таблично сводимое множество uniformly attracting set — равномерно притягивающее множество uniformly convergent set — равномерно сходящееся множество unilaterally connected set — односторонне связное множество wall telephone set — настенный телефон weakly compact set — слабо компактное множество weakly quasicompact set — слабо квазикомпактное множество well chained set — вполне цепное множество well ordered set — вполне упорядоченное множество - Diesel-electric set - Sierpinski set - absolute set - absorbing set - abstract set - accessible set - acyclic set - additive set - adjacency set - adjacent set - admissible set - affine set - algebraic set - allowable set - ambiguous set - ample set - analytic set - antidiagonal set - antinomous set - antipodal set - antisymmetric set - applicative set - approximation set - arithmetical set - articulation set - asymptotic set - atomic set - attainable set - automatic set point - automorphic set - axiom set - balanced set - base of set - basic set - basis of set - benign set - bevel set hammer - bicompact set - biconnected set - bifurcation set - biordered set - bisimplicial set - bodily set - border set - boundary cluster set - boundary set - boundaryless set - bounded set - buffer set - calculable set - canonical set - capacious set - capacitable set - capacity of set - cardinal of set - carrier set - catastrophe set - categorical set - chained set - characteristic set - choice set - cIRCLED SET - classical set - clear set - closed set - closed-in-rays set - closed-open set - closure of set - cluster set - coal-getting set - cofinal set - cofinite set - cogenerating set - cohesive set - cohomology set - coimmune set - coinfinite set - coinitial set - coisolated set - collinear set - colorable set - comaximal set - combination set - commutative set - compact-in-itself set - compensation set - complement of set - complementary set - complete set - completed set - compound set - confidence set - confinal set - conformal set - conjugate set - conjunction set - consistent set - constant set - constraint set - constructible set - constructive set - context-free set - continuity set - continuous set - continuum set - contractible set - contrafundamental set - contrastandard set - control set - convergence set - convergent set - converse set - convex set - core of set - correctness set - countable set - course set - coverable set - covered set - covering of set - covering set - creative set - critical set - cubic set - cut set - cylinder set measure - cylinder set - decidable set - decision set - decisive set - decreasing set - defect set - deficient set - definable set - deformable set - degeneracy set - degenerate set - dendrit set - dendritic set - dense set - dense-in-itself set - dentable set - denumerable set - derived set - descriptive set theory - determined set - determining set - diagonalizable set - difference set - diffuse set - directed set - direction of set - disagreement set - disconnected set - disconnecting set - discontinuing set - discontinuous set - discrete set - discriminant set - discriminating set - disjointed set - disjunct set - dispersed set - divergent set - dividing set - dominated set - dominating set - domino set - dyadic set - effector set - eigenfuzzy set - element of set - elementary set - elliptic set - embedded set - empty set - enchained set - enlarged set - enlarging set - equicontinuous set - ergodic set - evanescent set - event set - exceptional set - excess of set - exciter set - exhaustive set - existence set - existential set - explicable set - extendable set - extended set - extensive set - exterior of set - extraordinary set - extreme set - factor set - failure set - faithful set - fanlike set - feasible set - filtering set - finite-dimensional set - flat set - flywheel set - focal set - frequency set - frontier of set - frontier set - full set - function of set - gear set - generable set - generated set - generic set - genus of set - global set - goal set - ground set - grounded set - harmonic set - have set pattern - heading set - headless set screw - hereditary set - heretical set - holomorphic set - homogeneous set - homothetic set - house set - hull of set - hyperarithmetical set - hyperbolic set - hyperhyperimmune set - hyperhypersimple set - ideal of set - image of set - image set - imprimitive set - incompletable set - inconsistent set - increasing set - indecomposable set - independent set - index of set - index set - indexed set - indexing set - indicator of set - indiscernible set - indivisible set - inductive set - information set - inseparable set - instruction set - integer set - integrable set - interior of set - interpolation set - interpretable set - invariant set - inverse set - irrational set - irreducible set - irregular set - isometric set - jump in set - kernel of set - knot set - labeled set - lacunary set - lattice-ordered set - learning set - level set - limit set - limited set - limiting set - located set - LOGARITHMIC SET - magic set - majorized set - mapping of set - massive set - meager set - measurable set - measure of set - meet of set - mesoic set - minimum set - minorized set - mobile set - model set - model-closed set - model-complete set - model-consistent set - modular set - molecular set function - monochromatic set - monomorphic set - monotonic set - more-than-countable set - motion-picture set lighting - motor-generator set - multiperiodic set - multiplicative set - multisimplicial set - nebular set - negligible set - nested set - nilpotent set - nodal set - non-denumerable set - non-enumerable set - nonadjacent set - noncalculable set - noncontractible set - noncountable set - nondecisive set - nondegenerate set - nondense set - nondenumerable set - nonempty set - nonenumerable set - nonmeager set - nonmeasurable set - nonpoint set - nonrecursive set - nonscattered set - nonseparable set - nonstandard set - nonwandering set - normal set - normed set - nowhere-dense set - null set - nullity set - number set - numeral set - numerated set - object set - one-element set - one-parameter set - one-point set - open-closed set - opening set - operator's set - opportunity set - order of set - orderable set - ordered set game - ordering set - ordinal-definable set - ordinate set - original set - orthogonal set - orthonormal set - outcome set - outer set - packing of set - paraconvex set - parametric set - partial set - paved set - peak set - perfect set - permuting set - planar set - point of set - point set theory - pointed set - polar of set - polar set - pole set - polyadic set - polygonal set - polyhedral set - potency of set - power of set - power set - power-generating set - precompact set - precomplete set - preferred set - preimage of set - preinductive set - preinitial set - prelocal set - preordered set - pretransitive set - prevalent set - principal set - priority set - proalgebraic set - product set - productive set - projective set - projective-bounded set - proper set - pseudocompact set - pseudoconvex set - pseudocreative set - pseudometric set - pseudometrizable set - pseudorational set - pseudosimple set - pseudospherical set - pseudosupporting set - pure set - quadrangular set - quasibiorthonormal set - quasiclosed set - quasicohesive set - quasicreative set - quasidirected set - quasiequicontinuous set - quasiminimal set - quasiopen set - quasiordered set - quasiorthonormal set - quasiperiodic set - quasipolyhedral set - quotient set - radial set - radiated set - radio set - random set - range set - ranked set - rarefied set - reachable set - rectangular set - rectifiable set - recurrent set - reduced set - reduction set - reference set - reflexive set - regressive set - regularizing set - relational set - residual set - resolutive set - resolvable set - resolvent set - retraceable set - ringing set - rotund set - round set hammer - rudimentary set - saturated set - scar set - segregate set - selection set - semialgebraic set - semianalytic set - semiclassical set - semiclosed set - semicreative set - semiinvariant set - semilinear set - semimetric set - semiordered set - semipolar set - semiproductive set - semiregular set - semisimplicial set - separability set - separating set - set down - set equal to - set forth above - set forth - set in motion - set in - set limit to - set of adjunction - set of antisymmetry - set of assumptions - set of attainability - set of automorphisms - set of axioms - set of capacity zero - set of catastrophs - set of characteristics - set of choices - set oF COEFFICIENTS - set of connections - set of constancy - set of constraints - set of convergence - set of criteria - set of current - set of curves - set of data - set of decisions - set of degeneration - set of descriptions - set of dice - set of endomorphisms - set of equations - set of five - set of formulas - set of functions - set of gears - set of generators - set of imprimitivity - set of imputations - set of increase - set of integers - set of intransitivity - set of invariants - set of mappings - set of measurements - set of morphisms - set of multiplicity - set of numbers - set of observations - set of operations - set of outcomes - set of parameters - set of patterns - set of planes - set of points - set of positions - set of postulates - set of problems - set of processes - set of representatives - set of sentences - set of separability - set of sets - set of shuffles - set of states - set of statistics - set of strategies - set of subalgebras - set of symbols - set of threads - set of three - set of transformations - set of uniqueness - set of unknowns - set of variances - set of variates - set of vectors - set of warp - set of weft - set of words - set watch backward - set watch forward - shaft-sinking set - short-wave set - sifted set - single-valued set - singleton set - singular set - skew set - snap set - socket-powered set - solution set - spanning set - sparse set - special set - species of set - specification set - spectral set - splitting set - spring set - stable set - standardized set - star of set - star set - star-shaped set - state set - station set - stationary set - stopping set - stratified set - structured set - subgeneric set - subinvariant set - subjective set - subscriber set - subscriber's set - substitution of set - sufficient set - summable set - superarithmetical set - superposable set - supersparse set - symmetrical set - table-top set - taboo set - tame set - telephone set - tensorial set - terminal set - ternary set - test set - thick set - thin set - tie set - tight set - time set - topologized set - topology on set - total set - transcendent set - transfer set - transformation set - transitivity set - transmission measuring set - transverse set - trigonalizable set - truncation set - truth set - turbine-driven set - turbine-generator set - two-element set - two-sided set - ultrafiltered set - unbounded set - uncertainty set - unconnected set - uncountable set - underlying set - unglued set - unicity set - unidentifiable set - unification set - uniform set - uniformization of set - unit set - unit-productive set - unitary set - universal set - unlimited set - unordered set - unrecognizable set - unsparse set - unstable set - unstructured set - vector set - vertex set - visiting set - void set - well-ordered set - zero-dimensional set
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) фин. сокр. от secure electronic transaction 2) бирж. сокр. от Stock Exchange of Thailand SET 1. сущ. 1) комплект, ряд, группа; партия изделий 2) установка, прибор; агрегат 3) выбор • - at a set price - bill in set - bills in a set - constraint set - in a set of three - set about - set aside - set down - set forth - set of bills - set of exchange - set of general guidelines - set of inequalities - set of preferences - set of prices - set of rules - set of samples - set of statistical data - set of strategies - set of variables - set off - set out - set up an account - set up Syn: choice, selection, broad variety, trade-off, option, pick, unit, plant, assembly 2. прил. 1) определенный 2) постоянный, твердо установленный - set price - set programme - set wage 3. гл. 1) ставить, класть 2) устанавливать, назначать (цену) 3) пускать (в действие) 4) приводить (в состояние) 5) начинать - set a price - set apart - set limits to smth. - set the pattern SET сущ. 1) общ. комплект, набор; коллекция; ассортимент, партия изделий 2) потр. сервиз; гарнитур; прибор (туалетный, бритвенный, письменный) 3) общ. серия (лекций, наблюдений), ряд (домов, вопросов), совокупность (наблюдений) 4) общ. группа (лиц), компания (людей), банда или шайка (хулиганов), круг (определенных людей (напр., политиков, законодателей мод)); состав (учащихся, студентов) 5) тех. установка, агрегат; прибор, аппарат 6) СМИ съемочная площадка 7) СМИ декорация 8) тех. приемник (радио- или телевизионный) 9)...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) ряд; серия; набор 2) биом. множество, совокупность 3) кладка (яиц) 4) саженец; севок; посадочный материал; сажать, высаживать 5) завязь; завязываться (о плодах или семенах) 6) делать стойку (о собаке) 7) ставить сеть 8) телосложение 9) насиженный (о яйце) to set on — натравливать (собаку) to set out — высаживать to set up — восстанавливать силы – set of head – set of observations – set of puppies – set of samples – set of symptoms – chromosome set – control set – critical set – preparatory set ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. комплект, набор; коллекция in sets —- в комплектах, в наборах a set of chessmen —- шахматы a set of stamps —- комплект марок a set of sails —- мор. комплект парусов well-chosen set —- хорошо подобранная коллекция 2. сервиз a set of china —- фарфоровый сервиз 3. гарнитур a set of furniture —- гарнитур мебели 4. прибор toilet (dressing table) set —- туалетный прибор writing (desk) set —- письменный прибор razor set —- бритвенный прибор 5. (полный) комплект издания a set of Dickens —- (полное) собрание сочинений Диккенса 6. серия, ряд a set of houses —- ряд домов a set of lectures —- цикл лекций a set of rules —- список правил 7. совокупность a set of observations —- совокупность наблюдений 8. группа (лиц); состав a set of men —- группа людей a poor set of players —- плохая команда, плохие игроки four sets of dancers (partners) —- четыре пары танцоров 9. набор, состав (учащихся, студентов и т. п.) 10. компания, круг the political set —- политические круги 11. общество gambling set —- картежники, завсегдатаи игорных домов they have got into a bad set —- они попали в плохую компанию 12. банда, шайка a set of hooligans —- банда хулиганов a set of thieves —- шайка воров 13. театр. кин. декорация set designer —- художник по декорациям; художник кинофильма set dresser —- кин. декоратор 14. кин. съемочная площадка on the set —- на съемочной площадке...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) набор, комплект; a chess set - шахматы; a set of golf-clubs - комплект клюшек для гольфа; a dressing-table set - туалетный прибор; a set of Shakespeares plays - собрание произведений Шекспира - set of false teeth  2) круг людей, связанных общими интересами - the smart set - the fast set  3) радиоприемник; телевизор  4) направление (течения, ветра)  5) направленность, тенденция  6) конфигурация, очертания; строение; линии; осанка; the set of ones shoulders - линия плеч; the set of ones head - посадка головы; I dont like the set of his coat - мне не нравится, как на нем сидит пальто  7) poet. закат  8) сет (в теннисе)  9) стойка (собаки)  10) декорации; съемочная площадка  11) саженец; посадочный материал; onion sets - лук-саженец  12) молодой побег (растения)  13) укладка (волос)  14) psych. настрой  15) mining оклад крепи  16) tech. ширина развода (пилы)  17) constr. осадка  18) tech. остаточная деформация  19) tech. обжимка  20) text. съем - make a dead set Syn: see clique  2. adj.  1) неподвижный, застывший (о взгляде, улыбке)  2) обдуманный (о намерении); of set purpose - с умыслом; предумышленный  3) заранее приготовленный, составленный (о речи)  4) установленный, назначенный; предписанный  5) построенный  6) установившийся - set fair  7) твердый, решительный, непоколебимый  8) сложенный;...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) комплект; набор (кодов); группа 2) установка см. half-set c gray1) – alphanumeric set – analog subscriber set – answer relay set – antisidetone set – ASCII-character set – automatic zero set – auxiliary communication type set – beacon set – bridging set – callback-telephone set – channel set – character set – coded-character set – command set – common-battery set – conference set – converter set – cord set – cradle set – crystal set – customer set – data set – device-control code set – dial-telephone set – dictaphone set – digital subscriber set – direct-data set – discharging set – domestic-television set – duplex-trunk communication set – executive set – expansion set – extension set – fiber-optic terminal set – four-wire set – freehand set – frequency changer set – G1 code set – G2 code set – generating set – ground-to-airplane UHF-communication set – handset set – hybrid set – incoming set – industry TV-set – infrared-communications set – interface set – key set – language set – LH-termination set – local battery telephone set – local communication set – long distance dial set – loud-speaking communication set – magnet telephone set – manual telephone set – matching relay set – mosaic graphic set – noise/interference set – noise-immune set – nontemporary data set – null set – n-wire set – open-standard digital television set – operator's set – outgoing set – paging telephone set – paired subscriber's set – paired telephone set – PBX components set – personal hearing set – polar set – polar-battery set – primary group converting set – primary trunking set – projection set – push-button set – quaternary trunking set – radiac set – radio set – radiosonde set – receiving set – relay set – resistance set – satellite communication set – searching signaling set – selective communication set – SHF-antenna set – simplex trunk...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сокр. от stepped electrode transistor транзистор с выступающими электродами SET 1) набор; комплект; группа; ряд; семейство; партия 2) совокупность; множество 3) установка; агрегат; аппарат 4) горн. оклад (крепи) 5) батарея коксовых печей 6) установка; регулирование; настройка; наладка устанавливать; регулировать; настраивать; налаживать 7) юстировка юстировать 8) остаточная деформация 9) схватывание; затвердевание; отверждение схватывать(ся); затвердевать; отверждать(ся) 10) стабилизация; фиксация (красителя, нити) стабилизировать; фиксировать (краситель, нить) 11) крепление закреплять 12) осадка (грунта) оседать (о грунте) 13) накрывка (штукатурки) наносить накрывку 14) глубина погружения сваи при ударе молота 15) разводка (зубьев пилы) разводить (зубья пилы) 16) радиостанция 17) радиоприёмник 18) телевизионный приёмник, телевизор 19) вчт. установка в состояние "1" устанавливать в состояние "1" 20) тлв, кфт. декорация 21) полигр. набор набирать 22) полигр. сет (единица измерения ширины знака) 23) закреплять, высыхать (о печатной краске) 24) полигр. комплект, гарнитура 25) свёртываться (о молоке) 26) отстаиваться (о сливках) 27) замешивать (тесто) set after break — остаточное...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. (setting; past and past part. set) 1 tr. put, lay, or stand (a thing) in a certain position or location (set it on the table; set it upright). 2 tr. (foll. by to) apply (one thing) to (another) (set pen to paper). 3 tr. a fix ready or in position. b dispose suitably for use, action, or display. 4 tr. a adjust the hands of (a clock or watch) to show the right time. b adjust (an alarm clock) to sound at the required time. 5 tr. a fix, arrange, or mount. b insert (a jewel) in a ring, framework, etc. 6 tr. make (a device) ready to operate. 7 tr. lay (a table) for a meal. 8 tr. arrange (the hair) while damp so that it dries in the required style. 9 tr. (foll. by with) ornament or provide (a surface, esp. a precious item) (gold set with gems). 10 tr. bring by placing or arranging or other means into a specified state; cause to be (set things in motion; set it on fire). 11 intr. & tr. harden or solidify (the jelly is set; the cement has set). 12 intr. (of the sun, moon, etc.) appear to move towards and below the earth's horizon (as the earth rotates). 13 tr. represent (a story, play, scene, etc.) as happening in a certain time or place. 14 tr. a (foll. by to + infin.) cause or instruct (a person) to perform a specified activity (set them to work). b (foll. by pres. part.) start (a person or thing) doing something (set him chatting; set the ball rolling). 15 tr. present or impose as work to be done or a matter to be dealt with (set them an essay). 16 tr. exhibit as a type or model (set a good example). 17 tr. initiate; take the lead in (set the fashion; set the pace). 18 tr. establish (a record etc.). 19 tr. determine or decide (the itinerary is set). 20 tr. appoint or establish (set them in authority). 21 tr. join, attach, or fasten. 22 tr. a put parts of (a broken or dislocated bone, limb, etc.) into the correct position for healing. b deal with (a fracture or dislocation) in this way. 23 tr. (in full set to music) provide (words etc.) with music for singing. 24 tr. (often foll. by up) Printing a arrange or produce (type or film...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English ~ten, from Old English ~tan; akin to Old High German sezzen to ~, Old English sittan to sit  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to cause to sit ; place in or on a seat  2.  a. to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them  b. to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator  3. to place (oneself) in position to start running in a race  4.  a. to place with care or deliberate purpose and with relative stability ~ a ladder against the wall ~ a stone on the grave  b. transplant 1 ~ seedlings  c.  (1) to make (as a trap) ready to catch prey  (2) to fix (a hook) firmly into the jaw of a fish  d. to put aside (as dough containing yeast) for fermenting  5. to direct with fixed attention ~ your mind to it  6.  a. to cause to assume a specified condition, relation, or occupation slaves were ~ free ~ the house on fire  b. to cause the start of ~ a fire  7.  a. to appoint or assign to an office or duty  b. post, station  8. to cause to assume a specified posture or position ~ the door ajar  9.  a. to fix as a distinguishing imprint, sign, or appearance the years have ~ their mark on him  b. affix  c. apply ~ a match to kindling  10. to fix or decide on as a time, limit, or regulation ; prescribe ~ a wedding day ~ the rules for the game  11.  a. to establish as the highest level or best performance ~ a record for the half mile  b. to furnish as a pattern or model ~ an example of generosity  c. to allot as a task ~ting lessons for the children to work upon at home — Manchester Examiner  12.  a. to adjust (a device and especially a measuring device) to a desired position ~ the alarm for 7:00 ~ a thermostat at 68; also to adjust (as a clock) in conformity with a standard  b. to restore to normal position or connection when dislocated or fractured ~ a broken bone  c. to spread to the wind ~ the sails  13.  a. to put in order for use ~ a place for a guest  b. to make scenically ready for a performance...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]NOUN USES (sets) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A set of things is a number of things that belong together or that are thought of as a group. There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country... I might need a spare set of clothes... The computer repeats a set of calculations... Only she and Mr Cohen had complete sets of keys to the shop... The mattress and base are normally bought as a set. ...a chess set. N-COUNT: oft N of n 2. In tennis, a set is one of the groups of six or more games that form part of a match. Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set. N-COUNT: oft supp N 3. In mathematics, a set is a group of mathematical quantities that have some characteristic in common. N-COUNT 4. A band’s or musician’s set is the group of songs or tunes that they perform at a concert. The band continued with their set after a short break... N-COUNT 5. You can refer to a group of people as a set if they meet together socially or have the same interests and lifestyle. He belonged to what the press called ‘The Chelsea Set’. N-SING: supp N see also jet set 6. The set for a play, film, or television show is the furniture and scenery that is on the stage when the play is being performed or in the studio where filming takes place. From the first moment he got on the set, he wanted to be a director too... ...his stage sets for the Folies Bergeres. N-COUNT: also on/off N 7. The set of someone’s face or part of their body is the way that it is fixed in a particular expression or position, especially one that shows determination. Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders... N-SING: usu the N of n 8. A set is an appliance. For example, a television set is a television. Children spend so much time in front of the television set... N-COUNT: oft supp N II. [c red]VERB AND ADJECTIVE USES (sets, setting) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The form...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle set »PUT DOWN« 1 »PUT« T always + adv/prep to carefully put something down somewhere, especially something that is difficult to carry  (set sth down/on etc)  (She set the tray down on a table next to his bed.) »START STH HAPPENING« 2 set sth on fire/alight/ablaze to make something start burning  (Crowds of youths started overturning cars and setting them on fire.) 3 set the pattern/tone/trend to happen or do something in a particular way that is then repeated many times or which continues for a long time  (Gabriel's style set the trend for the scores of rock videos that followed.) 4 set in motion/progress/train to make something start happening, especially by means of an official order  (The government is to set in motion a wide-ranging review of defence spending.) »DECIDE/ESTABLISH« 5 set a time/date/price etc to decide that something should happen at a particular time, cost a particular amount of money etc  (Have you set a date for the wedding?) 6 set guidelines/standards/conditions/limits etc to officially establish rules, standards etc for doing something  (standards of hygiene set by the Health Department) 7 set a precedent if an event or action sets a precedent, it shows people a way of doing something which they can use or copy  (If her claim against her employers is successful, it could set a legal precedent.) »JOB/STH TO DO« 8 set sb a task/challenge/goal etc to decide that someone should try and achieve something, especially something that needs a lot of effort  (Wilkins then set himself the task of tagging all the birds on the island. | set yourself to do sth)  (She had set herself to write a novel.) 9 »GIVE SB A PIECE OF WORK« BrE to give someone a piece of work to do, especially a student in your class or someone who works for you  (set sb sth)  (Mr. Phipps set us an essay on the origins of the French Revolution.) 10 »EXAMINATION« BrE to invent questions for students to answer, especially in an examination  (Whoever set the questions obviously didn't know much...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: GET SET. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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