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Англо-русский строительный словарь - tin


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  1) вылуживать 2) жестянка 3) жестяной 4) жестяночный 5) лудить 6) налудить 7) напаивать 8) облуживать 9) олово 10) оловоплавильный 11) оловянный - bar tin - feathered tin - flake tin - liquate tin bars - pig tin - secondary tin - soldering tin - stream tin - tin brass - tin bronze - tin cry - tin dross - tin foil - tin smeltery - white tin ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) олово 2) луженое железо 3) оловянная посуда 2. гл. 1) закупоривать в жестянки; консервировать 2) лудить TIN PARACHUTE упр., фин. "оловянный парашют"* (обязательство компании выплатить работникам нижнего звена определенное вознаграждение, если они будут уволены в результате поглощения или реорганизации компании) See: golden parachute, silver parachute TIN PARACHUTE упр., фин. оловянный парашют* (обязательство компании выплатить работникам нижнего звена определенное вознаграждение, если они будут уволены в результате поглощения или реорганизации компании) See: golden parachute, silver parachute ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. олово black tin —- оловянная руда sheet tin —- листовое олово block tin —- олово в слитках tin deposit —- месторождение олова tin mine —- оловянный рудник tin industry —- добыча и переработка олова coated with tin —- луженый 2. луженое листовое железо, белая жесть a box made of tin —- коробка из белой жести 3. жестянка; консервная банка tin of sardines —- коробка сардин tin of peaches —- банка персиков 4. ам. оловянная посуда; форма для печенья; противень a tin of biscuts —- противень печенья pie tin —- форма для выпечки пирогов 5. сл. деньги; звонкая монета she married the old man for his tin —- она вышла за старика, позарившись на его деньги Id: straight from the tin —- из первоисточника, из первых рук; свеженький, неиспорченный 6. оловянный, сделанный из олова tin whistle —- оловянная дудка tin soldier —- оловянный солдатик tin plate —- оловянная тарелка 7. жестяной, железный, сделанный из жести tin bucket —- жестяное ведро a house with a tin roof —- дом, крытый жестью Id: a (little) tin god —- важничающий (чванливый) мелкий чиновник; человек, пользующийся незаслуженным поклонением; "глиняный идол" Id: tin lizzie —- дешевый автомобиль, фордик Id: tin weeding —- десятая годовщина свадьбы, "оловянная" свадьба Id: tin box —- ам. сл. сомнительные доходы, темные источники доходов...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  fish naut.; sl. торпеда TIN  1. noun  1) олово  2) белая жесть  3) оловянная посуда  4) жестянка; консервная банка; a tin of sardines - коробка сардин  5) sl. деньги; богатство straight from the tin - из первых рук; свеженький  2. adj.  1) оловянный  2) ненастоящий, поддельный; a (little) tin god coll. - человек, пользующийся незаслуженным поклонением tin Lizzie amer.; coll. - фордик, дешевый автомобиль tin wedding - десятая годовщина свадьбы  3. v.  1) лудить, покрывать оловом  2) консервировать TIN hat noun mil.; sl. стальной шлем to put the tin hat on - положить конец (чему-л.) TIN whistle свистулька TIN foil  1. оловянная фольга, станиоль  2. v. покрывать фольгой ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) олово, Sn покрывать оловом, лудить оловянный 2) белая жесть 3) англ. жестяная консервная банка 4) пищ. форма; противень 5) мн. ч. пищ. тяжёлые относы to hot tin — лудить горячим способом - block tin - flake tin - plated tin - sheet tin - standard tin - stream tin ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 Chem. a silvery-white malleable metallic element resisting corrosion, occurring naturally in cassiterite and other ores, and used esp. in alloys and for plating thin iron or steel sheets to form tin plate. Usage Symb.: Sn. 2 a a vessel or container made of tin or tinned iron. b Brit. an airtight sealed container made of tin plate or aluminium for preserving food. 3 = tin plate. 4 Brit. sl. money. --v.tr. (tinned, tinning) 1 seal (food) in an airtight tin for preservation. 2 cover or coat with tin. Phrases and idioms put the tin lid on see LID. tin can a tin container (see sense 2 of n.), esp. an empty one. tin foil foil made of tin, aluminium, or tin alloy, used for wrapping food for cooking or storing. tin-glaze a glaze made white and opaque by the addition of tin oxide. tin god 1 an object of unjustified veneration. 2 a self-important person. tin hat colloq. a military steel helmet. tin Lizzie colloq. an old or decrepit car. tin-opener a tool for opening tins. tin-pan alley the world of composers and publishers of popular music. tin plate sheet iron or sheet steel coated with tin. tin-plate v.tr. coat with tin. tin soldier a toy soldier made of metal. tin-tack an iron tack. tin whistle = penny whistle. Etymology: OE f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   abbreviation taxpayer identification number TIN  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German zin ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a soft faintly bluish-white lustrous low-mel~g crystalline metallic element that is malleable and ductile at ordinary temperatures and that is used especially in containers, as a protective coa~g, in ~foil, and in soft solders and alloys — see element table  2.  a. a box, can, pan, vessel, or a sheet made of ~plate; broadly such a container of any metal (as aluminum)  b. a metal container and its contents a ~ of tomatoes  • ~ adjective  • ~ful noun  II. transitive verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 14th century  1. to cover or plate with ~ or a ~ alloy  2. to put up or pack in ~s ; can ~ned peaches ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tins) 1. Tin is a soft silvery-white metal. ...a factory that turns scrap metal into tin cans. ...a tin-roofed hut. N-UNCOUNT 2. A tin is a metal container which is filled with food and sealed in order to preserve the food for long periods of time. (mainly BRIT) She popped out to buy a tin of soup. N-COUNT: oft N of n • A tin of food is the amount of food contained in a tin. (mainly BRIT; in AM, use can) He had survived by eating a small tin of fruit every day. N-COUNT: oft N of n 3. A tin is a metal container with a lid in which things such as biscuits, cakes, or tobacco can be kept. Store the cookies in an airtight tin... N-COUNT: oft supp N, N of n • A tin of something is the amount contained in a tin. They emptied out the remains of the tin of paint and smeared it on the inside of the van. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. A baking tin is a metal container used for baking things such as cakes and bread in an oven. (BRIT; in AM, use pan, baking pan) Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 45 minutes. N-COUNT: usu supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a soft white metal that is often used to cover and protect iron and steel  (a tin box) 2 BrE a small metal container in which food or drink is sold; can especially AmE  (a sardine tin | a tin of beans) 3 a metal container with a lid in which food can be stored  (a biscuit tin) 4 BrE a metal container in which food is cooked; pan1 (2) AmE  (a bread tin) ~2 adj 1 made of tin  (a tin mug | a tin soldier) 2 have a tin ear AmE informal to be unable to hear the difference between musical notes 3 tin god informal someone gets much more admiration and respect than they really deserve ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Three times a night physiol. abbr. Tincture U.S. gov. abbr. Tax Identification Number U.S. gov. abbr. Taxpayer Identification Number mil. abbr. Triangulated Internal Network mil. abbr. Triangular Irregular Network airport code Tindouf, Algeria softw. abbr. Threaded Interface To Notes softw. abbr. Threaded Internet Newsreader softw. abbr. Tass Iain's Newsreader gen. comp. abbr. Tin Isn'ta Newsreader network. abbr. Terminal Indicate Number network. abbr. Triangulated Irregular Network gen. bus. abbr. Trade Identification Number NYSE symbols Temple Inland, Inc. st. exc. abbr. Traded Item Number chat abbr. Time Is Now chat abbr. Threaded Interactive Newsreader ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. tin, from P.Gmc. *tinan, of unknown origin, not found outside Gmc. Tin Pan Alley is first recorded 1908, from tin pan, slang for "a decrepit piano" (1882). Tinny is first recorded 1552; used figuratively (of sounds, etc.) since 1877; tin-type in photography is from 1875. Tin ear "lack of musical discernment" is from 1909. Tin Lizzie "early Ford, especially a Model T," first recorded 1915. Tinfoil is late M.E.; tinhorn "petty but flashy" is 1857, originally of low-class gamblers, from the tin cans they used for shaking dice. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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