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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - poise


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Перевод с английского языка poise на русский

1) противовес 2) пуаз (единица вязкости SGS) 3) равновесие
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См. в других словарях

  1. равновесие, устойчивость to lose one's poise —- потерять равновесие 2. уравновешенность a man of poise —- уравновешенный человек 3. выдержка, самообладание to recover one's poise —- обрести покой (душевное равновесие) to show poise in company —- уметь держаться на людях one could tell she had poise from the way she walked onto the stage —- по тому, как она вышла на сцену, было видно, что она владеет собою 4. манера держаться; осанка; посадка головы she tried to copy her mother's poise —- она старалась подражать матери в манере держаться 5. состояние нерешительности, колебание 6. нерешенность to hang at poise —- висеть в воздухе, быть нерешенным 7. парение the poise of a bird in the air —- парение птицы в воздухе 8. тех. пуаз (единица вязкости) 9. удерживать в равновесии to poise a basket on one's head —- нести корзину на голове 10. балансировать; удерживаться, держаться (в равновесии) he poised himself on his toes —- он стоял на цыпочках 11. держать (голову) his head is poised very much forward —- голова у него сильно наклонена вперед 12. висеть в воздухе; парить a bird poised in flight —- птица, парящая в полете a helicopter poised overhead —- вертолет, зависший над нами she poised her fork —- вилка застыла в ее руке 13. держать наготове, поднять, приготовить для броска (копье и т. п.) 14. колебаться, качаться to be poised on...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) равновесие  2) уравновешенность; самообладание  3) посадка головы; осанка  4) состояние нерешительности, колебание  5) гиря (часов и т.п.) Syn: see confidence  2. v.  1) удерживать в равновесии  2) балансировать; держаться (в равновесии); The house is now poised on the very edge, ready to fall.  3) держать (голову)  4) висеть в воздухе; парить; Danger seemed to be poised over our heads.  5) поднять для броска (копье, пику)  6) fig. взвешивать, обдумывать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) гиря 2) равновесие 3) уравновешивание уравновешивать 4) балансировать 5) пуаз (внесистемная единица динамической вязкости) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 composure or self-possession of manner. 2 equilibrium; a stable state. 3 carriage (of the head etc.). --v. 1 tr. balance; hold suspended or supported. 2 tr. carry (one's head etc. in a specified way). 3 intr. be balanced; hover in the air etc. Etymology: ME f. OF pois, peis, peser ult. f. L pensum weight f. pendere pens- weigh 2. n. Physics a unit of dynamic viscosity, such that a tangential force of one dyne per square centimetre causes a velocity change one centimetre per second between two parallel planes in a liquid separated by one centimetre. Etymology: J. L. M. Poiseuille, Fr. physician d. 1869 ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; poising)  Etymology: Middle English, to weigh, ponder, from Anglo-French peiser, ~r, from Latin pensare — more at pensive  Date: 1598  transitive verb  1.  a. balance; especially to hold or carry in equilibrium carried a water jar ~d on her head  b. to hold supported or suspended without motion in a steady position ~d her fork and gave her guest a knowing look — Louis Bromfield  2. to hold or carry (the head) in a particular way  3. to put into readiness ; brace  intransitive verb  1. to become drawn up into readiness  2. hover  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English poyse weight, heaviness, from Anglo-French peis, pois, from Latin pensum, from neuter of pensus, past participle of pendere to weigh — more at pendant  Date: 1649  1. a stably balanced state ; equilibrium a ~ between widely divergent impulses — F. R. Leavis  2.  a. easy self-possessed assurance of manner ; gracious tact in coping or handling; also the pleasantly tranquil interaction between persons of ~ no angry outbursts marred the ~ of the meeting  b. a particular way of carrying oneself ; bearing, carriage  Synonyms: see tact  III. noun  Etymology: French, from Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille died 1869 French physician and anatomist  Date: 1913 a centimeter-gram-second unit of viscosity equal to the viscosity of a fluid that would require a shearing force of one dyne to impart to a one-square-centimeter area of an arbitrary layer of the fluid a velocity of one centimeter per second relative to another layer separated from the first by a distance of one centimeter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If someone has poise, they are calm, dignified, and self-controlled. It took a moment for Mark to recover his poise. N-UNCOUNT: oft poss N 2. Poise is a graceful, very controlled way of standing and moving. Ballet classes are important for poise and grace... N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a calm, confident way of behaving, combined with an ability to control your feelings or reactions in difficult situations  (Travelling around Europe by herself seems to have given Louisa more poise and confidence.) 2 a graceful way of moving or standing, so that your body seems balanced and not awkward  (the poise of a dancer) ~2 v T always + adv/prep to put or hold something in a carefully balanced position, especially above something else  (poise sth over/above etc)  (Benjamin poised the bottle over the second glass and glanced at Consuela to see if she wanted a drink.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1421, "weight," later "significance" (1457), from O.Fr. pois "weight, balance, consideration," from M.L. pesum "weight," from L. pensum, noun use of neuter pp. of pendere "to weigh." The sense of "steadiness, composure" first recorded 1649. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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