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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - spot


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Перевод с английского языка spot на русский

см. spot ad
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  1. пятно, пятнышко spot of mud —- грязное пятно spot of oil —- пятно от нефти spot cleaning —- чистка (выводка) пятен sun spots —- астр. пятна на Солнце bald spot —- плешин(к)а to get out spots —- отчищать пятна the cloth shows spots easily —- это маркая материя 2. крапинка a blue tie with red spots —- синий галстук в красную крапинку 3. "зайчик", световое пятно 4. место, местность, район on the spot —- на месте the people on the spot —- местные жители; местные работники spot coverage of the news —- корреспонденции (сообщения) с места событий danger (hot, trouble) spots of the world —- взрывоопасные (горячие) точки планеты beauty spots of the Crimea —- красивейшие места Крыма the favourite vacation spot —- излюбленное место для проведения отпуска to investigate on the spot —- расследовать на месте "x marks the spot" —- "место отмечено крестом" (на фото и т. п.) 5. место, область чувств tender (sore) spot —- больное (уязвимое) место weak spot —- слабое место soft spot —- слабость, привязанность she has a soft spot for animals —- у нее слабость к животным, она любит животных 6. позор, бесчестье, позорное пятно without a spot on his reputation —- с незапятнанной репутацией 7. прыщик a face covered with spots —- прыщеватое лицо 8. pl. мед. сыпь 9. очко (на картах, игральных костях и т. п.) he drew a jack, a queen and a three spot —- он получил валета, даму и тройку 10. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  check noun выборочная проверка или ревизия SPOT  1. noun  1) пятно; пятнышко; крапинка  2) позор, пятно; without a spot on his reputation - с незапятнанной репутацией  3) прыщик; a face covered with spots - прыщеватое лицо  4) капля (дождя)  5) место; a retired spot - уединенное место; on the spot - на месте; сразу, немедленно [ср. тж. spot  7) ]; to act on the spot - действовать без промедления; to be on the spot - быть очевидцем; the people on the spot - люди, живущие на месте и знакомые с обстоятельствами  6) coll. небольшое количество еды или питья; how about a spot of lunch? - не позавтракать ли?; will you have a spot of whisky? - хотите немного виски?  7) coll. затруднительное положение; on/upon the spot, in a spot - в опасности, в затруднительном положении [ср. тж. spot  5) ]; to put smb. on the spot - поставить кого-л. в затруднительное положение  8) pl. = spot goods [см. spot  9) ]  9) attr. наличный; имеющийся на складе; spot cash - наличный расчет; spot goods - наличный товар; товар с немедленной сдачей; spot price - цена при условии немедленной уплаты наличными  10) attr.; radio местный; spot broadcasting - передача местной радиостанции blind spot -  а) мертвая точка;  б) область, в которой данное лицо плохо разбирается;  в) radio зона молчания Syn: see site  2. v.  1) пятнать, пачкать, покрывать(ся) пятнами; this silk spots with water - на...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) пятно 2) фтп. пятнистость (возбудители - грибы или вирусы) 3) ихт. колючая чопа (Lagodon) 4) ихт. спот (Leiostomus) 5) ихт. ронкадор (Roncador) 6) ихт. сциенопс, красный горбыль (Sciaenops) – acoustic spot – ascochyta-leaf spot – blind spot – celery yellow spot – cherry leaf spot – chocolate spot – cold spot – coral spot – eyelike spot – germinal spot – gold spot – hot spot – milky spot – nesting spot – ocellated spot – pearl spot – pigment spot – pod spot – receptive spot – recombinational hot spot – ring spot – round spot – silver spot – tar spot – yellow spot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. место, местность; район 2) бирж. =available goods 3) "спот" а) фин. (условия расчетов, при которых оплата и поставка осуществляются немедленно) б) рекл. (рекламное объявление (ролик) для включения в радио- и телепередачи (для радио продолжительностью не более 90 сек., для телевидения - 15-20 сек.)) Syn: "spot announcement, "spot advertising, "spot commercial в) рекл. (короткий промежуток времени между программами для рекламной передачи) Syn: "occasion 4) точечный ролик* а) СМИ (короткий теле- или радиофильм "точечной" трансляции, т. е. трансляции только в отдельных населённых пунктах) б) рекл. (рекламный ролик точечной трансляции (трансляции в определенном населенном пункте)) Syn: "spot commercial See: "spot advertising 5) общ. точка 6) разг. =spotlight SPOT 1. сущ. 1) место, местность, район 2) наличный товар 3) бирж. действительный или реальный товар 4) товар по кассовым сделкам 5) "спот" 2. прил. 1) наличный 2) продаваемый на месте 3) готовый к сдаче 4) немедленно уплачиваемый 5) действительный 6) кассовый 7) реальный - spot goods SPOT сущ. 1) общ. место, местность; район 2) "спот" а)фин. (условия расчетов, при которых оплата и поставка осуществляются немедленно) б) рекл. (рекламное объявление (ролик) для включения в радио- и...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) капельный 2) мор. лоцировать 3) место 4) опознавать 5) очко 6) покрывать пятнами 7) пятно 8) точечный 9) точка burn spot in screen — прожигать экран кинескопа establish cathode spot — зажигать катодное пятно grease spot photometer — тех. фотометр с масляным пятном initiate cathode spot — зажигать катодное пятно initiation of cathode spot — зажигание катодного пятна make spot check — проверять выборочно pitch of spot weld — шаг сварных точек on the spot — на месте spot surfacing of track — местная выправка пути spot weld nugget — ядро сварной точки take off grease spot — удалять жирное пятно - algebraic spot - asymptotic spot - black spot - blind spot - cathode spot - cold spot - flat spot - focal spot - hard spot - hot spot - ion spot - light spot - main spot - oxide spot - persistent spot - recording spot - spot cash - spot cleaning - spot corrosion - spot defect - spot distortion - spot heater - spot jamming - spot soldering - spot vulcanization - spot weld - spot welding - sun spot - tie spot machine - white spot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) пятно 2) точка, участок 3) рекламная вставка 4) экстренное сообщение 5) ячейка ЗУ – blind spot – blurred spots – cathode spot – dead spot – flying spot – focal spot – ion spot – picture tube spot – recording spot – scanning spot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  пятно покрывать пятнами место; точка; участок точечный дефект размечать; определять координаты; располагать; определять место (повреждения и т. п.) focal spot low spot raised spot rust spot ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пятно; пятнышко покрывать(ся) пятнами 2) место; участок; точка 3) включение 4) определять положение; определять координаты 5) делать разметку, размечать 6) располагать; расставлять 7) устанавливать (грузовые транспортные средства) под погрузку или разгрузку 8) наносить пробу (в хроматографии) 9) рлк опознавать [идентифицировать] цель 10) точечный дефект (на поверхности) 11) рекламная вставка; короткая рекламная или информационная передача 12) экстренное сообщение 13) ячейка (ЗУ) 14) определять место (напр. неисправности); локализовать (напр. сбой) - spots of weakness - anode spot - arc spot - bare spot - blind spot - blurred spots - breakdown spot - bright spot - burned spot - calender spot - cathode spot - chill spot - cold spot - contact spot - corrosion spot - dark spot - dead spot - flare spot - flying spot - focal spot - green spot - hard spot - hot spot - ion spot - iron spot - lemon spot - light spot - locating spot - low spot - mineral spot - oil spot - optical spot - picture-tube spot - rosin spot - salt spot - scanning spot - silver spot - starved spot - tacked spot - trouble spot - weak spot - weld spot - worn spot - writing spot - yellow spots ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a small part of the surface of a thing distinguished by colour, texture, etc., usu. round or less elongated than a streak or stripe (a blue tie with pink spots). b a small mark or stain. c a pimple. d a small circle or other shape used in various numbers to distinguish faces of dice, playing-cards in a suit, etc. e a moral blemish or stain (without a spot on his reputation). 2 a a particular place; a definite locality (dropped it on this precise spot; the spot where William III landed). b a place used for a particular activity (often in comb.: nightspot). c (prec. by the) Football the place from which a penalty kick is taken. 3 a particular part of one's body or aspect of one's character. 4 a colloq. one's esp. regular position in an organization, programme of events, etc. b a place or position in a performance or show (did the spot before the interval). 5 Brit. a colloq. a small quantity of anything (a spot of lunch; a spot of trouble). b a drop (a spot of rain). c colloq. a drink. 6 = SPOTLIGHT. 7 (usu. attrib.) money paid or goods delivered immediately after a sale (spot cash; spot silver). 8 Billiards etc. a a small round black patch to mark the position where a ball is placed at certain times. b (in full spot-ball) the white ball distinguished from the other by two black spots. --v. (spotted, spotting) 1 tr. a colloq. single out beforehand (the winner of a race etc.). b colloq. recognize the identity, nationality, etc., of (spotted him at once as the murderer). c watch for and take note of (trains, talent, etc.). d colloq. catch sight of. e Mil. locate (an enemy's position), esp. from the air. 2 a tr. & intr. mark or become marked with spots. b tr. stain, soil (a person's character etc.). 3 intr. make spots, rain slightly (it was spotting with rain). 4 tr. Billiards place (a ball) on a spot. Phrases and idioms in a spot (or in a tight etc. spot) colloq. in difficulty. on the spot 1 at the scene of an action or event. 2 colloq. in a position such that response or action is required. 3 without delay or...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English; akin to Middle Dutch ~te stain, speck, Old Norse ~ti small piece  Date: 13th century  1. a taint on character or reputation ; fault the only ~ on the family name  2.  a. a small area visibly different (as in color, finish, or material) from the surrounding area  b.  (1) an area marred or marked (as by dirt)  (2) a circumscribed surface lesion of disease (as measles) or decay ~s of rot rust ~s on a leaf  c. a conventionalized design used on playing cards to distinguish the suits and indicate values  3. an object having a specified number of ~s or a specified numeral on its surface  4. a small quantity or amount ; bit  5.  a. a particular place, area, or part  b. a small extent of space  6. plural usually ~ a small croaker (Leiostomus xanthurus) of the Atlantic coast with a black ~ behind the opercula  7.  a. a particular position (as in an organization or a hierarchy)  b. a place or appearance on an entertainment program  8. ~light  9. a position usually of difficulty or embarrassment  10. a brief announcement or advertisement broadcast between scheduled radio or television programs  11. a brief segment or report on a broadcast especially of news  II. verb  (~ted; ~ting)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to stain the character or reputation of ; disgrace  2. to mark in or with a ~ ; stain  3. to locate or identify by a ~  4.  a. to single out ; identify; especially to note as a known criminal or a suspicious person  b. detect, notice ~ a mistake  c.  (1) to locate accurately ~ an enemy position  (2) to cause to strike accurately ~ the battery's fire  5.  a. to lie at intervals in or over ; stud  b. to place at intervals or in a desired ~ ~ field telephones  c. to fix in or as if in the beam of a ~light  d. to schedule in a particular ~ or at a particular time  6. to remove a ~ from  7. to allow as a handicap  intransitive verb  1. to become stained or discolored in ~s  2. to cause a ~  3. to act as a ~ter;...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (spots, spotting, spotted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Spots are small, round, coloured areas on a surface. The leaves have yellow areas on the top and underneath are powdery orange spots... The swimsuit comes in navy with white spots or blue with green spots. N-COUNT: usu pl 2. Spots on a person’s skin are small lumps or marks. Never squeeze blackheads, spots or pimples. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. A spot of a liquid is a small amount of it. (mainly BRIT) Spots of rain had begun to fall... N-COUNT: N of n 4. If you have a spot of something, you have a small amount of it. (mainly BRIT) Mr Brooke is undoubtedly in a spot of bother... We’ve given all the club members tea, coffee and a spot of lunch. = bit QUANT: QUANT of n-uncount 5. You can refer to a particular place as a spot. They stayed at several of the island’s top tourist spots... They all stood there staring, as if frozen to the spot. N-COUNT: usu supp N 6. A spot in a television or radio show is a part of it that is regularly reserved for a particular performer or type of entertainment. Unsuccessful at screen writing, he got a spot on a CNN film show. = slot N-COUNT: usu with supp 7. If you spot something or someone, you notice them. Vicenzo failed to spot the error... VERB: V n see also spotted, black spot, blind spot 8. If you are on the spot, you are at the actual place where something is happening. ...areas where troops are on the spot and protecting civilians... PHRASE: v-link PHR 9. If you do something on the spot, you do it immediately. James was called to see the producer and got the job on the spot... PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n 10. If you put someone on the spot, you cause them to have to answer a difficult question or make a difficult decision. He put me on the spot a bit because he invited me right in front of his mum and I didn’t particularly want to go... Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot. PHRASE: V...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PLACE« a particular place or area, especially a pleasant place where you spend time  (an ideal spot for a picnic | We walked along the beach looking for a spot to sit. | camping/swimming/holiday spot (=a place that is suitable for a particular activity))  (We found several good camping spots by the river. | the exact/very/same spot (=the exact place where something happens) | a sunny/shady spot)  (These plants grow best in a sunny spot.)  (- see position1) 2 »AREA« a usually round area on a surface, that is a different colour or is rougher, smoother etc than the rest  (Dalmatian dogs have white coats with black or brown spots.) + of  (Her pink suit made a bright spot of colour against the white steps.) 3 »MARK« a small mark on something, especially one that is made by a liquid  (There are a lot of grease spots on the shirt. | spots of paint on the carpet) 4 on the spot if you do something on the spot, you do it immediately, often without thinking about it very carefully  (He bought the car on the spot. | The police could give you an on the spot fine.) 5 be on the spot to be in the place where something is happening  (As the man on the spot, Coen was in a position to take vital decisions.) 6 »MARK ON SKIN« a) a small round red area on someone's skin that shows that they are ill  (I was covered in spots when I had measles.) b) BrE a small raised red mark on someone's skin, especially on their face; pimple  (This cream clears up teenage spots in days.) 7 »POSITION« a position in a competition, event, television programme etc  (The Bulldogs earned a spot in the semi-finals. | A bluegrass band has the second spot on the program. | guest spot (=part of a television or radio programme showing someone who does not usually appear on the programme))  (a guest spot on the Johnny Carson show) 8 run/dance/hop etc on the spot to run etc in one place, without moving forwards or around the area 9 weak spot a) a point at which someone or something is not very good  (He'd look at my work and immediately find every weak...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Satellite Positioning and Tracking ocean sc. abbr. Earth Observation Satellite univ. abbr. Stanford Pre Orientation Trips funny abbr. Sim Pon Obsessed Teens softw. abbr. Scientific Programmer's Object Toolkit gen. comp. abbr. Smart Personal Object Technologies file ext. abbr. SPOT satellite image file - Bitmap graphics law abbr. Single Point Of Truth law abbr. Self Protection Option Tool gen. bus. abbr. Smart Personal Object Technology gen. bus. abbr. Skillsets Priorities Objectives And Time NASDAQ abbr. PanAmSat Corporation ( Pan American Satellite) st. exc. abbr. Single Payment Option Trading account. abbr. Secure Payment For Online Transactions ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. splot "a spot," infl. by M.Du. spotte "spot, speck," E.Fris. spot "speck," N.Fris. spot "speck, piece of ground." The sense of "particular place" is from c.1380. The meaning "see and recognize" is from 1718, originally applied to a criminal or suspected person; the general sense is from 1860. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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