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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - mortal


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  1. смертный no mortal would gare that —- ни один смертный на это не отважится it is difficult for ordinary mortals —- простым смертным это трудно 2. человек she is a queer mortal —- она странное существо 3. смертный man is mortal —- человек смертен mortal remains —- останки in this mortal life —- в этой преходящей жизни 4. смертельный mortal disease —- смертельная болезнь mortal agony —- предсмертная агония 5. книж. беспощадный, жестокий, неумолимый; смертельный; смертный mortal enemy (foe) —- смертельный враг mortal hatred —- смертельная ненависть mortal combat —- смертный бой mortal offence —- тяжелое (смертельное) оскорбление 6. разг. чрезвычайный, страшный, ужасный, смертельный in mortal fear —- в ужасном (смертельном) страхе in mortal hurry —- в страшной (ужасной) спешке 7. разг. длинный, скучный for three mortal hours —- в течение трех нескончаемых (бесконечных) часов 8. эмоц-усил. в высшей степени any mortal thing —- неважно что, что угодно it's no mortal use (good) —- это абсолютно бесполезно it is no mortal good to him —- это ему ровным счетом ничего не даст 9. диал. простореч. ужасно, очень to be mortal angry —- страшно разозлиться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  enemy смертельный враг MORTAL  1. adj.  1) смертный; not a mortal man - ни живой души  2) смертельный; - mortal agony  3) жестокий, беспощадный; - mortal enemy  4) coll. ужасный; in a mortal hurry - в ужасной спешке  5) coll. скучнейший Syn: see fatal  2. noun человек, смертный  3. adv.  1) coll.; dial. чрезвычайно, очень  2) = mortally MORTAL agony предсмертная агония ...
Англо-русский словарь
  прил. 1) смертный 2) смертельный 3) ужасный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a living being, esp. a human) subject to death. 2 (often foll. by to) causing death; fatal. 3 (of a battle) fought to the death. 4 associated with death (mortal agony). 5 (of an enemy) implacable. 6 (of pain, fear, an affront, etc.) intense, very serious. 7 colloq. a very great (in a mortal hurry). b long and tedious (for two mortal hours). 8 colloq. conceivable, imaginable (every mortal thing; of no mortal use). --n. 1 a mortal being, esp. a human. 2 joc. a person described in some specified way (a thirsty mortal). Phrases and idioms mortal sin Theol. a grave sin that is regarded as depriving the soul of divine grace. Derivatives mortally adv. Etymology: ME f. OF mortal, mortel or L mortalis f. mors mortis death ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French mortel, ~, from Latin ~is, from mort-, mors death — more at murder  Date: 14th century  1. causing or having caused death ; fatal a ~ injury  2.  a. subject to death ~ man  b. possible, conceivable have done every ~ thing  c. deadly 3 waited three ~ hours  3. marked by unrelenting hostility a ~ enemy  4. marked by great intensity or severity ~ fear  5. human ~ limits  6. of, relating to, or connected with death ~ agony  Synonyms: see deadly  II. adverb  Date: 15th century chiefly dialect ~ly  III. noun  Date: 1567 a human being ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (mortals) 1. If you refer to the fact that people are mortal, you mean that they have to die and cannot live for ever. A man is deliberately designed to be mortal. He grows, he ages, and he dies. ? immortal ADJ • mortality She has suddenly come face to face with her own mortality. N-UNCOUNT: usu poss N 2. You can describe someone as a mortal when you want to say that they are an ordinary person. Tickets seem unobtainable to the ordinary mortal. = human N-COUNT 3. You can use mortal to show that something is very serious or may cause death. The police were defending themselves and others against mortal danger... ADJ: ADJ n • mortally He falls, mortally wounded. ADV: usu ADV -ed/adj/adv 4. You can use mortal to emphasize that a feeling is extremely great or severe. When self-esteem is high, we lose our mortal fear of jealousy. ADJ: ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis • mortally Candida admits to having been ‘mortally embarrassed’. ADV: ADV -ed/adj/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 not living for ever  (Her father's death reminded her that she was mortal. | mortal creatures)  (- opposite immortal (1)) 2 mortal blow/injuries/danger etc causing death or likely to cause death  (He was dealt a mortal blow in the battle. | mortal combat (=fighting until one person kills the other))  (two gladiators locked in mortal combat)  (- compare lethal (1)) 3 mortal enemy/foe an enemy that you hate very much and always will hate 4 mortal fear/terror/dread extreme fear  (She lives in mortal fear of her husband's anger.) 5 only before noun old-fashioned used to emphasize the word that follows it, especially to show that you are annoyed  (Now I've lost every mortal thing I owned.) 6 poetic belonging to a human  (a sight as yet unseen by mortal eyes)  (- see also mortally) ~2 n 1 lesser/ordinary/mere mortals humorous ordinary people, as compared with people who are more important or more powerful  (Of course, she dines in the executive suite, while we lesser mortals use the staff cafeteria.) 2 especially literary a word meaning a human, used especially when comparing humans with gods, spirits etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1370, from O.Fr. mortel "destined to die," from L. mortalis "subject to death," from mors (gen. mortis) "death," from PIE base *mor-/*mr- "die." The noun meaning "mortal thing or substance" is first recorded 1526. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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