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Англо-русский строительный словарь - rake


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Перевод с английского языка rake на русский

скребок; грабли; гребок кочерга; лопата наклон; отклонение от отвесной линии скат; склон; покатый пол скос; срез мусорозадерживающая решётка land-clearing rake mechanical rake root rake screen rake sludge rake
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  1) выгребать 2) грабельный 3) грабли 4) грести 5) загребать 6) кочерга 7) кубарка 8) разгребать 9) сгребалка 10) сгребать 11) скос back rake angle — угол передний rake of a pole — наклон опоры side rake angle — главный задний угол - end rake angle - finger-wheel rake - horse-drawn rake - mounted rake - oblique rake - propeller rake - rake apparatus - rake bar - rake dozer - rake drum - rake mechanism - reel rake - root rake - rotary rake - self-dump rake - shrub rake - side rake - steering rake - sulky rake - tail rake - tractor rake - trailed rake ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) сгребать граблями, грести 2) ворошить (прошлое) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. грабли 2. кочерга 3. лопаточка крупье 4. расческа; частый гребешок 5. "скелет", "щепка" (о худом человеке) as thin (as lean) as a rake —- худой как щепка 6. тех. скребок rake conveyor —- скребковый конвейер 7. сгребать граблями; заравнивать, подчищать граблями (также rake smooth, rake level, rake clean) to rake a path —- разровнять граблями дорожку 8. ворошить (сено) 9. чистить скребком 10. разгребать, грести (кочергой и т. п.); шуровать 11. ворошить (прошлое и т. п.); рыться (в чем-л.); тщательно искать (что-л.) to rake about (round, around) for smth. —- рыться, парить в поисках чего-л. to rake one's memory —- напрягать память; рыться в памяти; ворошить воспоминания to rake (through) old magazines —- рыться в старых журналах they have been raking among (in, into) old records —- они рылись в старых документах, они перерыли (ворошили) старые записи the police raked the district for the criminals —- полиция прочесывала район в поисках преступников 12. собирать, набирать (часто rake up, rake together) to rake recruits —- вербовать сторонников 13. окидывать взглядом; осматривать, озирать from his seat he could rake the whole auditorium with his eyes —- со своего места ему было удобно рассматривать всех сидящих в зале a window that rakes the valley —- окно, из которого видна вся долина 14. воен. обстреливать продольным огнем 15. отклонение...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  around ворошить (прошлое и т.п.); рыться (в чём-л.); тщательно искать (что-л.), шарить в поисках чего-л.; I spent the day raking around (the house), but found nothing. Ive raked about in my memory, but I cannot remember her name. RAKE away отгребать, выгребать RAKE in  а) загрести лопаточкой крупье (ставки); The man in charge of the game has a long-handled tool for raking in the money that the players lose.  б) загребать (деньги); Too many people are raking in large profits from the housing market. RAKE off  а) сгребать (листья); выгребать; отгребать  б) загребать (деньги); The tax man rakes a third off everything I earn. RAKE out  а) выгребать; to rake out the fire выгребать уголь, золу; I shall have to rake these dead leaves out before water will flow through the pipe again.  б) выискивать, выкапывать, добывать с трудом; At last I raked out a worn old coat to give to the man at the door. RAKE over  а) пройтись граблями (по дорожке и т.п.); заравнивать, подчищать граблями;  б) coll. вспоминать (что-л.) в разговоре; Lets not rake over things that we would rather forget. to rake over old ashes пробуждать (тяжёлые) воспоминания to rake someone over the coals ругать, бранить RAKE up  а) сгребать; to rake up the fire шуровать уголь в топке; загребать жар; We used to help the farmer to rake up the dried grass.  б) растравлять (старые раны); ворошить (воспоминания и т.п.); Dont rake up the past не вороши прошлое  в) выискивать, выкапывать. добывать с трудом; Cant you rake up some other players for the team? Leis see what...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) наклон; угол наклона 2) весло (для приготовления штукатурного раствора) 3) фронтонная доска 4) первичный грохот 5) скребок; грабли сгребать 6) передний угол (режущего инструмента) 7) железнодорожный состав to rake off — сгребать; счерпывать (пену); to rake out — 1. выгребать 2. расчищать швы кладки перед расшивкой - cheese rake - knife rake - rack rake - root rake - self-contained rake - site-preparation rake - straight rake - wheel rake - working normal rake ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a an implement consisting of a pole with a crossbar toothed like a comb at the end, or with several tines held together by a crosspiece, for drawing together hay etc. or smoothing loose soil or gravel. b a wheeled implement for the same purpose. 2 a similar implement used for other purposes, e.g. by a croupier drawing in money at a gaming-table. --v. 1 tr. collect or gather or remove with or as with a rake. 2 tr. make tidy or smooth with a rake (raked it level). 3 intr. use a rake. 4 tr. & intr. search with or as with a rake, search thoroughly, ransack. 5 tr. a direct gunfire along (a line) from end to end. b sweep with the eyes. c (of a window etc.) have a commanding view of. 6 tr. scratch or scrape. Phrases and idioms rake in colloq. amass (profits etc.). rake-off colloq. a commission or share, esp. in a disreputable deal. rake up (or over) revive the memory of (past quarrels, grievances, etc.). Derivatives raker n. Etymology: OE raca, racu f. Gmc, partly f. ON raka scrape, rake 2. n. a dissolute man of fashion. Phrases and idioms rake's progress a progressive deterioration, esp. through self-indulgence (the title of a series of engravings by Hogarth 1735). Etymology: short for archaic rakehell in the same sense 3. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. set or be set at a sloping angle. 2 intr. a (of a mast or funnel) incline from the perpendicular towards the stern. b (of a ship or its bow or stern) project at the upper part of the bow or stern beyond the keel. --n. 1 a raking position or build. 2 the amount by which a thing rakes. 3 the slope of the stage or the auditorium in a theatre. 4 the slope of a seat-back etc. 5 the angle of the edge or face of a cutting tool. Etymology: 17th c.: prob. rel. to G ragen project, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English racu; akin to Old High German rehho ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an implement equipped with projecting prongs to gather material (as leaves) or for loosening or smoothing the surface of the ground  b. a machine for gathering hay  2. an implement like a ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; raking)  Date: 13th century  1. to gather, loosen, or smooth with or as if with a ~ ~ leaves into a pile  2. to gain rapidly or in abundance — usually used with in ~ in a fortune  3.  a. to touch in passing over lightly  b. scratch, scrape  4. to censure severely  5. to search through ; ransack  6. to sweep the length of especially with gunfire ; enfilade  7. to glance over rapidly  • ~r noun  III. noun  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1626  1. inclination from the perpendicular; especially the overhang of a ship's bow or stern  2. inclination from the horizontal ; slope  3. the angle between the top cutting surface of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the surface of the work  IV. intransitive verb  (~d; raking)  Date: 1691 to incline from the perpendicular  V. noun  Etymology: short for ~hell  Date: 1653 a dissolute person ; libertine ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rakes, raking, raked) 1. A rake is a garden tool consisting of a row of metal or wooden teeth attached to a long handle. You can use a rake to make the earth smooth and level before you put plants in, or to gather leaves together. N-COUNT 2. If you rake a surface, you move a rake across it in order to make it smooth and level. Rake the soil, press the seed into it, then cover it lightly... VERB: V n 3. If you rake leaves or ashes, you move them somewhere using a rake or a similar tool. I watched the men rake leaves into heaps... VERB: V n adv/prep ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a gardening tool with a row of metal teeth at the end of a long handle, used for making soil level, gathering up dead leaves etc 2 old-fashioned a man who behaves in an unacceptable way, having many sexual relationships, drinking too much alcohol etc 3 a tool used by a croupier for gathering in the money at a table where games are played for money 4 the angle of a slope  (the rake of the stage) ~2 v 1 to move a rake across a surface in order to make the soil level, gather dead leaves etc + over/up  (She raked over the soil to loosen the weeds.) 2 to search a place very carefully for something + through/around/abou  (I've been raking through my drawers looking for those tickets.) 3 to point something such as a gun, camera, or strong light, so that it covers a wide area, by slowly moving it from one side to another  (The searchlight raked the open ground around the prison.) 4 rake a fire/ashes/coals to push a stick backwards and forwards in a fire in order to remove ashes 5 rake your fingers/nails to pull your fingers or nails through something or across a surface  (Ken raked his fingers through his hair.) rake sth in phr v informal to earn a lot of money without trying very hard  (Lou's been raking in the dollars since he opened his business. | rake it in)  (If someone opened a burger bar, they'd really rake it in.) rake sth up phr v informal 1 also rake together to collect things or people together for a purpose, but with difficulty  (Karen has had real problems raking up enough players for the volleyball game. | Between them they could only rake together $300.) 2 to talk about something from the past that people would prefer you not to mention  (Don't rake up that old quarrel again!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  religion abbr. Random Acts Of Kindness Everywhere ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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