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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - breathe


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  1. дышать; вдыхать; выдыхать to breathe freely —- свободно дышать 2. вздохнуть 3. (into) вдохнуть to breathe new life into smb. —- вдохнуть новую жизнь в кого-л. to breathe life into a stone —- оживить камень 4. жить, существовать he's stoll breathing —- он еще дышит, он еще жив a better fellow does not breathe —- лучше него нет человека (никого не найти) 5. слегка дуть (о ветре) 6. благоухать 7. едва доноситься, слабо раздаваться (о звуке) 8. говорить тихо, шептать he softly breathed her name —- он прошептал ее имя not to breathe a syllable (a word) —- словом не обмолвиться, держать в секрете 9. (upon) дуть (на что-л.) 10. запятнать (чью-л.) репутацию; чернить, клеветать 11. играть на духовых инструментах; дуть в духовые инструменты 12. дать передохнуть to breathe a horse —- дать лошади передохнуть 13. утомить, измотать 14. выражать (что-л.), дышать (чем-л.) his words breathe a spirit of humanity —- его слова проникнуты человеколюбием 15. фон. произносить без вибрации голосовых связок Id: to breathe freely (easily) —- чувствовать облегчение (от беспокойства или боли), вздохнуть с облегчением Id: to breathe again —- разг. снова вздохнуть; почувствовать облегчение Id: to breathe down smb.'s neck —- подгонять кого-л.; стоять у кого-л. над душой Id: to breathe one's last (breath) —- испустить последний вздох Id: to breathe a vein —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  upon запятнать чью-л. репутацию; чернить, клеветать He used to have a good name, but it has been breathed upon recently. BREATHE of выболтать Dont worry, I wouldnt breathe a word of your secret. BREATHE heavily тяжело дышать BREATHE again свободно вздохнуть, вздохнуть с облегчением BREATHE on запятнать чью-л. репутацию; чернить, клеветать He used to have a good name, but it has been breathed upon recently. BREATHE out выдыхать The doctor asked me to breathe in, then to breathe out fully. BREATHE freely свободно вздохнуть, вздохнуть с облегчением BREATHE v.  1) дышать; вздохнуть, перевести дух - breathe again - breathe freely - breathe in - breathe out  2) жить, существовать a better fellow does not breathe - лучше него нет человека  3) дать передохнуть  4) издавать приятный запах  5) дуть слегка (о ветре)  6) говорить (тихо) not to breathe a word - не проронить ни звука, держать в секрете  7) выражать что-л., дышать чем-л. (о лице, наружности) - breathe in - breathe of - breathe on - breathe upon - breathe out to breathe - (а) new life into вдохнуть новую жизнь в кого-л., во что-л. The firm was about to fail when a new director was appointed; he breathed new life into the company and soon it was successful. to breathe upon - марать репутацию to breathe a vein obs. - пустить кровь to breathe down someones neck - стоять у кого-л. над душой BREATHE in вдыхать In the morning I open the window wide and breathe in deeply. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. 1 intr. take air into and expel it from the lungs. 2 intr. be or seem alive (is she breathing?). 3 tr. a utter; say (esp. quietly) (breathed her forgiveness). b express; display (breathed defiance). 4 intr. take breath, pause. 5 tr. send out or take in (as if) with breathed air (breathed new life into them; breathed whisky). 6 intr. (of wine, fabric, etc.) be exposed to fresh air. 7 intr. a sound, speak (esp. quietly). b (of wind) blow softly. 8 tr. allow (a horse etc.) to breathe; give rest after exertion. Phrases and idioms breathe again (or freely) recover from a shock, fear, etc., and be at ease. breathe down a person's neck follow or check up on a person, esp. menacingly. breathe one's last die. breathe upon tarnish, taint. not breathe a word of keep quite secret. Etymology: ME f. BREATH ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; breathing)  Etymology: Middle English brethen, from breth  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to draw air into and expel it from the lungs ; respire; broadly to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes  b. to inhale and exhale freely  2. live  3.  a. obsolete to emit a fragrance or aura  b. to become perceptible ; be expressed a personality that ~s and that distinguishes his work — Bennett Schiff  4. to pause and rest before continuing  5. to blow softly  6. to feel free of restraint needs room to ~  7. of wine to develop flavor and bouquet by exposure to air  8.  a. to permit passage of air or vapor a fabric that ~s  b. of an internal combustion engine to use air to support combustion  transitive verb  1.  a. to send out by exhaling  b. to instill by or as if by breathing ~ new life into the movement  2. to give rest from exertion to  3. to take in in breathing ~ the scent of pines  4. to inhale and exhale ~ air  5.  a. utter, express don't ~ a word of it to anyone  b. to make manifest ; evince the novel ~s despair ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (breathes, breathing, breathed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. When people or animals breathe, they take air into their lungs and let it out again. When they breathe smoke or a particular kind of air, they take it into their lungs and let it out again as they breathe. He stood there breathing deeply and evenly... No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air... A thirteen year old girl is being treated after breathing in smoke. VERB: V, V n, V n with in/out • breathing Her breathing became slow and heavy... He heard only deep breathing. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. If someone breathes something, they say it very quietly. (LITERARY) ‘You don’t understand,’ he breathed. VERB: V with quote, also V n 3. If you do not breathe a word about something, you say nothing about it, because it is a secret. He never breathed a word about our conversation. VERB: with brd-neg, no cont, V n 4. If someone breathes life, confidence, or excitement into something, they improve it by adding this quality. (WRITTEN) It is the readers who breathe life into a newspaper with their letters. = instil VERB: V n into n 5. to be breathing down someone’s neck: see neck to breathe a sigh of relief: see sigh ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »AIR« to take air into your lungs and send it out again  (When you get an asthma attack you can't breathe. | People are concerned about the quality of the air they breathe. | breathe deeply (=take in a lot of air)) 2 »BLOW« to blow air or smoke out of your mouth + on  (Roy breathed on his hands and rubbed them together vigorously.) breathe sth over sb  (The fat man opposite was breathing garlic all over me.) 3 breathe again/more easily to relax because something dangerous or frightening has finished  (The all-clear was given and we could breathe again.) 4 breathe a sigh of relief to no longer be worried about something that had been worrying or frightening you 5 breathe down sb's neck to pay very close attention to what someone is doing in a way that makes them feel nervous or annoyed  (How can I concentrate with you breathing down my neck all the time?) 6 not breathe a word to not tell anyone anything at all about something, because it is a secret  (Don't breathe a word, it's supposed to be a surprise.) 7 »WINE« if you let wine breathe, you open the bottle to let the air get to it before you drink it 8 »SAY STH QUIETLY« to say something very quietly, almost in a whisper  ("Wait," he breathed.") 9 breathe your last literary to die 10 breathe life/excitement/enthusiasm into sth to change a situation so that people feel more excited or interested  (Let's hope Doug can breathe a bit of life into these rather dull people.) 11 breathe fire to behave and talk very angrily breathe in phr v 1 to take air into your lungs  (The doctor made me breathe in while he listened to my chest.) 2 T breathe something in) to breathe air, smoke, a particular kind of smell etc into your lungs  (They may be in danger of breathing in asbestos dust.) breathe out phr v 1 to send air out from your lungs  (Jim breathed out deeply.) 2 T breathe something out) to send out air, oxygen, a particular kind of smell etc  (Green plants breathe out oxygen in sunlight.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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