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Англо-русский строительный словарь - shot


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Перевод с английского языка shot на русский

взрыв шпур дробь твёрдые включения abrasive steel shot
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  1) съемка 2) кадр 3) сеанс связи – masked shot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) выстрел 2) доза впрыска 3) дробовой 4) дробь 5) пуля 6) стрелок 7) хрящи 8) ядро fire a multiple shot — взрывать группу зарядов shot blasting machine — дробеструйная машина shot welding machine — импульсная сварочная машина - drilling shot - fire a shot - fire shot - iron shot - long shot - medium shot - metal shot - nickel shot - shot blasting - shot noise - shot wire - test shot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) счет 2) доля, взнос - get a shot in the arm - pay one's shot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) доза 2) укол; впрыскивание; инъекция – booster shot – Indian shot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. выстрел flying shot —- выстрел по движущейся цели wild shot —- промах starting shot —- спорт. стартовый выстрел to make a random shot —- выстрелить не целясь; сказать наугад to take a shot —- производить выстрел, стрелять to have a shot at smth. —- стрелять по чему-либо to make a good shot —- попасть в цель; попасть в точку to make a bad shot —- промахнуться; оплошать, сплоховать to snap shot —- выстрелить не целясь 2. попытка to have a shot for a prize —- участвовать в борьбе за приз to have a shot at smth. —- пытаться сделать что-либо, предпринять попытку сделать что-либо; попробовать свои силы в чем-либо to make a shot at a question —- пытаться отгадать ответ his first shot at doing it was a failure —- его первая попытка (сделать это) была неудачной he took a shot at reforming the boy —- он пытался перевоспитать мальчика I shall give you a shot at this job first —- сначала я дам вам возможность попробовать себя на этой работе 3. удар, бросок a shot with a stone —- удар камнем well-aimed shot —- хорошо рассчитанный удар 4. удар, выпад, колкость shot at smb. —- колкое замечание в чей-либо адрес to exchange shots —- переругиваться, обмениваться колкостями 5. удар по воротам (футбол); удар по калитке (крикет); бросок по воротам (хоккей); бросок в корзину (баскетбол) winning shot —- удар (по воротам), решающий исход игры...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in the blue = оплошность, промах SHOT in the arm впрыскивание наркотика; fig. стимул SHOT I  1. noun  1) пушечное ядро  2) pl. invar. дробинка; collect. дробь  3) sport ядро для толкания  4) выстрел; fig. удар - preliminary shot  5) попытка (угадать и т.п.); to take/have/try a shot - сделать попытку; to make a good (bad) shot at smth. - отгадать (не отгадать) что-л.; не ошибиться (ошибиться) в чем-л.  6) стрелок  7) небольшая доза  8) укол, инъекция - shot in the arm  9) глоток спиртного  10) cin. кадр  11) фотоснимок  12) mining взрыв; выпал (шпура); шпур - like a shot - shot in the blue - by a long shot - not by a long shot  2. v.  1) заряжать  2) подвешивать дробинки (к лесе) II adj.  1) переливчатый; shot with silver - с серебристым отливом  2) потрепанный, изношенный; his morale is shot - он окончательно упал духом III noun счет; to pay ones shot - расплачиваться (в гостинице, ресторане и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) взрыв 2) выстрел 3) шпур 4) сейсмический источник, источник сейсмических волн 5) дробь; дробинка 6) метал. сферический порошок 7) твёрдые включения; зёрна (в шлаке); вкрапление (в руде) 8) впрыск; длительность впрыска; доза впрыска (в производстве полимеров) 9) смычка (якорной цепи) 10) замер расстояния или высоты 11) кфт., тлв съёмка 12) кфт., тлв кадр 13) фотоснимок 14) (кинематографический) план - air shot - air-to-air shot - angle shot - backoff shot - bending shot - black-and-white shot - broadside shot - chilled iron shot - close shot - color shot - combination shot - crane shot - cross shot - day-for-night shot - dolly shot - downdip shot - downhole junk shot - film shot - fired shot - first shot - forward shot - group shot - hole shot - interior shot - long shot - lubricant shot - masked shot - medium shot - medium-close shot - medium-long shot - metallic shot - miniature shot - model shot - motion-picture shot - multiple shot - near-surface shot - nonreversed shot - pattern shot - poop shot - reversed shot - runner shot - seismic shot - shallow shot - shaped-charge downhole junk shot - short shot - side shot - skidded shot - slag shot - squib shot - stemmed shot - stereoscopic shot - string shot - surface shot - tamped shot - traveling shot - unstemmed shot - updip shot - vista shot - weathering shot ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 the act or an instance of firing a gun, cannon, etc. (several shots were heard). 2 an attempt to hit by shooting or throwing etc. (took a shot at him). 3 a a single non-explosive missile for a cannon, gun, etc. b (pl. same or shots) a small lead pellet used in quantity in a single charge or cartridge in a shotgun. c (as pl.) these collectively. 4 a a photograph. b a film sequence photographed continuously by one camera. 5 a a stroke or a kick in a ball game. b colloq. an attempt to guess or do something (let him have a shot at it). 6 colloq. a person having a specified skill with a gun etc. (is not a good shot). 7 a heavy ball thrown by a shot-putter. 8 the launch of a space rocket (a moonshot). 9 the range, reach, or distance to or at which a thing will carry or act (out of earshot). 10 a remark aimed at a person. 11 colloq. a a drink of esp. spirits. b an injection of a drug, vaccine, etc. (has had his shots). Phrases and idioms like a shot colloq. without hesitation; willingly. make a bad shot guess wrong. not a shot in one's (or the) locker 1 no money left. 2 not a chance left. shot-blasting the cleaning of metal etc. by the impact of a stream of shot. shot-firer a person who fires a blasting-charge in a mine etc. shot in the arm colloq. 1 stimulus or encouragement. 2 an alcoholic drink. shot in the dark a mere guess. shot-put an athletic contest in which a shot is thrown a great distance. shot-putter an athlete who puts the shot. shot-tower hist. a tower in which shot was made from molten lead poured through sieves at the top and falling into water at the bottom. Derivatives shotproof adj. Etymology: OE sc(e)ot, gesc(e)ot f. Gmc: cf. SHOOT 2. past and past part. of SHOOT. --adj. 1 (of coloured material) woven so as to show different colours at different angles. 2 colloq. a exhausted; finished. b drunk. 3 (of a board-edge) accurately planed. Phrases and idioms be (or get) shot of sl. be (or get) rid of. shot through permeated or suffused. Etymology: past part. of SHOOT 3. n. colloq. a reckoning, a bill,...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sceot, scot; akin to Old High German scuz, Old Norse skot ~, Old English sceotan to shoot — more at shoot  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an action of shooting  b. a directed propelling of a missile; specifically a directed discharge of a firearm  c.  (1) a stroke or throw in an attempt to score points in a game (as tennis, pool, or basketball); also home run  (2) ability to shoot has the best ~ on the team  d. blast 5a  e. a medical or narcotics injection  2.  a. plural ~ something propelled by shooting; especially small lead or steel pellets especially forming a charge for a ~gun  b. a metal sphere of iron or brass that is heaved in the ~ put  3.  a. the distance that a missile is or can be thrown  b. range, reach  4. a charge to be paid ; scot  5. one that shoots; especially marksman  6.  a. attempt, try give it a ~  b. guess, conjecture  c. chance 4a a ~ at winning the prize  d. a single appearance as an entertainer did a guest ~ for the program  7. an effective remark; especially swipe 2 a parting ~  8.  a. a single photographic exposure; especially snap~  b. a single sequence of a motion picture or a television program ~ by one camera without interruption  9. a charge of explosives  10.  a. a small measure or serving (as one ounce) of undiluted liquor or other beverage vodka ~s a ~ of espresso  b. a small amount applied at one time ; dose a ~ of fertilizer a ~ of humor  11. ~ plural sprinkles, jimmies  II. past and past participle of shoot  III. adjective  Date: 1763  1.  a. of a fabric having contrasting and changeable color effects ; iridescent  b. suffused or streaked with a color hair ~ with gray  c. infused or permeated with a quality or element ~ through with wit  2. having the form of pellets resembling ~  3. reduced to a ruined or useless state his nerves are ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shots) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Shot is the past tense and past participle of shoot. 2. A shot is an act of firing a gun. He had murdered Perceval at point blank range with a single shot... A man fired a volley of shots at them. N-COUNT 3. Someone who is a good shot can shoot well. Someone who is a bad shot cannot shoot well. He was not a particularly good shot because of his eyesight. N-COUNT: adj N 4. In sports such as football, golf, or tennis, a shot is an act of kicking, hitting, or throwing the ball, especially in an attempt to score a point. He had only one shot at goal. N-COUNT 5. A shot is a photograph or a particular sequence of pictures in a film. ...a shot of a fox peering from the bushes... N-COUNT 6. If you have a shot at something, you attempt to do it. (INFORMAL) The heavyweight champion will be given a shot at Holyfield’s world title. N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N at n 7. A shot of a drug is an injection of it. He administered a shot of Nembutal. N-COUNT: usu N of n 8. A shot of a strong alcoholic drink is a small glass of it. (AM) ...a shot of vodka. N-COUNT 9. If you give something your best shot, you do it as well as you possibly can. (INFORMAL) I don’t expect to win. But I am going to give it my best shot. PHRASE: V inflects 10. The person who calls the shots is in a position to tell others what to do. The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so. PHRASE: V inflects 11. If you do something like a shot, you do it without any delay or hesitation. (INFORMAL) I heard the key turn in the front door and I was out of bed like a shot... PHRASE: PHR after v 12. If you describe something as a long shot, you mean that it is unlikely to succeed, but is worth trying. The deal was a long shot, but Bagley had little to lose... PHRASE: v-link PHR 13. People sometimes use the expression by a long shot to emphasize the opinion they are giving. The missile-reduction...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n GUNS/SHOOTING 1 fire a shot to fire a gun  (He pulled out his rifle and fired three shots.) 2 take a shot at to try to kill or injure someone by firing a gun at them  (Someone took a shot at him as he was getting out of his car.) 3 »SOUND« the sound of a gun being fired  (Where were you when you heard the shot?) 4 »BULLETS« a) small metal balls for shooting from a shotgun b) old use large metal balls for shooting from a cannon1 5 a good shot/bad shot someone who can shoot a gun well, badly etc  (Sergeant Cooper is an excellent shot.) »SPORT« 6 an attempt to throw, kick, or hit the ball towards the place where you can get a point  (Shaw made the shot and turned to run down the court. | Good shot!) 7 a heavy metal ball that competitors try to throw as far as possible in the sport of shot put 8 a 10 to 1 shot/50 to 1 shot etc a horse, dog etc in a race, whose chances of winning are expressed as numbers that show the odds »FILM/PHOTOGRAPHS« 9 a photograph  (I managed to get some good shots of the carnival.) 10 the view of something in a film, television programme, or photograph that is produced by having the camera in a particular position  (In the opening shot we see Garfield at his desk reading.) »ATTEMPT/GUESS« 11 informal an attempt to do something or achieve something + a  (This will be his second shot at the championship.) have a shot (at sth)  (I decided to have a shot at decorating the house myself.) 12 a long shot an attempt or guess at something that is not very likely to be successful, but is still worth trying  (It's a long shot, but if we hurry we might still find her.) 13 a shot in the dark an attempt to guess something without having any facts or definite ideas  (My answer to the last question was a complete shot in the dark.) »OTHER MEANINGS« 14 »DRINK« a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink + of  (He poured himself another shot of whiskey.) 15 »DRUG« AmE an injection of a drug (=when it is put into the body with a needle)  (Have you had your typhoid and cholera shots?) 16...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  veterin. abbr. Stock Horse Of Texas NASA abbr. Space Houston On Ten mil. abbr. Executed Without a Trial sport abbr. Shooting Hunting And Outdoor Trade law abbr. Executed Without a Trial firm name abbr. Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. scot, sceot "that which is discharged in shooting," from P.Gmc. *skutan, related to sceotan "to shoot." Meaning "discharge of a bow" is in O.E., extended to other projectiles in M.E., and to sports (hockey, basketball, etc.) 1868. Another original meaning, "payment," is preserved in Scot-free. Meaning "drink of straight liquor" first attested 1676. Noun meaning "try, attempt" is from 1840; adj. sense of "exhausted" is from 1930. First record of shotgun is 1828, Amer.Eng.; shotgun wedding first attested 1927. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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