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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - stain


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Перевод с английского языка stain на русский

краситель, красящее вещество, краска; красить, окрашивать – differential stain – Flemming tricolour stain – Giemsa stain – Gram stain – intravital stain – Leishman stain – Mallory's triple stain – May-Grunwald stain – nuclear stain – Romanovsky stain – vital stain
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См. в других словарях

  1. пятно ink stain —- чернильное пятно to get out (to remove) stains —- удалять (очищать) пятна 2. позорящий факт, пятно to redeem one's name from the stain —- восстановить свое доброе имя, снять пятно со своей репутации to wipe off the stain of a former defeat —- смыть позор понесенного поражения without a stain on one's character —- с незапятнанной репутацией 3. краситель, краска, красящее вещество 4. протрава, морилка (для древесины) 5. пятнать, покрывать пятнами, пачкать his hands are stained with blood —- его руки обагрены кровью 6. покрываться пятнами, пачкаться stuff that doesn't stain easily —- немаркая материя 7. позорить, пятнать (репутацию и т. п.) stained with vice —- преисполненный пороков 8. красить, окрашивать 9. краситься, окрашиваться 10. текст. набивать рисунок 11. морить (древесину); протравливать 12. протравливаться; мориться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) пятно  2) позор, пятно; without a stain on ones character - с незапятнанной репутацией  3) краска, красящее вещество; цветная политура, протрава Syn: see stigma  2. v.  1) пачкать(ся) (with); The murderess felt that her hands were stained with blood long after the marks had been removed.  2) пятнать, портить (репутацию и т.п.) (with); He has strained the good honour of his family with the guilt of his crime.  3) красить; окрашивать(ся)  4) набивать (рисунок) Syn: see colour see discolour ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. испачкать Syn: soil, dirty ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) красить 2) краска 3) морить 4) окрашивать 5) пачкать 6) подтенять 7) покрасить 8) протрава 9) проявлять 10) пятно stain with preservative — травить морилкой - air stain - fat stain - grease stain - remove stain - rust stain - salt stain - stain a specimen - stain section ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пятно протравный краситель краска, пигмент (протравного типа) синева (порок древесины) мн.ч.цветовые пятна, пятнистость (дефект поверхности) stain for concrete asphalt stain blue stain brow stain chemical stains fire stain mineral stains oil stain rust stain water stains ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) краситель; краска красить, окрашивать 2) протрава протравливать, морить; тж бейцевать (древесину) 3) местное обесцвечивание (древесины) 4) проявлять (хроматограмму) 5) пятно, пятнышко пачкать, оставлять пятна; покрываться пятнами 6) выцвет (дефект керамики) - acid water stain - glue stain - lightproof stain - nonfading stain - oil stain - rust stain - salt stain - size stain - spirit stain - varnish stain ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. discolour or be discoloured by the action of liquid sinking in. 2 tr. sully, blemish, spoil, damage (a reputation, character, etc.). 3 tr. colour (wood, glass, etc.) by a process other than painting or covering the surface. 4 tr. impregnate (a specimen) for microscopic examination with colouring matter that makes the structure visible by being deposited in some parts more than in others. 5 tr. print colours on (wallpaper). --n. 1 a discoloration, a spot or mark caused esp. by contact with foreign matter and not easily removed (a cloth covered with tea-stains). 2 a a blot or blemish. b damage to a reputation etc. (a stain on one's character). 3 a substance used in staining. Phrases and idioms stained glass dyed or coloured glass, esp. in a lead framework in a window (also (with hyphen) attrib.: stained-glass window). Derivatives stainable adj. stainer n. Etymology: ME f. distain f. OF desteindre desteign- (as DIS-, TINGE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English steynen, partly from Anglo-French desteindre to take away the color from & partly of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse steina to paint — more at di~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to suffuse with color  2. discolor, soil  3.  a. taint 3 a conscience ~ed with guilt  b. to bring discredit on the scandal ~ed his reputation  4. to color (as wood, glass, or cloth) by processes affecting chemically or otherwise the material itself  intransitive verb to receive a ~  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1557  1.  a. a soiled or discolored spot  b. a natural spot of color contrasting with the ground  2. a taint of guilt ; stigma  3. a preparation (as of dye or pigment) used in ~ing: as  a. a dye or pigment capable of penetrating the pores of wood  b. a dye or mixture of dyes used in microscopy to make visible minute and transparent structures, to differentiate tissue elements, or to produce specific chemical reactions  • ~proof adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stains, staining, stained) 1. A stain is a mark on something that is difficult to remove. Remove stains by soaking in a mild solution of bleach. ...a black stain. N-COUNT: oft supp N 2. If a liquid stains something, the thing becomes coloured or marked by the liquid. Some foods can stain the teeth, as of course can smoking. VERB: V n • stained His clothing was stained with mud. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • -stained ...ink-stained fingers. COMB in ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way  (teeth stained with nicotine from years of smoking | Pale carpets stain too easily.) 2 to change the colour of something, especially something made of wood, by using a special chemical or dye 3 stain sb's name/honour/reputation etc literary to damage the good opinion that people have about someone ~2 n 1 a mark that is difficult to remove, especially one made by a liquid such as blood, coffee, or ink  (There's a big stain on your tie. | blood/ink/wine etc stain)  (How do you get wine stains out of a tablecloth?) 2 a chemical for darkening something, especially wood 3 a stain on sb's character/reputation etc something that makes people think that someone has done something wrong or illegal ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 14c., probably representing a merger of O.N. steina "to paint" and M.E. disteynen "to discolor or stain," from O.Fr. desteign-, stem of desteindre "to remove the color," from des- (from L. dis- "remove") + O.Fr. teindre "to dye," from L. tingere (see tinge). The noun is from 1563. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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