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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - tea


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Перевод с английского языка tea на русский

1) чай (Thea) 2) камелия (Camelia) – Appalachian tea – Ayapana tea – beef tea – Canada tea – Carolina tea – Indian kidney tea – Labrador tea – liberty tea – marsh tea – Mexican tea – mountain tea – New Jersey tea – Oswego tea – Paraguay tea – south-sea tea – teezan tea – wild tea
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  девичник Вечеринка в женском студенческом обществе sorority, на которую не допускаются лица мужского пола. Ср. smoker ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. бот. чай, чайное растение (Camelia sinensis) tea plantation —- чайная плантация 2. чай Ceylon tea —- цейлонский чай strong tea —- крепкий чай tile tea —- кирпичный чай Russian tea —- чай с лимоном, подающийся в стаканах tea taster —- дегустатор чая tea blending —- чайный букет, смесь различных сортов чая tea culture —- чаеводство cup of tea —- чашка чаю to have tea —- пить чай to make tea —- заваривать чай to pour out tea —- разливать чай the tea drew well —- чай хорошо заварился 3. настой; отвар; бульон blackcurrant tea —- черносмородинный отвар beef tea —- крепкий мясной бульон 4. ужин с чаем (трапеза) afternoon tea —- полдник meat tea —- плотный ужин с чаем what shall we have for tea? —- что у нас будет на ужин? 5. чай, чашка чая to ask smb. in to tea —- пригласить кого-л. на чашку чая 6. ам. желто-зеленый цвет 7. сл. "чаек", марихуана 8. разг. поить чаем 9. разг. пить чай to tea at five o'clock —- пить чай в пять часов ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) чай; afternoon tea, high/meat tea - плотный ужин с чаем - tile tea - Russian tea - make the tea - tea bag  2) настой; крепкий отвар или бульон  3) amer.; sl. марихуана not smb. s cup of tea coll. - не по вкусу кому-л. TEA bag чайный пакетик TEA wagon столик на колесиках для чая или легкой закуски ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сокр. от Targeted Export Assistance Program ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  чай - farm tea - pick tea - pluck tea - tea leaf - tea ring ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от transferred electron amplifier усилитель на эффекте переноса электронов ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a (in full tea plant) an evergreen shrub or small tree, Camellia sinensis, of India, China, etc. b its dried leaves. 2 a drink made by infusing tea-leaves in boiling water. 3 a similar drink made from the leaves of other plants or from another substance (camomile tea; beef tea). 4 a a light afternoon meal consisting of tea, bread, cakes, etc. b Brit. a cooked evening meal. --v. (teaed or tea'd) 1 intr. take tea. 2 tr. give tea to (a person). Phrases and idioms tea and sympathy colloq. hospitable behaviour towards a troubled person. tea bag a small perforated bag of tea for infusion. tea-ball esp. US a ball of perforated metal to hold tea for infusion. tea-bread light or sweet bread for eating at tea. tea break Brit. a pause in work etc. to drink tea. tea caddy a container for tea. tea ceremony an elaborate Japanese ritual of serving and drinking tea, as an expression of Zen Buddhist philosophy. tea chest a light metal-lined wooden box in which tea is transported. tea cloth = tea towel. tea cosy a cover to keep a teapot warm. tea dance an afternoon tea with dancing. tea garden a garden in which afternoon tea is served to the public. tea lady a woman employed to make tea in offices etc. tea-leaf 1 a dried leaf of tea, used to make a drink of tea. 2 (esp. in pl.) these after infusion or as dregs. 3 rhymingsl. a thief. tea party a party at teatime. tea-planter a proprietor or cultivator of a tea plantation. tea rose a hybrid shrub, Rosa odorata, with a scent resembling that of tea. tea towel a towel for drying washed crockery etc. tea-tree Austral. & NZ an aromatic evergreen flowering shrub, Leptospermum scoparium, the manuka. tea trolley (US wagon) a small wheeled trolley from which tea is served. Etymology: 17th-c. tay, tey, prob. f. Du. tee f. Chin. (Amoy dial.) te, = Mandarin dial. cha ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Chinese (Xiamen) de  Date: circa 1655  1.  a. a shrub (Camellia sinensis of the family Theaceae, the ~ family) cultivated especially in China, Japan, and the East Indies  b. the leaves, leaf buds, and internodes of the ~ plant prepared and cured for the market, classed according to method of manufacture into one set of types (as green ~, black ~, or oolong), and graded according to leaf size into another (as orange pekoe, pekoe, or souchong)  2. an aromatic beverage prepared from ~ leaves by infusion with boiling water  3.  a. any of various plants somewhat resembling ~ in properties; also an infusion of their leaves used medicinally or as a beverage  b. ~ rose  4.  a. refreshments usually including ~ with sandwiches, crackers, or cookies served in late afternoon  b. a reception, snack, or meal at which ~ is served  5. slang marijuana  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (teas) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Tea is a drink made by adding hot water to tea leaves or tea bags. Many people add milk to the drink and some add sugar. ...a cup of tea... Would you like some tea?... Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks. N-MASS • A cup of tea can be referred to as a tea. Would anybody like a tea or coffee? N-COUNT 2. The chopped dried leaves of the plant that tea is made from is referred to as tea. ...a packet of tea... N-MASS 3. Tea is a meal some people eat in the late afternoon. It consists of food such as sandwiches and cakes, with tea to drink. (BRIT) I’m doing the sandwiches for tea... N-VAR see also afternoon tea, high tea 4. Some people refer to the main meal that they eat in the early part of the evening as tea. (BRIT) At five o’clock he comes back for his tea. N-VAR 5. If you say that someone or something is not your cup of tea, you mean that they are not the kind of person or thing that you like. Politics was not his cup of tea... PHRASE: v-link PHR, usu with brd-neg ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »DRINK« a) a hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves from a particular bush  (Do you take milk and sugar in your tea?) b) especially BrE a cup of tea  (Three teas and a coffee, please.) 2 mint/camomile etc tea a hot drink made by pouring boiling water onto the leaves or flowers of a particular plant, sometimes used as a medicine 3 »LEAVES« the dried, finely cut leaves of a particular Asian bush, that is used for making tea  (China tea | Ceylon tea | tea plantations) 4 »MEAL« BrE a) a very small meal of cake or biscuits, eaten in the afternoon with a cup of tea b) a large meal that is eaten early in the evening in some parts of Britain  (- compare dinner, supper, - see also high tea) 5 tea and sympathy BrE kindness and attention that you give someone when they are upset 6 (not) for all the tea in China informal used to say that you would refuse to do something, whatever happened  (I wouldn't do his job, not for all the tea in China.)  (- see also not be your cup of tea cup1 (8)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Transversal Excited Atmospheric transport. abbr. Transportation Enhancement Act transport. abbr. Transportation Equity Act mil. abbr. Transportation Engineering Agency mil. abbr. Training Effectiveness Analysis mil. abbr. Transportability Engineering Analysis mil. abbr. Transportation Engineering Agreement airport code Tela, Honduras meteo abbr. Transversely Excited Atmosphere chemis. abbr. Terminal Electron Acceptor electron. abbr. Transverse Excited Atmosphere food abbr. Traditional English Ale gen. comp. abbr. Tiny Embedded Application sec. abbr. Tiny Encryption Algorithm media abbr. Theatrical Equipment Association educ. abbr. Teachers Experiencing Antarctica educ. abbr. Teddies Education Association educ. abbr. Training Education And Awareness educ. abbr. Terminal Education Age religion abbr. The Experience Of All religion abbr. Transcendent Eternal Absolute NYSE symbols Templeton Emerging Markets Appreciation Fund pos. abbr. Transitional Employment Assistance firm name abbr. Trans European Airways chat abbr. Tomorrow And Everyday After ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: CUP OF TEA also DISH OF TEA. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1655, earlier chaa (1598, from Port. cha), from Malay teh and directly from Chinese (Amoy dialect) t'e, in Mandarin ch'a. The distribution of the different forms of the word reflects the spread of use of the beverage. The modern Eng. form, along with Fr. the, Sp. te, Ger. Tee, etc., derive via Du. thee from the Amoy form, reflecting the role of the Dutch as the chief importers of the leaves (through the Dutch East India Company, from 1610). The practice of drinking tea was first introduced to England 1644. The Port. form came via Macao, and Rus. chai, Pers. cha, Gk. tsai, Ar. shay and Turk. зay all came overland from the Mandarin form. Meaning "afternoon meal at which tea is served" is from 1738. The tea-rose (1850) has a scent supposed to resemble tea. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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