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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - raft


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Перевод с английского языка raft на русский

плот, плотовой inflatable life raft — надувной спасательный плот raft section lineлинейка сплоточных единиц rigid life raft — жесткий спасательный плот - concrete raft - life raft - raft section
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. плот 2. паром 3. ав. надувной спасательный плот 4. сплав древесины; гонка леса 5. ам. затор (на сплаве; также timber raft) 6. наплавной мост 7. скопление птиц (на воде) 8. сплачивать лес; составлять плот 9. сплавлять лес в плотах; гнать плот 10. переправлять на плоту или на пароме 11. ам. разг. уйма, куча a raft of trouble —- куча неприятностей ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  bridge наплавной мост RAFT I  1. noun плот  2. v.  1) составлять или гнать плот; сплавлять (лес)  2) переправлять(ся) на плоту или пароме II noun amer.; coll. уйма, куча; множество; масса ...
Англо-русский словарь
  ростверк опорная фундаментная плита плот buoyancy raft cellular raft combed fascine raft reinforced concrete raft stiffened raft ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  сокр. от raceway adiabatic flame temperature адиабатическая температура пламени в зоне окисления RAFT 1) плот сплавлять лес плотами 2) затор (на лесосплаве) 3) сплошной фундамент; плита сплошного фундамента; свайный ростверк - buoyant raft - chimney raft - inflatable raft - log raft - round boom raft - sea-going raft - stream raft ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a flat floating structure of timber or other materials for conveying persons or things. 2 a lifeboat or small (often inflatable) boat, esp. for use in emergencies. 3 a floating accumulation of trees, ice, etc. --v. 1 tr. transport as or on a raft. 2 tr. cross (water) on a raft. 3 tr. form into a raft. 4 intr. (often foll. by across) work a raft (across water etc.). Etymology: ME f. ON raptr RAFTER 2. n. colloq. 1 a large collection. 2 (foll. by of) a crowd. Etymology: raff rubbish, perh. of Scand. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e ~er, ~, from Old Norse raptr ~er  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a collection of logs or timber fastened together for conveyance by water  b. a flat structure for support or transportation on water  2. a floating cohesive mass  3. an aggregation of animals (as waterfowl) resting on the water  II. verb  Date: 1706  transitive verb  1. to transport in the form of or by means of a ~; also to convey (as pebbles) in floating ice or masses of organic material  2. to make into a ~  intransitive verb to travel by ~  III. noun  Etymology: alteration of raff jumble  Date: 1830 a large collection or number ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rafts) 1. A raft is a floating platform made from large pieces of wood or other materials tied together. ...a river trip on bamboo rafts through dense rainforest. N-COUNT 2. A raft is a small rubber or plastic boat that you blow air into to make it float. The crew spent two days and nights in their raft. N-COUNT see also life raft 3. A raft of people or things is a lot of them. He has surrounded himself with a raft of advisers who are very radical... = host of N-COUNT: usu sing, N of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a flat floating structure, usually made of pieces of wood tied together, used as a boat 2 a flat floating structure that you can sit on, jump from etc when you are swimming 3 a (whole) raft of spoken, especially AmE a large number of things or large amount of something  (He has a whole raft of camera equipment.) 4 a small flat rubber boat filled with air, used if a boat sinks or a plane crashes into the sea ~2 v to travel by raft or carry things by raft ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  non-prof. org. abbr. Recovering Addicts Fellowship Team educ. abbr. Remote Accessible Field Trips ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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