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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - insure


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  – to insure protection INSURE гл. 1) страховать, застраховывать 2) обеспечивать, гарантировать Syn: hedge ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. страховать, застраховать to insure one's life (oneself) —- застраховать свою жизнь to insure one's house against fire —- застраховать свой дом от пожара 2. застраховаться, страховаться 3. обеспечивать, гарантировать to insure (smb.) success —- обеспечить (кому-л.) успех 4. уберечь to insure smb. against (from) smth. —- уберечь кого-л. от чего-л. ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) страховать(ся), застраховывать(ся) (against) How much will it cost to insure the building against fire?  2) обеспечивать, гарантировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v.tr. 1 (often foll. by against; also absol.) secure the payment of a sum of money in the event of loss or damage to (property, life, a person, etc.) by regular payments or premiums (insured the house for {pound}100,000; we have insured against flood damage) (cf. ASSURANCE). 2 (of the owner of a property, an insurance company, etc.) secure the payment of (a sum of money) in this way. 3 (usu. foll. by against) provide for (a possible contingency) (insured themselves against the rain by taking umbrellas). 4 US = ENSURE. Derivatives insurable adj. insurability n. Etymology: ME, var. of ENSURE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; insuring)  Etymology: Middle English, to assure, probably alteration of assuren  Date: 1635  transitive verb  1. to provide or obtain insurance on or for  2. to make certain especially by taking necessary measures and precautions  intransitive verb to contract to give or take insurance  Synonyms: see ensure ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (insures, insuring, insured) 1. If you insure yourself or your property, you pay money to an insurance company so that, if you become ill or if your property is damaged or stolen, the company will pay you a sum of money. For protection against unforeseen emergencies, you insure your house, your furnishings and your car... Think carefully before you insure against accident, sickness and redundancy... We automatically insure your belongings against fire and theft. VERB: V n, V against/for n, V n against/for n 2. If you insure yourself against something unpleasant that might happen in the future, you do something to protect yourself in case it happens, or to prevent it happening. He insured himself against failure by treating only people he was sure he could cure... All the electronics in the world cannot insure against accidents, though. VERB: V pron-refl against n, V against n 3. see also ensure ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to buy insurance to protect yourself against something bad happening to you, your family, your possessions etc  (Have you insured the contents of your home? | insure (sth/sb) against sth)  (It would be wise to insure your property against storm damage. | insure sth for -1000/$2000 etc)  (I would advise you to insure the painting for at least -100,000.) 2 to provide insurance for something or someone  (Many companies won't insure young drivers.) 3 an American spelling of ensure insure against sth phr v to protect yourself against the risk of something bad happening by planning or preparing  (No matter what precautions you may take, you cannot insure against every eventuality.)  ( USAGE NOTE: INSURE WORD CHOICE assure, reassure, insure, ensure, make sure If you assure someone of something, you tell them that it is really true or will happen The receptionist assured me that I would not have to wait long. | Christianity assures us there is life after death. You reassure someone who is worried by telling them that there is nothing to worry about The doctor reassured me that there would be no pain. You may insure something against something bad happening to it by paying money to an insurance company Is the house insured against fire? | Julia Roberts' legs are insured for a large amount of money. It is also possible to insure your life against death, though where something is certain to happen one day the technical British English word is assure. If you ensure (usually insure in American English) that something happens, that means you make certain or make sure (more informal) it does happen Please ensure that the lights are switched off before leaving the building. In some situations assure can be used in this meaning too where the object is reflexive or what is ensured is something such as success, safety, comfort etc I assured myself of a seat at the front (=I made sure I got one). | The band's latest release has assured their success in the rock world (=ensured that they will be successful). ) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1412, variant of ensuren (see endure). Took on its particular sense of "make safe against loss by payment of premiums" c.1635 (replacing assure in that meaning); insurance applied to this activity 1651. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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