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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - cop


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Перевод с английского языка cop на русский

1) зоол.хохолок (у птиц) 2) верхушка (холма)
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См. в других словарях

  сокр. от cost of production ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) хохолок (у птиц) 2) початок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  разг. полицейский Некогда было пренебрежительным названием полицейского, в наше время полностью утратило этот оттенок. Употребляется и самими полицейскими. По-видимому, слово происходит от названия медных пуговиц, которые некогда украшали мундир полицейского (COPper button) ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. разг. полицейский 2. поимка hair cop —- поимка на месте преступления 3. разг. поймать, застать to cop smb. at it —- поймать кого-л. на месте преступления 4. разг. получить to cop a prize —- завоевать приз to cop it —- получить нагоняй you're going to cop it for saying that —- за такие слова ты получишь, тебе достанется; попасть в неприятную историю 5. сл. украсть, стащить 6. сл. ударить, треснуть (кого-л.) Id: to cop a plea —- признать себя виновным в менее серьезном преступлении, чтобы избежать суда по более тяжкому обвинению Id: to cop a heel (a mope) —- жарг. сбежать, дать тягу 7. австрал. новозел. разг. выгодная работа, выгодное дело Id: no cop, not much cop —- не Бог весть что 8. текст. початок; шпуля ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  out  а) coll. признать себя виновным The younger of the thieves copped out and so they were all caught.  б) coll. отговориться, отвертеться; уклониться (от ответа, обязанности); избегать He said he would help us and then he copped out. You cant cop out of your responsibility to your children. You cant cop out of raising your children. COP I coll.  1. noun  1) полицейский; полисмен, фараон  2) поимка - fair cop  2. v. поймать, застать (на месте преступления) (at) to cop it coll. -  а) поймать, сцапать;  б) попасться, попасть в беду you will cop it - тебе попадет to cop from coll. - попросить Can I cop a cigarette from you? - cop out Syn: see steal II noun  1) верхушка чего-л.  2) хохолок (птицы)  3) text. початок ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) текст. початок; шпуля 2) кипа COP I сокр. от character-output printer алфавитно-цифровое печатающее устройство, АЦПУ II сокр. от Codes of Practice строительные нормы и правила (Великобритания) III сокр. от coefficient of performance коэффициент полезного действия, кпд IV сокр. от coorbiting platforms (космические) платформы на компланарных орбитах V сокр. от Cut-Order-Planning Program швейн. программа планирования раскроя изделий по заказам ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. sl. --n. 1 a policeman. 2 Brit. a capture or arrest (it's a fair cop). --v.tr. (copped, copping) 1 catch or arrest (an offender). 2 receive, suffer. 3 take, seize. Phrases and idioms cop it 1 get into trouble; be punished. 2 be killed. cop out 1 withdraw; give up an attempt. 2 go back on a promise. 3 escape. cop-out n. 1 a cowardly or feeble evasion. 2 an escape; a way of escape. cop-shop a police station. not much (or no) cop Brit. of little or no value or use. Etymology: perh. f. obs. cap arrest f. OF caper seize f. L capere: (n.) cf. COPPER(2) 2. n. (in spinning) a conical ball of thread wound on a spindle. Etymology: OE cop summit ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~p  Date: before 12th century  1. dialect chiefly England top, crest  2. a cylindrical or conical mass of thread, yarn, or roving wound on a quill or tube; also a quill or tube upon which it is wound  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: perhaps from Dutch kapen to steal, from Frisian kapia to buy; akin to Old High German kouf trade — more at cheap  Date: 1704  transitive verb  1. slang to get hold of ; catch, capture; also purchase  2. slang steal, swipe  3. adopt 2 ~ an attitude  intransitive verb slang admit 2b — used with to these small-timers would…~ to the smallest offense their attorney could negotiate — Tom Clancy  III. noun  Etymology: short for 3~per  Date: 1859 police officer  IV. abbreviation  1. ~per  2. ~ulative  3. ~y  4. ~yright ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cops) A cop is a policeman or policewoman. (INFORMAL) Frank didn’t like having the cops know where to find him. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 informal a police officer  (a motorcycle cop) 2 not be much cop BrE slang to not be very good  (The film wasn't much cop, was it?) 3 it's a fair cop BrE spoken humorous used when someone has discovered that you have done something wrong and you want to admit it ~2 v copped, copping slang 1 cop it BrE spoken to be punished  (You'll cop it from your Mum when she finds out!) 2 cop (a load of) this BrE spoken used to say look at or listen to this 3 cop hold of (only in imperative) BrE spoken used to tell someone to take or hold something  (Cop hold of my bag while I go and get the tickets.) 4 cop a plea AmE to agree to say you are guilty of a crime in order to receive a less severe punishment 5 cop a feel AmE to touch someone in a sexual way when they do not want you to cop off phr v BrE slang to meet someone and start a sexual relationship with them  (So, what's the gossip? Did you cop off?)  (Who was it he copped off with at the Christmas party?) cop out phr v slang to not do something that you are supposed to do  (It's your turn to sing - you can't cop out now.)  (- see also cop out) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  UN abbr. Convention Of The Parties U.S. gov. abbr. Coastal Ocean Program transport. abbr. Child Occupant Protection transport. abbr. Child Occupancy Protection mil. abbr. Contingency Operation Plan mil. abbr. Command Observation Post mil. abbr. Common Operational Plan mil. abbr. Common Operational Picture mil. abbr. Community Of Practice 3-let. lang. abbr. Coptic curr. abbr. Colombian Peso railroad abbr. City of Prineville Railway ocean sc. abbr. Coastal Ocean Program electron. abbr. Controller Operating Properly adult abbr. Cappin Our Peeps network. abbr. Coda Optimistic Protocol media abbr. Children Of The Phoenix non-prof. org. abbr. Christian Orthopaedic Partners educ. abbr. Committee of Practitioners educ. abbr. Certificate of Participation sport abbr. Close Of Play religion abbr. Christians On Patrol law abbr. Conference Of Parties law abbr. Consumption On Premises law abbr. Coalition Of Police law abbr. Community On Patrol law abbr. Community Oriented Policing law abbr. Conference Of The Parties law abbr. Community Oriented Police law abbr. Contempt Of Police gen. bus. abbr. Cross Our Palms gen. bus. abbr. Call Or Put Warrant gen. bus. abbr. Cost Of Production gen. bus. abbr. Certificate Of Production NYSE symbols Consolidated Products, Inc. (delisted) NYSE symbols CONOCO Phillips, Inc. pos. abbr. Constable On Patrol pos. abbr. Continuation Of Pay ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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