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Англо-русский строительный словарь - technique


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Перевод с английского языка technique на русский

(рабочий) приём, метод techniques of construction accident prevention techniques application techniques brittle-lacquer technique conventional technique efficient techniques erection techniques forming techniques graphical techniques hydro-demolition technique innovative construction techniques loading technique mechanical separations technique most useful technique nuclear-radiation technique perimeter blasting technique prestressing techniques production techniques repair techniques restoration techniques retrofitting techniques spray-up techniques surface finishing techniques test pressure technique tracer technique unconventional technique winter building techniques
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См. в других словарях

  1) техника; методика 2) технология – anti-aliasing technique – communication technique – cutback technique – digital compression technique – diversity technique – harmonic mixer technique – interval testing technique – Markovian techniques – multiple access technique – queued-access technique – spread-spectrum technique – television technique – zero-IF technique ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) метод 2) методика 3) прием 4) процедура 5) способ 6) техника 7) технология adaptive prediction technique — методика адаптивного прогнозирования adaptive search technique — метод адаптивного поиска artificial basis technique — метод искусственного базиса bounded variable technique — метод ограниченной переменной conjugate gradient technique — метод сопряженных градиентов control chart technique — метод контрольных карт evolutionary operation technique — метод эволюционного планирования invariant embedding technique — метод инвариантного вложения missing plot technique — стат. метод пропущенной делянки missing value technique — метод пропущенного значения mode selecting technique — метод селекции мод optimal search technique — метод оптимального поиска pulse compression technique — метод сжатия импульсов response surface technique — метод поверхности отклика sequential unconstrained minimization technique — метод последовательной абсолютной минимизации spline surface technique — метод аппроксимации отображаемых поверхностей сплайнами stochastic approximation technique — метод стохастической аппроксимации successive approximation technique — метод последовательных приближений supplementary variable technique — метод дополнительной переменной technique of least squares — метод наименьших квадратов technique of random sampling — метод случайного выбора - access technique - approximation...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (= techniques) 1) метод; методика; технология 2) технологическое оснащение; аппаратура; оборудование – blow-spray technique – dragnet technique – experimental technique – handicraft technique – improved technique – management technique – manufacturing technique – masking technique – ranking technique – research technique – short-cut technique – survey technique TECHNIQUE сущ. 1) техника 2) умение 3) технический прием 4) технология 5) техническое оснащение • - analysis technique - engineering technique - engineering techniques - farming techniques - fundamental techniques - inspection technique - management techniques - production techniques - safety technique - technique in operation - technique of ageing - technique of estimation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  технический приём, способ, метод; методика (см. тж. method) – acriflavine flocculation technique – afterloading technique – agar-filtration technique – agar-layer technique – bioassay technique – cell-sorting technique – clonal cell culture technique – cocapping technique – cold knife technique – cold shock technique – cold target cell inhibition technique – continuous culture technique – cosmid walking technique – coupling technique – coverslip-transfer culture technique – crude technique – cup-plate technique – diagonal electrophoretic technique – disk technique – double dilution technique – double immunodiffusion technique – dual dilution technique – electrophoretic technique – ELISA technique – enzyme-linked immuno-electron-transfer blot technique – exon-shuffling technique – fingerprinting technique – fluorescent antibody technique – foot-printing technique – freeze-substitution technique – genomic walking technique – gradient-plate technique – Gram's technique – heat shock technique – immunoadherence technique – immunoreplica technique – interfacial technique – IVF technique – killing technique – labeling technique – Laemmli electrophoretic technique – Laurell's technique – leading-front technique – light-and-dark-bottle technique – micropore technique – micro-Winkler technique – monolayer technique – one-step growth technique – panning technique – plaque technique – plating technique – pock-counting technique – relaxation technique – replica plating technique – sedimentation equilibrium technique – shot gun technique – single-cell burst technique – spreading technique – statistical technique – steady-state techniques – sucrose gap technique – suiciding technique – three-basin-plate technique ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. техника; техническое оснащение или оборудование; аппаратура computing technique —- вычислительная техника operative technique —- хзирургическое оборудование 2. техника, техническое мастерство, владение специальными приемами; умение mountaineering technique —- альпинистская техника technique of fire —- воен. техника ведения огня the pianist's technique is excellent —- техника пианиста безупречна 3. способ выполнения (чего-л.) watercolour technique —- акварельная техника, техника акварели 4. технический прием; способ, метод; методика meditation techniques —- приемы медитации biological techniques —- биологические методы modern irrigation techniques —- современные методы ирригации general techniques of optimization —- общие методы оптимизации to use the simplest techniques —- использовать простейшие приемы ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) техника, технические приемы  2) метод; способ ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) техника; методика; метод; способ 2) технология; (технологический) приём 3) алгоритм 4) оборудование; технические средства; техника - technique of directional crystallization - technique of mold reciprocation - active neutron technique - Afmag technique - airborne technique - air-conditioning technique - alignment technique - alloy-diffusion technique - anchoring technique - angled-lapping technique - angle-lapping technique - angled-lap technique - angle-lap technique - apertured-detector technique - arc-melting technique - assembly technique - audio-frequency magnetic technique - audio record cutting technique - batch-fabrication technique - batch technique - beam-lead microcircuit technique - birefringent coating technique - bonding technique - brittle coating technique - broadside technique - BTR technique - carbon extraction technique - cementing technique - check summation technique - check sum technique - chemiluminescence technique - cine technique - circuit technique - CM technique - collector-diffusion isolation technique - computer simulation techniques - computing technique - conformable masking technique - coring technique - cryogenic technique - crystal growth technique - crystal-pulling technique - curing technique - curve-fitting technique - Czochralski growth technique - Czochralski technique - decoration technique - design technique - destructive inspection technique - diffusion technique - direct writing technique - diversity technique - doping technique - dot-and-dash technique - double-specimen technique - double-theodolite technique - drilling technique - dry etching technique - dry etch technique - echo-sounding technique - editing technique - electrodeless technique - electron channeling technique - electron-ion storage technique - electroplating technique - encapsulation technique - energy conservation technique - energy conversion technique - epitaxial growth technique - epitaxial technique - etching technique -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 mechanical skill in an art. 2 a means of achieving one's purpose, esp. skilfully. 3 a manner of artistic execution in music, painting, etc. Etymology: F (as TECHNIC) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: French, from ~ technical, from Greek technikos  Date: 1817  1. the manner in which technical details are treated (as by a writer) or basic physical movements are used (as by a dancer); also ability to treat such details or use such movements good piano ~  2.  a. a body of technical methods (as in a craft or in scientific research)  b. a method of accomplishing a desired aim ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (techniques) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A technique is a particular method of doing an activity, usually a method that involves practical skills. ...tests performed using a new technique. N-COUNT: with supp 2. Technique is skill and ability in an artistic, sporting, or other practical activity that you develop through training and practice. He went off to the Amsterdam Academy to improve his technique. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a special skill or way of doing something, especially one that has to be learned  (new techniques for producing special effects in movies) 2 the level of skill or the set of skills that someone has  (a footballer with brilliant technique)  ( USAGE NOTE: TECHNIQUE WORD CHOICE technique, technology, technical, technician, expert, high tech A technique is a specific way of doing something, usually involving some skill. It may or may not be scientific or involve machines a teaching/management/propaganda technique | a new technique that allows us to see inside the human body Technique is the way you do something practical or skilful She's a wonderful skater, her technique is superb. Technology (usually ) is the general use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, usually seen in actual machines or in industry high technology (NOT high technique s) | Computer/medical technology is changing the world (NOT the technology is changing the world).| An examination of the wrecked ship will tell us something about the technology of the past (NOT technique). Something that is technical often relates to detailed practical knowledge of something involving science, technology, or machines a technical report on the plane crash (=describing exactly what went wrong with the plane)| The train is delayed due to a technical fault. | technical progress/subjects/information/help/expertise More generally technical matters may involve knowledge about any job or subject that only someone specially trained would usually have a technical point of law | a technical grammatical term | a highly technical question Someone who works with and mends scientific equipment or machines is a technician. Someone who knows all about a particular subject of any sort is an expert (NOT a technical (. A machine, process or industry may be high tech (= using the latest scientific ideas, especially electronic) (but NOT high technical) Surgeons now use the latest in high tech medical equipment. | high tech computer companies  SPELLING Technique is never spelt...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1817, from Fr. technique "formal practical details in artistic expression," noun use of adj. technique "of art, technical," from Gk. tekhnikos (see technical). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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