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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - leech


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Перевод с английского языка leech на русский

пиявка; pl пиявки (Hirudinea) – gnathobdellid leeches – haemadipsid leeches – medicinal leech – terrestrial leeches
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См. в других словарях

  1. зоол. пиявка медицинская (Hirudo medicinalis) 2. кровопийца, вымогатель 3. уст. врач, лекарь Id: to stick (to cling) like a leech —- присосаться как пиявка 4. мед. ставить пиявки 5. уст. лечить, пользовать 6. приставать, впиваться (в кого-л.) 7. мор. боковая шкаторина (прямого паруса) 8. мор. задняя шкаторина (косого паруса) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) пиявка; to stick like a leech - пристать как пиявка  2) кровопийца, вымогатель Syn: see parasite  2. v.  1) ставить пиявки  2) приставать, привязываться (onto); A group of silly young girls leeched onto the popular singer II noun naut. боковая/задняя шкаторина (паруса) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. n. 1 any freshwater or terrestrial annelid worm of the class Hirudinea with suckers at both ends, esp. Hirudo medicinalis, a bloodsucking parasite of vertebrates formerly much used medicinally. 2 a person who extorts profit from or sponges on others. Phrases and idioms like a leech persistently or clingingly present. Etymology: OE l{aelig}ce, assim. to LEECH(2) 2. n. archaic or joc. a physician; a healer. Etymology: OE l{aelig}ce f. Gmc 3. n. 1 a perpendicular or sloping side of a square sail. 2 the side of a fore-and-aft sail away from the mast or stay. Etymology: ME, perh. rel. to ON lik, a nautical term of uncert. meaning ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English leche, from Old English l?ce; akin to Old High German lahhi physician  Date: before 12th century  1. archaic physician, surgeon  2. from its former use by physicians for bleeding patients any of numerous carnivorous or bloodsucking usually freshwater annelid worms (class Hirudinea) that have typically a flattened lanceolate segmented body with a sucker at each end  3. a hanger-on who seeks advantage or gain  Synonyms: see parasite  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: 1641  transitive verb  1. to bleed by the use of ~es  2. to drain the substance of ; exhaust  intransitive verb to attach oneself to a person as a ~  III. noun  also leach  Etymology: Middle English leche; akin to Middle Low German lik boltrope  Date: 15th century  1. either vertical edge of a square sail  2. the after edge of a fore-and-aft sail ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (leeches) 1. A leech is a small animal which looks like a worm and lives in water. Leeches feed by attaching themselves to other animals and sucking their blood. N-COUNT 2. If you describe someone as a leech, you disapprove of them because they deliberately depend on other people, often making money out of them. They’re just a bunch of leeches cadging off others! N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a small soft creature that fixes itself to the skin of animals in order to drink their blood 2 someone who takes advantage of other people, usually by taking their money, food etc 3 old use a doctor ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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