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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - majority


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Перевод с английского языка majority на русский

юр. совершеннолетие По законам США совершеннолетие наступает в день накануне восемнадцатилетия, после чего частично приобретаются гражданскими права (например, право голоса и право служить в армии). Полное совершеннолетие наступает в 21 год
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См. в других словарях

  1. большинство the majority of mankind —- большая часть человечества in the majority of cases —- в большинстве случаев absolute majority —- абсолютное большинство qualified majority —- квалифицированное большинство the majority needed for nomination —- количество голосов, необходимое для того, чтобы быть включенным в список кандидатов (на какой-л. пост) to be in the majority —- быть в большинстве to gain (to carry) the majority —- получить большинство (голосов) to be carried by a small majority —- пройти (быть принятым, утвержденным) незначительным большинством (голосов) to win (to be elected) by a large majority —- пройти (быть избранным) значительным большинством (голосов) by a majority of 35 —- большинством в 35 голосов 2. юр. совершеннолетие to reach (to attain) one's majority —- достигать совершеннолетия 3. редк. чин, звание майора Id: to join the (great (silent)) majority —- отправиться в лучший мир (к праотцам), умереть ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  rule волеизъявление большинства; принцип подчинения меньшинства большинству MAJORITY noun  1) большинство; - gain the majority - carry the majority  2) совершеннолетие (в Англии - 21 год); he attained his majority - он достиг совершеннолетия  3) чин, звание майора  4) attr. - majority leader - majority rule to join the (great) majority - умереть MAJORITY leader amer.; polit. руководитель большинства (в сенате и т.п.); ...
Англо-русский словарь
  сущ. большинство - absolute majority - be in the majority - by a majority vote - gain the majority - majority leader - majority of votes - majority of voting stock - majority vote - narrow majority - overwhelming majority - vast majority Syn: full age ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) большая часть 2) большинство 3) мажорировать 4) мажоритарный majority voted circuit — схема голосования, мажоритарная схема majority voted system — мажоритарная система simple majority rule — правило простого большинства weighted majority decoding — взвешенное мажоритарное декодирование weighted majority game — взвешенная мажоритарная игра - majority carrier - majority emitter - majority function - majority game - majority gate - majority group - majority level - majority logic - majority operation - majority principle - special majority - weighted majority ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 (usu. foll. by of) the greater number or part. Usage Strictly used only with countable nouns, e.g. a majority of people, and not with mass nouns, e.g. a majority of the work. 2 Polit. a the number by which the votes cast for one party, candidate, etc. exceed those of the next in rank (won by a majority of 151). b a party etc. receiving the greater number of votes. 3 full legal age (attained his majority). 4 the rank of major. Phrases and idioms the great majority 1 much the greater number. 2 euphem. the dead (has joined the great majority). in the majority esp. Polit. belonging to or constituting a majority party etc. majority rule the principle that the greater number should exercise greater power. majority verdict a verdict given by more than half of the jury, but not unanimous. Etymology: F majorit{eacute} f. med.L majoritas -tatis (as MAJOR) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Date: 1552  1. obsolete the quality or state of being greater  2.  a. the age at which full civil rights are accorded  b. the status of one who has attained this age  3.  a. a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total a ~ of voters a two-thirds ~  b. the excess of a ~ over the remainder of the total ; margin won by a ~ of 10 votes  c. the greater quantity or share the ~ of the time  4. the group or political party having the greater number of votes (as in a legislature)  5. the military office, rank, or commission of a major  • ~ adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (majorities) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The majority of people or things in a group is more than half of them. The vast majority of our cheeses are made with pasteurised milk... Still, a majority continue to support the treaty. ? minority N-SING-COLL: usu sing, usu N of n • If a group is in a majority or in the majority, they form more than half of a larger group. Surveys indicate that supporters of the treaty are still in the majority. PHRASE: v-link PHR 2. A majority is the difference between the number of votes or seats in parliament or legislature that the winner gets in an election, and the number of votes or seats that the next person or party gets. Members of parliament approved the move by a majority of ninety-nine... According to most opinion polls, he is set to win a clear majority... N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. Majority is used to describe opinions, decisions, and systems of government that are supported by more than half the people involved. ...her continuing disagreement with the majority view... A majority vote of 75% is required from shareholders for the plan to go ahead. ADJ: ADJ n 4. Majority is the state of legally being an adult. In Britain and most states in the United States, people reach their majority at the age of eighteen. The age of majority in Romania is eighteen... N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 5. see also absolute majority, moral majority ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 most of the people or things in a particular group + of  (The majority of lone parents are divorced or separated women.) also + plural verb BrE  (Among trade union leaders, a majority still believe in public ownership. | the great/vast majority (=almost all of a group))  (In the vast majority of cases the disease proves fatal. | a majority decision (=a decision made by more people voting for it than against it)) 2 be in the majority to form the largest part of a group  (Young people were in the majority at the meeting.) 3 the difference between the number of votes gained by the winning party or person in an election and the number of votes gained by other parties or people  (Their majority in the House was reduced by . | overall majority (=a situation in which one party wins more votes in an election than all the other parties) | by/with a majority)  (He won by a majority of 500.) 4 law the age when someone legally becomes a responsible adult  (- opposite minority1) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1552, from M.Fr. majoritй, from M.L. majoritatem, from L. major (see major). Earliest sense in Eng. is "of full age;" meaning "greater number or part" (of votes, etc.) first recorded 1691. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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