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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - dis


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матем.; сокр. от discontinuity разрывность
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См. в других словарях

  сокр. от discount скидка DIS фин., банк. сокр. от discount DIS фин., банк. сокр. от discount ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  Draft International Standard noun международный печатный стандарт ...
Англо-русский словарь
   I. transitive verb  also ~s  (~sed; ~sing)  Etymology: short for ~respect  Date: 1982  1. slang to treat with ~respect or contempt ; insult  2. slang to find fault with ; criticize  II. noun  also ~s  Date: 1990  1. slang a ~paraging remark or act ; insult was meant as a tribute, not a ~ — Vibe  2. slang ~respect  III. abbreviation  1. ~charge  2. ~count  3. ~tance DIS  noun  Etymology: Latin  Date: 1567 the Roman god of the underworld — compare Pluto ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  physiol. abbr. Disease physiol. abbr. Delayed Itch Syndrome physiol. abbr. Disabled UN abbr. Died In Shame FBI files abbr. Defense Investigative Service mil. abbr. Defense Information System mil. abbr. Distributed Interactive Simulation mil. abbr. Defense Investigative Service mil. abbr. Director of Installation Support mil. abbr. Died In Shame airport code Loubomo, Congo ac. degr. abbr. Decision Information Sciences univ. abbr. Designing Interactive Systems gen. comp. abbr. Draft International Standard network. abbr. Deeply Integrated Systems network. abbr. Desktop Infrastructure Services file ext. abbr. Thesaurus (CorelDraw) file ext. abbr. Distribution list (VAX Mail) law abbr. Direct Immediate And Specific law abbr. Died In Shame NYSE symbols Walt Disney Company ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - prefix meaning 1. "opposite of, lack of, not" (dishonest); 2. "do the opposite of" (disallow); 3. "apart, away" (discard), from O.Fr. des-, from L. dis- "apart." Related to bis and to duo, on notion of "two-ways, in twain." Dis has even stepped out on its own as a word (1980), as a shortening of disrespect or dismiss, originally in U.S. Black English, popularized by hip hop. Many words beginning with this in Mod.Eng. are transparent (disconnect, etc.) and etymologies can be found in listings for their stems. Words listed here are those whose unprefixed form is not an obvious word in Eng. (discreet) or whose meaning has drifted significantly (disease). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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