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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - ignition


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Перевод с английского языка ignition на русский

1) воспламенение 2) воспламенительный 3) загорание 4) зажжение 5) зажигание adjust ignition timingустанавливать зажигание bridge wire ignition — зажигание электрозапалом control ignition timing — регулировать зажигание dual spark ignition — двухискровое зажигание ignition tube testпроба калильной трубкой precombustion chamber ignition — форкамерное зажигание spontaneous ignition engine — ракетн. двигатель самореагирующий - advanced ignition - catalytic ignition - delayed ignition - glow-plug ignition - hot-bulb ignition - hot-tube ignition - ignition adjustment - ignition advance - ignition agent - ignition angle - ignition battery - ignition cable - ignition circuit - ignition coil - ignition compound - ignition distributor - ignition equipment - ignition flame - ignition harness - ignition hazard - ignition hearth - ignition key - ignition lag - ignition lock - ignition point - ignition potential - ignition spark - ignition temperature - ignition timing - ignition torch - ignition tube - ignition wire - impact ignition - incomplete ignition - late ignition - loss on ignition - magneto ignition - miss of ignition - multistep ignition - pilot-flame ignition - single ignition - spark ignition - spark-plug ignition - spontaneous ignition - two-spark ignition - wick ignition
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См. в других словарях

  1) озоление 2) прокаливание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. воспламенение, возгорание; вспышка the ignition of the forest was caused by lightning —- лес загорелся от молнии 2. тех. зажигание; запал; прокаливание ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) воспламенение, зажигание; вспышка; запал  2) прокаливание  3) attr. запальный ...
Англо-русский словарь
  возгорание, воспламенение; зажигание spontaneous ignition ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) воспламенение, возгорание; зажигание 2) розжиг (доменной печи) 3) прокаливание; озоление; обзоливание 4) горн. взрывание 5) воспламенитель; зажигатель ignition in gas — возникновение разряда в газе; to adjust ignition — регулировать (выставлять) зажигание - advanced ignition - autogenous ignition - battery ignition - coil ignition - compression ignition - delayed ignition - deposit-induced ignition - dual ignition - early ignition - electric ignition - electronic ignition - flame ignition - forced ignition - friction ignition - gas ignition - high-tension ignition - hot-wire ignition - impact ignition - incomplete ignition - irregular ignition - late ignition - magneto ignition - major fuel spillage ignition - methane ignition - premature ignition - primer ignition - repetitive gas ignition - shock-initiated ignition - spark ignition - spontaneous ignition - surface ignition - thermonuclear ignition ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a mechanism for, or the action of, starting the combustion of mixture in the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine. 2 the act or an instance of igniting or being ignited. Phrases and idioms ignition key a key to operate the ignition of a motor vehicle. Etymology: F ignition or med.L ignitio (as IGNITE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 1612  1. the act or action of igniting: as  a. the starting of a fire  b. the heating of a plasma to a temperature high enough to sustain nuclear fusion  2.  a. the process or means (as an electric spark) of igniting a fuel mixture  b. a device that activates an ~ system (as in an automobile) put the key in the ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ignitions) 1. In a car engine, the ignition is the part where the fuel is ignited. The device automatically disconnects the ignition. N-VAR 2. Inside a car, the ignition is the part where you turn the key so that the engine starts. N-SING: the N 3. Ignition is the process of something starting to burn. The ignition of methane gas killed eight men. N-UNCOUNT IGNOBLE If you describe something as ignoble, you mean that it is bad and something to be ashamed of. (FORMAL) ...ignoble thoughts. ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the electrical part of a vehicle's engine that makes it start working 2 formal the act of starting to burn, or making something do this ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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