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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - imprint


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См. в других словарях

  отпечаток; маркер; отпечатывать; маркировать IMPULSE FORCE импульс силы ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  выходные сведения данные (в изданиях) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  отпечаток ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. оттиск, след, отпечаток the imprint of a foot —- отпечаток ноги 2. печать, след, отпечаток the imprint of anxiety —- печать беспокойства suffering left an imprint on her face —- на ее лице следы страдания 3. полигр. выходные сведения, выходные данные 4. импринт на титульном листе (с указанием места, издательства) 5. ставить печать; штемпелевать to imprint a postmark on a letter, to imprint a letter with a postmark —- проштемпелевать письмо 6. отмпечатывать to imprint a desing on wax —- отпечатать рисунок на воске 7. оставлять след to imprint the snow with footsteps —- оставить следы на снегу to imprint a kiss —- запечатлеть поцелуй 8. запечатлевать, фиксировать, закреплять (в памяти) ideas imprinted on the mind —- мысли, запечатлевшиеся в уме imprint this in your memory —- запомни это ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) отпечаток also fig. ; штамп the imprint of cares - следы забот  2) typ. выходные сведения, выходные данные (тж. publishers или printers imprint)  2. v.  1) отпечатывать (on, with) The firm has a special machine for imprinting the right postage on their envelopes.  2) оставлять след; запечатлевать (on, in) Mothers idea of the perfect house was already imprinted on her mind by a picture that she had seen in the newspaper, before we ever started looking at property for sale. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) клеймо клеймить 2) отпечаток, оттиск отпечатывать, делать оттиск 3) выходные данные (сведения о наименовании и месте расположения издательства или типографии) 4) полигр, впечатывать 5) рбт осязательный образ (информация от тактильных датчиков) - publisher's imprint ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by on) impress or establish firmly, esp. on the mind. 2 a (often foll. by on) make a stamp or impression of (a figure etc.) on a thing. b make an impression on (a thing) with a stamp etc. --n. 1 an impression or stamp. 2 the printer's or publisher's name and other details printed in a book. Etymology: ME f. OF empreinter empreint f. L imprimere: see IMPRESSION IMPRINTING n. 1 in senses of IMPRINT v. 2 Zool. the development in a young animal of a pattern of recognition and trust for its own species. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English emprenten, from Anglo-French emprient, 3d singular of enpreindre to impress (from Latin imprimere) & empreinter, from emprent, past participle of enpreindre  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to mark by or as if by pressure ; impress  2.  a. to fix indelibly or permanently (as on the memory)  b. to subject to or induce by ~ing an ~ed preference  intransitive verb to undergo ~ing  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English enpreent, from Anglo-French emprente, from feminine of emprent, past participle of enpreindre  Date: 15th century something ~ed or printed: as  a. a mark or depression made by pressure the fossil ~ of a dinosaur's foot  b. an identifying name (as of a publisher) placed conspicuously on a product; also the name under which a publisher issues books  c. an indelible distinguishing effect or influence ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (imprinted) 1. If something leaves an imprint on a place or on your mind, it has a strong and lasting effect on it. The city bears the imprint of Japanese investment... N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of/on n 2. When something is imprinted on your memory, it is firmly fixed in your memory so that you will not forget it. The skyline of domes and minarets was imprinted on my memory... He repeated the names, as if to imprint them in his mind... VERB: be V-ed on/in n, V n on/in n 3. An imprint is a mark or outline made by the pressure of one object on another. The ground still bore the imprints of their feet. N-COUNT 4. If a surface is imprinted with a mark or design, that mark or design is printed on the surface or pressed into it. Stationery can be imprinted with your message or logo... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with/on n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the mark left by an object being pressed into or onto something + of  (the imprint of her hand on the soft sand) 2 technical the name of a publisher as it appears on a book  (This dictionary is published under the Longman imprint.) ~2 v 1 be imprinted on your mind/memory if something is imprinted on your mind or memory, you can never forget it  (The sight of her waving from the window was forever imprinted on my mind.) 2 to print or press the mark of an object on something  (be imprinted with)  (notepaper imprinted with the Duke's monogram) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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