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Англо-русский строительный словарь - skip


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Перевод с английского языка skip на русский

бадья для транспортирования бетона опрокидная вагонетка скиповый подъёмник concreting skip loading skip rail skip
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См. в других словарях

  1) команда пропуска символа 2) срыв синхронизации – blank skip – channel skip – cycle skip – program skip – tape skip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) козел 2) перепрыгивать 3) перескакивать 4) радио перескок 5) прерывистый 6) прыгать 7) прыжок 8) рикошетирующий 9) скачок 10) скип 11) скиповой 12) скиповый 13) холостой прогон inclined skip hoisting — подъем наклонным скипом mode skip of magnetron — проскок магнетрона skip sequence welding — сварка вразброс - dump skip - skip a line - skip a pulse - skip an instruction - skip arrea - skip bridge - skip car - skip charging - skip coke - skip hoist - skip hoisting - skip instruction - skip job step - skip lot sampling - skip mean - skip pit - skip search - skip vehicle - skip winch - ventilation skip ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. пропускать, не производить (платеж) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. прыжок, скачок to give a skip for joy —- подпрыгнуть от радости hop, skip and jump —- спорт. тройной прыжок skip jumping —- спорт. прыжки со скакалкой 2. пропуск (при чтении) 3. разг. танец 4. разг. бег 5. воен. рикошет 6. прыгать, скакать to skip out of the way —- отскочить в сторону 7. прыгать через скакалку to skip for exercise with a skipping-rope —- тренироваться со скакалкой 8. разг. резвиться, прыгать (также skip about) to skip (about) like children —- скакать как дети 9. бежать вприпрыжку to skip along the road —- прыгать по дороге to skip upstairs two at a time —- взбираться вверх, прыгая через ступеньку 10. (часто over) перепрыгивать, перескакивать to skip (over) a brook —- перепрыгнуть (через) ручей 11. (from) перескакивать, переключаться to skip (about) from one question to another —- перескакивать (в разговоре) с одного вопроса на другой to skip from one thing to another —- приниматься то за одно дело, то за другое 12. пропускать, делать пропуски; обходить, не затрагивать (также skip over) to skip every tenth row —- пропускать кадый десятый ряд to skip certain questions —- пропускать некоторые вопросы (молчанием) to skip the descriptions —- пропускать (не читая) описания here the historian skips over half a century —- здесь историк перескакивает через полстолетия 13. (over, through) бегло просматривать to skip over a book —- просматривать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun прыжок, скачок  2. v.  1) скакать, прыгать  2) перескакивать, перепрыгивать; to skip a grade - перескочить через класс (в школе)  3) пропускать; he skips as he reads - он читает не все подряд  4) coll. съездить, махнуть  5) sl. удрать; скрыться - skip across - skip off - skip over - skip through skip it! - ладно!, неважно! Syn: bound, hop, leap, spring Ant: crawl, creep, walk II noun mining бадья; скип; вагонетка с откидывающимся кузовом SKIP across coll. съездить, махнуть; Jim decided to skip across to France for two days. SKIP off coll. скрыться, улизнуть, смыться; Every time I ask that boy to do a job, he skips off and plays with his friends! SKIP over  а) перепрыгивать, перескакивать; She skipped over water.  б) coll. бегло просматривать; Lets skip over the first few things on the list, and get to the really important matters. SKIP through coll. бегло просматривать; I skipped through the first part of the book, eager to get to the exciting bits. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) скип 2) скиповый подъёмник 3) бадья (напр. для бетонирования) 4) пропуск (дефект покрытия) 5) пропуск; проскок (напр. импульса) пропускать; проскакивать (напр. об импульсе) 6) связь, вчт. команда пропуска 7) срыв (синхронизации) срываться (о синхронизации) 8) прогон (бумаги или ленты в печатающем устройстве) 9) мн. ч. поднырки (дефект ткани) 10) открытая корзина 11) низкосортная бумага (для выстилания контейнеров) - bottom-opening skip - channel skip - cycle skip - paper skip - self-discharging skip - tape skip ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (skipped, skipping) 1 intr. a move along lightly, esp. by taking two steps with each foot in turn. b jump lightly from the ground, esp. so as to clear a skipping-rope. c jump about, gambol, caper, frisk. 2 intr. (often foll. by from, off, to) move quickly from one point, subject, or occupation to another; be desultory. 3 tr. (also absol.) omit in dealing with a series or in reading (skip every tenth row; always skips the small print). 4 tr. colloq. not participate in. 5 tr. colloq. depart quickly from; leave hurriedly. 6 intr. (often foll. by out, off) colloq. make off, disappear. 7 tr. make (a stone) ricochet on the surface of water. --n. 1 a skipping movement or action. 2 Computing the action of passing over part of a sequence of data or instructions. 3 US colloq. a person who defaults or absconds. Phrases and idioms skip it sl. 1 abandon a topic etc. 2 make off, disappear. skipping-rope (US skip-rope) a length of rope revolved over the head and under the feet while jumping as a game or exercise. skip zone the annular region round a broadcasting station where neither direct nor reflected waves are received. Etymology: ME, prob. f. Scand. 2. n. 1 a large container for builders' refuse etc. 2 a cage, bucket, etc., in which men or materials are lowered and raised in mines and quarries. 3 = SKEP. Etymology: var. of SKEP 3. n. & v. --n. the captain or director of a side at bowls or curling. --v.tr. (skipped, skipping) be the skip of. Etymology: abbr. of SKIPPER(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English ~pen, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Swedish dialect skopa to hop  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to move or proceed with leaps and bounds or with a ~  b. to bound off one point after another ; ricochet  2. to leave hurriedly or secretly ~ped out without paying their bill  3.  a. to pass over or omit an interval, item, or step  b. to omit a grade in school in advancing to the next  c. misfire 1  transitive verb  1.  a. to pass over without notice or mention ; omit ~ped her name  b. to pass by or leave out (a step in a progression or series)  2.  a. to cause to ~ (a grade in school)  b. to cause to bound or skim over a surface ~ a stone across a pond  3. to leap over lightly and nimbly  4.  a. to depart from quickly and secretly ~ped town  b. to fail to attend or participate in ~ the tournament ~ the meeting  • ~pable adjective  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a light bounding step  b. a gait composed of alternating hops and steps  2. an act of omission or the thing omitted  III. noun  Etymology: short for 2~per  Date: 1830  1. the captain of a side in a game (as curling or lawn bowling) who advises the team as to the play and controls the action  2. ~per II  IV. transitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 1900 to act as ~per of ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (skips, skipping, skipped) 1. If you skip along, you move almost as if you are dancing, with a series of little jumps from one foot to the other. They saw the man with a little girl skipping along behind him... She was skipping to keep up with him. VERB: V adv/prep, V • Skip is also a noun. The boxer gave a little skip as he came out of his corner. N-COUNT 2. When someone skips, they jump up and down over a rope which they or two other people are holding at each end and turning round and round. In American English, you say that someone skips rope. Outside, children were skipping and singing a rhyme... They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell. VERB: V, V n • skipping Skipping is one of the most enjoyable aerobic activities. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you skip something that you usually do or something that most people do, you decide not to do it. It is important not to skip meals... Her daughter started skipping school. = miss VERB: V n, V n 4. If you skip or skip over a part of something you are reading or a story you are telling, you miss it out or pass over it quickly and move on to something else. You might want to skip the exercises in this chapter... She reinvented her own life story, skipping over the war years when she had a German lover. VERB: V n, V over/to n 5. If you skip from one subject or activity to another, you move quickly from one to the other although there is no obvious connection between them. She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from one subject to the next. = jump VERB: V from n to n 6. A skip is a large, open, metal container which is used to hold and take away large unwanted items and rubbish. (BRIT; in AM, use dumpster) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MOVEMENT« to move forwards with quick steps and jumps + across/along etc  (Maria skipped along at her mother's side.) 2 »NOT DO STH« informal to not do something that you usually do or that you should do  (Children who skip breakfast often don't concentrate as well as others. | He skipped chemistry class three times last month.) 3 »NOT DEAL WITH« to leave something out, or not do something that would normally be the next thing you deal with  (I decided to skip the first two chapters.)  (Let's skip to the last item on the agenda.) + over  (I suggest we skip over the details and get to the main point.) 4 »CHANGE SUBJECTS« to go from one subject to another in no fixed order + about/around/to etc  (It was a badly organized talk - he just kept skipping around from one idea to another.) 5 also skip rope AmE to jump over a rope as you pass it over your head and under your feet as a game 6 skip town/skip the country to leave a place suddenly and secretly, especially to avoid being punished or paying debts  (Martin skipped the country with -5000.) 7 skip it! spoken used to say angrily that you do not want to talk about something  ("Sorry, what were you saying?" "Oh, skip it!") 8 skip rocks/stones AmE to throw smooth, flat stones into a lake, river etc in a way that makes them jump across the surface  (- compare skim (4)) 9 skip a year/grade to start a new school year in a class that is one year ahead of the class you would normally enter 10 sb's heart skips a beat used to say that someone is very excited, surprised, or frightened  (His heart skipped a beat when he realized Mattie was there.) skip out also skip off phr v to leave suddenly and secretly, especially in order to avoid being punished or paying money  (Martha skipped out without paying her bill. | skip out on AmE (=leave someone when they need you))  (Joel skipped out on his wife when she was 8 months pregnant.) ~2 n 1 a quick light stepping and jumping movement 2 BrE a large container for bricks, wood and similar heavy waste; dumpster AmE ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  sec. abbr. Simple Key Management for Internet Protocols educ. abbr. Special Kids In Preschool ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 13c., "jump over," probably from O.N. skopa "to skip, run," from P.Gmc. *skupanan. Meaning "omit intervening parts" first recorded c.1386. Meaning "fail to attend" is from 1905. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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