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Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь - grant


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Перевод с английского языка grant на русский

1. субсидия Перевод федеральных средств властям штатов. Со времени Нового курса New Deal власти штатов и органы местного самоуправления стали более зависимыми от федеральных средств, выделяемых на проведение программ, которые считаются приоритетными на общенациональном уровне (в том числе поддержки науки и искусства) 2. стипендия Денежная сумма, выделяемая частным фондом или государством для финансовой поддержки студента или аспиранта. Тж. foundation grant 3. грант Субсидия научному работнику для проведения конкретного исследования В значениях 2 и 3 см. тж. fellowship, scholarship
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См. в других словарях

  1. дар; пожалование a grant of lands —- пожалование землей; предоставление земли to bestow a grant on smb. —- подарить что-л кому-л 2. юр. дарственная; документ о передаче прав, отчуждения имущества in grant —- по дарственной 3. дарение 4. дотация, субсидия research grant —- субсидия на проведение исследования a grant of 5,000 dollars for study —- стипендия размером в 5000 долларов to make a grant to smb., to adjudge smb. a grant —- дать кому-л субсидию to receive a State grant —- получить государственную субсидию to put in a claim for a grant —- ходатайствовать о субсидии 5. стипендия 6. согласие. разрешение, уступка the grant or refusal of... —- согласие на... или отказ в... 7. даровать, жаловать, дарить to grant lands —- даровать землю, жаловать землей to grant an allowance of... —- назначать денежное содержание в размере... to grant rights —- давать права to grant (a) pardon —- даровать прощение the countries that have been granted autonomy —- страны, которым была предоставлена автономия God grant it! —- дай боже! heaven grant that... —- возв. да будет воля неба на то, чтобы... 8. юр. передавать, отчуждать 9. давать дотацию, субсидию to grant credit —- предоставлять кредит to grant a loan to smb. —- предоставить кому-л ссуду, дать кому-л в долг 10. разрешать; давать согласие (на что-л); удовлетворять (просьбу) to grant a petition —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) дар, официальное предоставление; дарственный акт  2) дотация, субсидия; безвозмездная ссуда  3) pl. стипендия  4) уступка, разрешение, согласие Syn: see present  2. v.  1) дарить, жаловать, даровать; предоставлять  2) давать дотацию, субсидию  3) разрешать; давать согласие на что-л.  4) допускать to take for granted - допускать, считать доказанным, не требующим доказательства; считать само собой разумеющимся to take nothing for granted - ничего не принимать на веру Syn: see give ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) разрешение, согласие, уступка 2) выдача (напр. патента) 3) передача права собственности; передавать право собственности, отчуждать – grant and sealing of patent – granted – to grant a charter – to grant a delay – to grant a license – to grant an application – to grant a patent – to grant a privilege – to grant a respite – to grant protective document – to take for granted – grant of a patent – grant of the registration of a mark – direct grant – exceptional grant – immunity grant – lawful patent grant – license grant – reciprocal grant of patent rights – statutory monopoly grant GRANT 1. сущ. 1) дар 2) субсидия, дотация 3) безвозвратная ссуда 4) безвозмездная помощь 5) передача права на имущество (по договору) • - amount of grant - annual grant - assistance in grant from - block grant - capital grant - conditional grant - disability grant - education grant - grant application - grant of patent - investment grants - land grant - lump-sum grant - repatriation grant - sickness benefit grant 2. гл. 1) соглашаться 2) дозволять, допускать 3) дарить, жаловать; предоставлять что-л. официально - grant an allowance - grant credit - grant discounts - grant rights ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) пособие 2) субсидия 3) удовлетворять - grant a license - grant a patent - grant certificate - grant patent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 a consent to fulfil (a request, wish, etc.) (granted all he asked). b allow (a person) to have (a thing) (granted me my freedom). c (as granted) colloq. apology accepted; pardon given. 2 give (rights, property, etc.) formally; transfer legally. 3 (often foll. by that + clause) admit as true; concede, esp. as a basis for argument. --n. 1 the process of granting or a thing granted. 2 a sum of money given by the State for any of various purposes, esp. to finance education. 3 Law a a legal conveyance by written instrument. b formal conferment. Phrases and idioms grant-in-aid (pl. grants-in-aid) a grant by central government to local government or an institution. take for granted 1 assume something to be true or valid. 2 cease to appreciate through familiarity. Derivatives grantable adj. grantee n. (esp. in sense 2 of v.). granter n. grantor n. (esp. in sense 2 of v.). Etymology: ME f. OF gr(e)anter var. of creanter ult. f. part. of L credere entrust ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. biographical name Cary 1904-1986 originally Archibald Alexander Leach American (British-born) actor  II. biographical name Ulysses S. 1822-1885 originally Hiram Ulysses ~ American general; 18th president of the United States (1869-77) GRANT  I. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~er, graanter, from Vulgar Latin *credentare, from Latin credent-, credens, present participle of credere to believe — more at creed  Date: 13th century  1.  a. to consent to carry out for a person ; allow fulfillment of ~ a request  b. to permit as a right, privilege, or favor luggage allowances ~ed to passengers  2. to bestow or transfer formally ~ a scholarship to a student; specifically to give the possession or title of by a deed  3.  a. to be willing to concede  b. to assume to be true ~ing that you are correct, you may find it hard to prove your point  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  • ~or noun Synonyms:  ~, concede, vouchsafe, accord, award mean to give as a favor or a right. ~ implies giving to a claimant or petitioner something that could be withheld ~ed them a new hearing. concede implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim even her critics concede she can be charming. vouchsafe implies ~ing something as a courtesy or an act of gracious condescension vouchsafed the secret to only a few chosen disciples. accord implies giving to another what is due or proper accorded all the honors befitting a head of state. award implies giving what is deserved or merited usually after a careful weighing of pertinent factors awarded the company a huge defense contract.  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1. the act of ~ing  2. something ~ed; especially a gift (as of land or money) for a particular purpose  3.  a. a transfer of property by deed or writing  b. the instrument by which such a transfer is made; also the property so transferred  4. a minor territorial division of Maine, New Hampshire, or Vermont originally ~ed by the state to an individual or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (grants, granting, granted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A grant is an amount of money that a government or other institution gives to an individual or to an organization for a particular purpose such as education or home improvements. They’d got a special grant to encourage research... Unfortunately, my application for a grant was rejected. N-COUNT 2. If someone in authority grants you something, or if something is granted to you, you are allowed to have it. (FORMAL) France has agreed to grant him political asylum... It was a Labour government which granted independence to India and Pakistan... Permission was granted a few weeks ago. = give VERB: V n n, V n to n, be V-ed 3. If you grant that something is true, you accept that it is true, even though your opinion about it does not change. The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action. VERB: V that • You use ‘I grant you’ or ‘I’ll grant you’ to say that you accept something is true, even though your opinion about it does not change. He took a risk, I’ll grant you. But when you think about it, the risk was pretty small... PHRASE: oft PHR that 4. If you say that someone takes you for granted, you are complaining that they benefit from your help, efforts, or presence without showing that they are grateful. The officials felt taken for granted and grumbled loudly. PHRASE: take inflects 5. If you take something for granted, you believe that it is true or accept it as normal without thinking about it. I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn’t happen in London. PHRASE: take inflects 6. If you take it for granted that something is the case, you believe that it is true or you accept it as normal without thinking about it. He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative. PHRASE: take inflects, PHR that ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n an amount of money given to someone, especially by the government for a particular purpose  (We're hoping to get a grant from the local council for the project. | student grant (=a grant to pay for a student's education at university)) ~2 v 1 formal to give someone something that they have asked for, especially official permission to do something  (grant sb sth)  (The Norton consortium has been granted permission to build a shopping mall. | grant sb's request)  (Your request for housing benefit has been granted.) 2 to admit that something is true although it does not make much difference to your opinion  (I grant you)  (Darren's not an intellectual, I grant you, but he does work hard. | granted (=used when you admit that what someone has said is true))  (Granted, we don't want to scare them, but it's time we applied some pressure.) 3 take it for granted (that) to believe that something is true without making sure  (Sorry! I just took it for granted that you'd want to come.) 4 take sb/sth for granted to expect that someone will always be there when you need them and never show them any special attention or thank them  (I'm sick and tired of my husband taking me for granted!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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