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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - gather


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Перевод с английского языка gather на русский

1) сбор, урожай; снимать, собирать, убирать (урожай) 2) рвать (цветы); собирать (ягоды)
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См. в других словарях

  1. то, что собрано, сбор, урожай 2. сборки, складки she made gathers at the waist (of the dress) —- она присобрала (присборила) платье в талии 3. авт. схождение передних колес в плане 4. собирать to gather a crowd —- собрать толпу to gather one's things —- собирать свои вещи to gather in a heap —- собирать в кучу 5. собираться, скопляться a crowd had gathered —- собралась толпа gather round, and I'll tell you a story —- усаживайтесь вокруг меня, и я расскажу вам историю clouds gathered —- тучи сгущались tears gathered in her eyes —- ее глаза наполнились слезами suspicion was gathering in his mind —- у него крепли подозрения the story gathered like a snowball —- эта история обрастала (новыми) подробностями как снежный ком 6. (также gather in) рвать (цветы), собирать (ягоды и т. п.) the bee gathers honey —- пчела собирает мед 7. (также gather in) снимать, собирать, убирать (урожай) to gather a rich crop of smth. —- собрать (снять) хороший урожай чего-л. 8. (также gather up) поднимать, подбирать (с земли, с пола) to gather the pieces of a broken dish —- подобрать осколки разбитой тарелки 9. кутаться (во что-л.) he gathered his scarf around his neck —- он потуже замотал шею шарфом he gathered his cloak around him —- он закутался в плащ she gathered her skirts —- она подобрала юбку 10. прижимать к себе he gathered her in his arms —- он заключил ее в объятия she gathered the crying child in her arms —- она...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  head назревать (о нарыве) GATHER momentum усиливаться, расти; наращивать темп, скорость GATHER up  а) подбирать to gather up the thread of a story подхватить нить рассказа  б) суммировать  в) съежиться, занять меньше места  г) to gather oneself up подтянуться; собраться с силами GATHER way трогаться (о судне) GATHER  1. v.  1) собирать to gather a crowd - собирать толпу  2) собираться, скопляться  3) рвать (цветы); снимать (урожай); собирать (ягоды)  4) поднимать (с земли, с пола)  5) накоплять, приобретать to gather experience (strength) - накоплять опыт (силы) - gather way  6) морщить (лоб); собирать в складки (платье)  7) нарывать - gather head  8) делать вывод, умозаключать I could gather nothing from his statement - я ничего не мог понять из его заявления - gather up Syn: assemble, collect, congregate, convene, mass, muster see accumulate Ant: disband, scatter, separate  2. noun; pl. сборки ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) собирать(ся) 2) скапливать, накоплять (постепенно) 3) делать вывод • - gather from facts - gather information - gather strength - gather wealth ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) набрать 2) накапливать 3) накоплять 4) насбирать 5) насобирать 6) подбирать 7) скапливаться 8) собирать electrons gather in bunches — электроны образуют сгустки - gather terms - gather train ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) собирать; подбирать 2) горн. проходить выработку в нарушенном массиве 3) набор; порция (стекломассы) набирать (стекломассу) 4) комплектовать (книжный блок) 5) швейн. сборка, складка собирать в сборки; образовывать складки ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come together; assemble, accumulate. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by up) a bring together from scattered places or sources. b take up together from the ground, a surface, etc. c draw into a smaller compass. 3 tr. acquire by gradually collecting; amass. 4 tr. a pick a quantity of (flowers etc.). b collect (grain etc.) as a harvest. 5 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) infer or understand. 6 tr. be subjected to or affected by the accumulation or increase of (unread books gathering dust; gather speed; gather strength). 7 tr. (often foll. by up) summon up (one's thoughts, energy, etc.) for a purpose. 8 tr. gain or recover (one's breath). 9 tr. a draw (material, or one's brow) together in folds or wrinkles. b pucker or draw together (part of a dress) by running a thread through. 10 intr. come to a head; develop a purulent swelling. --n. (in pl.) a part of a garment that is gathered or drawn in. Phrases and idioms gather way (of a ship) begin to move. Derivatives gatherer n. Etymology: OE gaderian f. WG ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English gaderen, from Old English gaderian; akin to Middle High German gadern to unite — more at good  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to bring together ; collect tried to ~ a crowd ~ed firewood  2.  a. pick, harvest ~ flowers  b. to pick up or amass as if by harvesting ~ing ideas for the project  c. to scoop up or take up from a resting place ~ed the child up in his arms  3. to serve as an attraction for ; accumulate books ~ing dust  4. to effect the collection of ~ contributions  5.  a. to summon up ~ed his courage  b. to gain by gradual increase ~ speed  c. to prepare (as oneself) by mustering strength  d. to gain or regain control of ~ed his wits  6. to reach a conclusion often intuitively from hints or through inferences I ~ that you want to leave  7.  a. to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers  b. to draw about or close to something ~ing her cloak about her  c. to bring together the parts of ~ed her hair into a ponytail  d. to assemble (the signatures of a book) in sequence for binding  e. to haul in the sailors ~ed the sails  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come together in a body  b. to cluster around a focus of attraction  2.  a. to swell and fill with pus  b. grow, increase the ~ing crisis  • ~er noun Synonyms:  ~, collect, assemble, congregate mean to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit. ~ is the most general term for bringing or coming together from a spread-out or scattered state a crowd quickly ~ed. collect often implies careful selection or orderly arrangement collected books on gardening. assemble implies an ordered union or organization of persons or things often for a definite purpose experts assembled for a conference. congregate implies a spontaneous flocking together into a crowd or huddle congregating under a shelter.  Synonym: see in addition infer.  II. noun  Date: 1555  1. something ~ed: as  a. a puckering in cloth made by ~ing  b. a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (gathers, gathering, gathered) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If people gather somewhere or if someone gathers people somewhere, they come together in a group. In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked... The man signalled for me to gather the children together. = assemble, collect VERB: V prep/adv, V n with together 2. If you gather things, you collect them together so that you can use them. I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night... She stood up and started gathering her things together. = collect VERB: V n, V n together • Gather up means the same as gather. When Sutcliffe had gathered up his papers, he went out... He gathered the leaves up off the ground. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V n P 3. If you gather information or evidence, you collect it, especially over a period of time and after a lot of hard work. ...a private detective using a hidden tape recorder to gather information... = collect, amass VERB: V n 4. If something gathers speed, momentum, or force, it gradually becomes faster or more powerful. Demands for his dismissal have gathered momentum in recent weeks... The raft gathered speed as the current dragged it toward the falls. = gain VERB: V n, V n 5. When you gather something such as your strength, courage, or thoughts, you make an effort to prepare yourself to do something. You must gather your strength for the journey. = muster VERB: V n • Gather up means the same as gather. She was gathering up her courage to approach him when he called to her. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 6. You use gather in expressions such as ‘I gather’ and ‘as far as I can gather’ to introduce information that you have found out, especially when you have found it out in an indirect way. I gather his report is highly critical of the trial judge... ‘He speaks English,’ she said to Graham. ‘I gathered that.’... From what I could gather, he was trying to raise...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »COME TOGETHER« to come together and form a group  (On Fridays the men gather together at the mosque. | Tens of thousands of people had gathered outside the US embassy. | gather around/round)  (I'd like everyone to gather round so I can demonstrate how the system works. | gather together)  (Could the bride's family all gather together for a photo? | be gathered)  (Dozens of photographers were gathered outside Jagger's villa.) 2 »KNOW/THINK« to know something or think something is true, because of something that you have heard or seen  (You two know each other, I gather. | gather (that))  (I gather you've had some problems with our sales department. | from what I can gather/as far as I can gather (=this is what I believe to be true))  (She's his niece, from what I can gather.) 3 »COLLECT« a) to search for things of the same type in several different places and collect them together  (Thelma went along the lane gathering blackberries.) b) to collect information, ideas etc for example in order to write a book or a report  (Floyd's gathering ideas for his new novel.) 4 gather speed/force/intensity to move faster or become stronger  (The cart gathered speed as it coasted down the hill.) 5 gather dust if something useful gathers dust, it is not being used  (You may as well take these books - they're just gathering dust.) 6 gather momentum a) to gradually move faster, especially because of going down a hill b) if a plan or process gathers momentum, it develops quickly and affects more and more people  (A major anti-corruption campaign was gathering momentum.) 7 »CLOTH« a) to pull material into small folds  (The skirt is gathered at the waist.) b) to pull material or a piece of clothing closer to you  (Moira gathered her skirts round her and climbed the steps.) 8 gather yourself/gather your strength to prepare yourself for something you are going to do, especially something difficult  (I need to rest and gather my strength for the exam.) 9 »CLOUDS« to gradually increase in number  (Storm clouds were gathering...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. gadrian, gжdrian, related to gжd "fellowship," and god "good," from P.Gmc. *gadurojan "bring together, unite." Change of spelling from -d- to -th- is 1500s, reflecting earlier change in pronunciation. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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