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Англо-русский строительный словарь - tape


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Перевод с английского языка tape на русский

лента; клейкая лента рулетка, мерная лента adding tape adhesive tape aluminized tape butyl rubber tape duct tape electrical tape fish tape heater tape insulating tape invar tape joint tape measuring tape pipe thread sealing tape pressure sensitive tape sealing tape steel tape
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См. в других словарях

  лента; магнитная лента – adhesive tape – alignment tape – calibration tape – carrier tape – chad tape – chrome-dioxide tape – digital-audio tape – double-coated tape – double-faced tape – empty tape – endless tape – error tape – father tape – ferromagnetic tape – formatted tape – gapped tape – helical tape – leader tape – magnetic powder-coated tape – master tape – measuring magnetic tape – metal tape – metal-particle tape – normal tape – n-track-magnetic tape – n-track-perforated tape – one-time tape – paper tape – program tape – punched tape – PVC - tape – reference tape – scratch tape – splicing tape – teletypewriter test tape – typical tape – undulator tape – unified-telegraph tape – video tape – virgin tape – work tape ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) лента 2) ленточка 3) ленточный кабельный 4) мерная лента 5) отпечатывать 6) перфолента 7) рулетка 8) тесемочный adhesive tape sealing — запечатывание клейкой лентой cassete tape recorder — кассетный накопитель cassette tape recorder — кассетный магнитофон chadless punched tape — бесконфетийная перфолента end of tape label — метка конца ленты five-hole punched tape — пятипозиционная перфолента magnetic tape recording — регистрация на магнитную пленку magnetic tape transport — механизм подачи магнитной ленты magnetic tape volume — том на магнитной ленте mono tape recorder — монофонический магнитофон open-reel tape recorder — шпульный магнитофон paper perforated tape — бумажная перфолента plotter control tape — лента управления графопостроителем tape sizing machine — жгутовая шлихтовальная машина video tape recorder — фото видеомагнитофон - adhesive tape - asbestos tape - auxiliary tape - base-line tape - blank tape - cambric tape - chad-type tape - finite tape - fish tape - idiot tape - infinite tape - input tape - instructions tape - insulating tape - label the tape - levelling tape - linear tape - load tape - machine tape - magnetic tape - measuring tape - paper tape - perforated tape - prepare tape - program tape - punch tape - punched tape - red tape - reference tape - retract the tape - sealing tape - semiinfinite tape - strapping tape - subroutine tape - surgical tape - symmetric tape - tape advance - tape armor - tape armoring - tape divider - tape duplication - tape feed - tape handler - tape helix - tape line - tape perforator - tape printer - tape punch - tape recorder - tape recording -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) бирж. лента тикера (c биржевыми котировками) Syn: composite tape, ticker tape See: quotation 2) общ. магнитная лента 3) общ. полоса, полоска, лента Syn: band, strip, ribbon, belt 4) бирж. = broad tape TAPE сущ. 1) лента (напр. тикера с биржевыми котировками) 2) магнитная лента • - cash-register tape - cassette tape - consolidated tape - late tape - painting the tape - red tape - ticker tape Syn: band, strip, ribbon, belt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. лента paper tape —- (бумажная) перфолента adhesive tape —- клейкая (липкая) лента, скотч (также Scotch tape); лейкопластырь electric (insulation) tape —- (электро)изоляционная лента punch (punched) tape —- комп. перфорационная лента, перфолента 2. тесьма 3. ленточка финиша at the tape —- на финише to breast the tape —- прийти к финишу; коснуться грудью финишной ленточки 4. рулетка, мерная лента (также steel tape) 5. спорт. измерительная ленточка 6. телеграфная лента 7. комп. магнитная лента (также magnetic tape) low rate tape —- лента с малой скоростью протяжки coated tape —- лента с покрытием computer tape —- лента вычислительной машины double-play (double-track, dual-track) tape —- двухдорожечная лента multichannel tape —- многодорожечная лента 8. магнитофонная лента (также recording tape) 9. магнитофонная запись tapes of Jane Fonda —- пленки с записями Джейн Фонда 10. разг. сокр. от red tape 11. сл. спиртной напиток white tape —- джин red tape —- бренди, коньяк 12. связывать тесьмой (также tape up) to tape the sections of a book —- брошюровать книгу 13. оклеивать тесьмой the windows are firmly taped for winter —- на зиму окна тщательно заклеиваются 14. измерять рулеткой to have (to get) smb. taped —- оценивать кого-л.; составлять мнение о ком-л. 15. иметь такие-то размеры; составлять столько-то в длину 16. обнаруживать,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up  а) бинтовать, забинтовывать  б) связывать тесьмой TAPE  1. noun  1) тесьма  2) лента - adhesive tape  3) телеграфная лента  4) ленточка у финиша - to breast the tape  5) = tape-line  6) abbr. of red tape  7) магнитофонная лента - tape deck  2. v.  1) связывать шнуром, тесьмой  2) измерять рулеткой  3) иметь такие-то размеры; составлять столько-то в длину  4) обнаруживать, засекать; пеленговать - tape the enemy battery  5) записывать на магнитную ленту; to tape a telephone conversation - записать телефонный разговор - tape up TAPE deck дека (магнитофон без усилителя) TAPE the enemy battery mil.  а) засечь батарею противника;  б) подавить батарею противника ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) лента связывать [скреплять] лентой; укладывать в ленту; упаковывать в ленту 2) липкая лента заклеивать липкой лентой 3) изоляционная лента изолировать лентой 4) градуированный тросик (лимниграфа) 5) мерная лента, рулетка измерять рулеткой 6) перфорированная лента, перфолента 7) магнитная лента 8) накопитель на магнитной ленте, НМЛ 9) ленточный носитель, лента-носитель (в производстве ИС) 10) тесьма 11) пришивать тесьму to generate NC tape — формировать управляющую программу на перфоленте - abrasive tape - acetate base tape - adhesive tape - advanced feed-hole paper tape - alignment tape - assembly tape - audio tape - bias tape - blank tape - bumped tape - calibration tape - carrier tape - cartridge tape - cassette tape - chadded paper tape - chadded tape - chadless paper tape - chadless tape - change tape - cloth tape - coated magnetic tape - coding tape - command tape - control tape - corrected profile data tape - correction tape - cutting tape - data tape - diagnostic tape - digital tape - discretionary-hyphenated tape - distribution tape - distributive tape - double-faced tape - double-pay tape - DP tape - edited master tape - emergency exit tape - empty tape - endless tape - error-free tape - expansion tape - extra-long-play tape - filament tape - file tape - filled tape - first copy tape - first generation tape - focusing tapes - formatted tape - friction tape - fronting tape - fusible tape - glass fiber-micanite tape - gummed tape - heat tape - heat-activated tape - helical-recording tape - helical tape - herringbone tape - hessian tape - idiot tape - in-line feed-hole paper tape - inserted tape - instruction tape - insulating tape - insulation tape -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a narrow strip of woven material for tying up, fastening, etc. 2 a a strip of material stretched across the finishing line of a race. b a similar strip for marking off an area or forming a notional barrier. 3 (in full adhesive tape) a strip of opaque or transparent paper or plastic etc., esp. coated with adhesive for fastening, sticking, masking, insulating, etc. 4 a = magnetic tape. b a tape recording or tape cassette. 5 = tape-measure. --v.tr. 1 a tie up or join etc. with tape. b apply tape to. 2 (foll. by off) seal or mark off an area or thing with tape. 3 record on magnetic tape. 4 measure with tape. Phrases and idioms breast the tape win a race. have (or get) a person or thing taped Brit. colloq. understand a person or thing fully. on tape recorded on magnetic tape. tape deck a platform with capstans for using magnetic tape. tape machine a machine for receiving and recording telegraph messages. tape-measure a strip of tape or thin flexible metal marked for measuring lengths. tape-record record (sounds) on magnetic tape. tape recorder apparatus for recording sounds on magnetic tape and afterwards reproducing them. tape recording a recording on magnetic tape. Derivatives tapeable adj. (esp. in sense 3 of v.). tapeless adj. tapelike adj. Etymology: OE t{aelig}ppa, t{aelig}ppe, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English t?ppe  Date: before 12th century  1. a narrow woven fabric  2. a string or ribbon stretched breast-high above the finish line of a race  3. a narrow flexible strip or band: as  a. adhesive ~  b. magnetic ~; also cassette 2b  4. ~ recording  II. verb  (~d; taping)  Date: 1609  transitive verb  1. to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with ~  2. to record on ~ and especially magnetic ~ ~ an interview  intransitive verb to record something on ~ and especially magnetic ~  III. adjective  Date: 1947  1. recorded on ~ ~ music  2. intended for use with recording (as magnetic) ~ a ~ cartridge ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (tapes, taping, taped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Tape is a narrow plastic strip covered with a magnetic substance. It is used to record sounds, pictures, and computer information. Many students declined to be interviewed on tape. N-UNCOUNT: oft on N 2. A tape is a cassette or spool with magnetic tape wound round it. She still listens to the tapes I made her. N-COUNT 3. If you tape music, sounds, or television pictures, you record them using a tape recorder or a video recorder. She has just taped an interview... He shouldn’t be taping without the singer’s permission. ...taped evidence from prisoners. VERB: V n, V, V-ed 4. A tape is a strip of cloth used to tie things together or to identify who a piece of clothing belongs to. The books were all tied up with tape. N-VAR 5. A tape is a ribbon that is stretched across the finishing line of a race. ...the finishing tape. N-COUNT: supp N 6. Tape is a sticky strip of plastic used for sticking things together. N-UNCOUNT 7. If you tape one thing to another, you attach it using sticky tape. I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet... The envelope has been tampered with and then taped shut again. VERB: V n onto/to n, be V-ed adj 8. see also magnetic tape, masking tape, red tape, sticky tape, videotape ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR RECORDING« a) narrow plastic material covered with a special magnetic substance, on which sounds, pictures, or computer information can be recorded and played  (on tape (=recorded on tape))  (We've got the film on tape. | I don't like the sound of my own voice on tape.) b) a special plastic box containing a length of tape that you can record sound on; cassette  (Turn the tape over when it's finished. | William lent me some of his Beatles tapes. | blank tape (=with nothing recorded on it)) c) a special plastic box containing a length of tape that you can record sound and pictures on; videotape  (Police have seized a number of magazines and tapes.) 2 »PIECE OF MUSIC/FILM« a recording of a performance, piece of music, speech etc on tape + of  (I'd like a tape of the concert.) 3 »STICKY MATERIAL« narrow length of sticky material used to stick things together; sellotape BrE; scotch tape AmE  (a parcel fastened with tape) 4 »THIN PIECE OF MATERIAL« a long thin piece of material used for various purposes such as marking out an area of ground or to tie things together 5 the tape a string stretched out across the finishing line in a race and broken by the winner 6 »FOR MEASURING« a tape measure  (- see also red tape) ~2 v 1 »RECORD STH« also tape record to record sound or pictures onto a tape1 (1) 2 »FASTEN STH« also tape up to fasten a package, box etc with tape1 (3) 3 »STICK STH« to stick something onto something else using tape1 (3)  (He had a picture of his girlfriend taped to the inside of his locker door.) 4 »INJURY« also tape up T usually passive especially AmE to tie a bandage1 firmly around an injured part of someone's body; strap2 (2) BrE  (We've got a nurse to tape that up for you.) 5 have sth/sb taped BrE informal to understand someone or something completely and have learned how to deal with them  (You can't fool Liz - she's got you taped.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  gen. bus. abbr. Transparency Accountability Participation And Equity ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. tжppe "narrow strip of cloth used for tying, measuring, etc." The verb is from 1609. Tapeworm (1752) so called from its shape. Tape recorder "device for recording sound on magnetic tape" first attested 1932; from earlier meaning "device for recording data on ticker tape" (1892). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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