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Англо-русский строительный словарь - polish


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Перевод с английского языка polish на русский

политура; полирующий состав полировать полировка
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  1) глянец 2) обессоливать 3) полировальный материал 4) полировать 5) полировка 6) политура 7) польский 8) шлифовка give high polish — полировать до блеска metal takes polish — металл принимает полировку reverse Polish notation — компьют. запись обратная польская stone takes a polish — камень полируется - floor polish - give polish - polish glass - polish out scratch - polish the condensate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  прил. польский ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. польский язык 2. польский polish 1. полировка, шлифовка; отделка brilliant (mirror-like) polish —- полирование (доведение) до зеркального блеска 2. лоск, глянец 3. полировка, полированная поверхность a table with a high polish —- хорошо отполированный стол to lose its polish —- потерять блеск, потускнеть to take the polish off smth. —- снять полировку (убрать блеск) с чего-л.; сделать что-л. тусклым (матовым) 4. политура, полировальный состав 5. лак, крем; мастика boot (shoe) polish —- крем для обуви floor polish —- мастика (лак) для полов nail polish —- лак для ногтей furniture polish —- мебельный лак 6. лоск, изысканность (манер), внешний блеск the polish of a professional actor —- блеск и элегантность актера-профессионала he lacks polish —- он плохо воспитан he has acquired (taken on) polish —- он приобрел манеры, он стал прекрасно держаться 7. тонкость, изысканность; совершенство (слога) writer of great polish —- писатель, обладающий безукоризненным (отточенным) слогом 8. геол. гладкая поверхность сброса; зеркало скольжения 9. полировать, шлифовать; наводить лоск, глянец to polish glass —- шлифовать стекло to polish the furniture —- полировать мебель to polish leather —- глянцевать (лощить) кожу to polish steel —- воронить сталь 10. шлифоваться, поддаваться шлифовке; становиться гладким...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I Polish  1. adj. польский  2. noun польский язык II  1. noun  1) глянец  2) полировка, шлифовка; чистка  3) политура; лак; мастика (для полов)  4) лоск, изысканность  5) отделка, совершенство (слога и т.п.)  2. v.  1) полировать, шлифовать, наводить лоск, глянец  2) становиться гладким, шлифованным  3) чистить (обувь)  4) отесывать, делать изысканным; отделывать, оттачивать (слог и т.п.) (тж. polish up); Polish up the silver ready for the important dinner. I must polish up my French. - polish off POLISH off отполировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) полирование, полировка; шлифование, шлифовка полировать; шлифовать 2) лощить (бумагу) 3) блеск; лоск; глянец 4) полировальный материал; шлифовальный материал 5) осветлять фильтрованием до блеска (вино, соки) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smooth or glossy by rubbing. 2 (esp. as polished adj.) refine or improve; add finishing touches to. --n. 1 a substance used for polishing. 2 smoothness or glossiness produced by friction. 3 the act or an instance of polishing. 4 refinement or elegance of manner, conduct, etc. Phrases and idioms polish off finish (esp. food) quickly. polish up revise or improve (a skill etc.). Derivatives polishable adj. polisher n. Etymology: ME f. OF polir f. L polire polit- POLISH adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Poland. 2 of the Poles or their language. --n. the language of Poland. Phrases and idioms Polish notation Math. a system of formula notation without brackets and punctuation. Etymology: POLE + -ISH(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English polisshen, from Anglo-French poliss-, stem of polir, from Latin polire  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to make smooth and glossy usually by friction ; burnish  2. to smooth, soften, or refine in manners or condition  3. to bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state ; perfect  intransitive verb to become smooth or glossy by or as if by friction  • ~er noun  II. noun  Date: 1679  1.  a. a smooth glossy surface ; luster  b. freedom from rudeness or coarseness ; culture  c. a state of high development or refinement  2. the action or process of ~ing  3. a preparation that is used to produce a gloss and often a color for the protection and decoration of a surface furniture ~ nail ~ POLISH  I. adjective  Etymology: Pole  Date: 1592 of, relating to, or characteristic of Poland, the Poles, or ~  II. noun  Date: 1671 the Slavic language of the Poles ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (polishes, polishing, polished) 1. Polish is a substance that you put on the surface of an object in order to clean it, protect it, and make it shine. The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish. ...soap powders, detergents, and polishes. N-MASS 2. If you polish something, you put polish on it or rub it with a cloth to make it shine. Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes... VERB: V n • Polish is also a noun. He gave his counter a polish with a soft duster. N-SING: a N • polished ...a highly polished floor. ADJ 3. If you say that someone has polish, you mean that they show confidence and know how to behave socially. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 4. If you say that a performance or piece of work has polish, you mean that it is of a very high standard. The opera lacks the polish of his later work. N-UNCOUNT c darkgreen]approval 5. If you polish your technique, performance, or skill at doing something, you work on improving it. They just need to polish their technique. VERB: V n • Polish up means the same as polish. Polish up your writing skills on a one-week professional course. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron) 6. see also polished, French polish, nail polish POLISH 1. Polish means belonging or relating to Poland, or to its people, language, or culture. ADJ 2. Polish is the language spoken in Poland. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v to make something smooth, bright, and shiny by rubbing it  (The floor had been polished to a satiny sheen. | It was my duty to polish the silver on Saturdays.) - polisher n  (an electric floor polisher) - polishing n  ( @polish off ~ sth off  phr v informal to finish food, work etc, quickly or easily  (At lunch, Rowan polished off six sandwiches!) ~ sb off phr v AmE informal to kill or defeat someone  (Mather was polished off with a shotgun in another gangland killing.) @polish up ~ up phr v 1 to improve a skill or an ability by practising it  (I need to polish up my Spanish before we go on vacation.) 2 to polish something @ ) ~2 n 1 a liquid, powder, or other substance used for rubbing into a surface to make it smooth and shiny  (pine panelling gleaming with wax polish | furniture polish | shoe polish)  (- see also French polish) 2 a special quality of great skill and style in the way someone performs, writes, or behaves  (Carla's writing his potential, but it lacks polish.) 3 a smooth shiny surface produced by polishing 4 an act of polishing a surface to make it smooth and shiny  (An occasional wipe and polish with a soft cloth will keep wall tiles looking good.)  (- see also spit and polish spit2 (5)) ^~3 adj from or connected with Poland, its people, or their language ^~4 n the language of Poland ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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