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Англо-русский строительный словарь - peel


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Перевод с английского языка peel на русский

orange peel шероховатость окрасочного слоя мелкие наплывы или крапины (дефект на фаянсовых плитках)
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  сдираться peel round billet — обдирать трубную заготовку - peel off - peel test - peel the paint ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) кожура; кожица; снимать кожуру или кожицу 2) лущить, шелушить (зерно) 3) шелушиться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  away  а) снимать (корку, кожуру, обертку); As you peel away the onion skin, you find another skin underneath. Peeling away the wrapping paper, she got such a surprise when she saw what was inside!  б) сходить, слезать, облезать; The paint is peeling away already: you cant have prepared the surface properly.  в) лупиться, шелушиться, сходить (о коже); He has a terrible disease in which the skin on the hands peels away.  г) aeron. выходить из общего строя, делать полубочку перед пикированием; The leading pair of planes peeled away, one to the right and one to the left. PEEL off  а) снимать (корку, кожуру, обертку); As you peel away the onion skin, you find another skin underneath. Peeling away the wrapping paper, she got such a surprise when she saw what was inside!  б) сходить, слезать, облезать; The paint is peeling away already: you cant have prepared the surface properly.  в) лупиться, шелушиться, сходить (о коже); He has a terrible disease in which the skin on the hands peels away.  г) aeron. выходить из общего строя, делать полубочку перед пикированием; The leading pair of planes peeled away, one to the right and one to the left.  д) снимать (одежду), раздеваться; She peeled off her coat and jumped into the water. The girls peeled off before swimming. II noun hist. четырехугольная башня на границе Англии и Шотландии III noun пекарская лопата PEEL I  1. noun корка, кожица, шелуха  2. v.  1) снимать корку, кожицу, шелуху; очищать (фрукты, овощи и т.п.); to peel an orange - очищать апельсин  2) шелушиться, лупиться, сходить (о коже, краске и т.п.); the...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) отслаивание отслаиваться 2) окоривать 3) лесн. лущить 4) обдирать; зачищать (заготовки); сдирать (покрытие) 5) очищать кожуру (с плодов, овощей) 6) с.-х. пищ. обдирать, шелушить, лущить (зерно); обрушивать (семена) - orange peel ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a strip the skin, rind, bark, wrapping, etc. from (a fruit, vegetable, tree, etc.). b (usu. foll. by off) strip (skin, peel, wrapping, etc.) from a fruit etc. 2 intr. a (of a tree, an animal's or person's body, a painted surface, etc.) become bare of bark, skin, paint, etc. b (often foll. by off) (of bark, a person's skin, paint, etc.) flake off. 3 intr. (often foll. by off) colloq. (of a person) strip for exercise etc. 4 tr. Croquet send (another player's ball) through the hoops. --n. the outer covering of a fruit, vegetable, prawn, etc.; rind. Phrases and idioms peel off 1 veer away and detach oneself from a group of marchers, a formation of aircraft, etc. 2 colloq. strip off one's clothes. Derivatives peeler n. (in sense 1 of v.). Etymology: earlier pill, pele (orig. = plunder) f. ME pilien etc. f. OE pilian (unrecorded) f. L pilare f. pilus hair 2. n. a shovel, esp. a baker's shovel for bringing loaves etc. into or out of an oven. Etymology: ME & OF pele f. L pala, rel. to pangere fix 3. n. (also pele) hist. a small square tower built in the 16th c. in the border counties of England and Scotland for defence against raids. Etymology: ME pel stake, palisade, f. AF & OF pel f. L palus stake: cf. PALE(2) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English pelen, from Anglo-French peler, from Latin pilare to remove the hair from, from pilus hair  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to strip off an outer layer of ~ an orange  2. to remove by stripping ~ the label off the can  intransitive verb  1.  a. to come off in sheets or scales  b. to lose an outer layer (as of skin) his face is ~ing  2. to take off one's clothes  3. to break away from a group or formation — often used with off  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the skin or rind of a fruit  2. a thin layer of organic material that is embedded in a film of collodion and stripped from the surface of an object (as a plant fossil) for microscopic study  3. chemical ~  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English pele, from Anglo-French, from Latin pala  Date: 14th century a usually long-handled spade-shaped instrument that is used chiefly by bakers for getting something (as bread or pies) into or out of the oven  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English (Scots) pel, from Middle English, stockade, stake, from Anglo-French, stake, from Latin palus — more at pole  Date: 1726 a medieval small massive fortified tower along the Scottish-English border — called also ~ tower PEEL  I. biographical name Sir Robert 1788-1850 English statesman  II. geographical name river 425 miles (684 kilometers) NW Canada rising in W Yukon Territory & flowing E & N into the Mackenzie ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (peels, peeling, peeled) 1. The peel of a fruit such as a lemon or an apple is its skin. ...grated lemon peel. N-UNCOUNT • You can also refer to a peel. (AM) ...a banana peel. N-COUNT 2. When you peel fruit or vegetables, you remove their skins. She sat down in the kitchen and began peeling potatoes. VERB: V n 3. If you peel off something that has been sticking to a surface or if it peels off, it comes away from the surface. One of the kids was peeling plaster off the wall... It took me two days to peel off the labels... Paint was peeling off the walls... The wallpaper was peeling away close to the ceiling. ...an unrenovated bungalow with slightly peeling blue paint. VERB: V n off/from n, V n with off/away, V off/from n, V off/away, V-ing 4. If a surface is peeling, the paint on it is coming away. Its once-elegant white pillars are peeling. VERB: usu cont, V 5. If you are peeling or if your skin is peeling, small pieces of skin are coming off, usually because you have been burned by the sun. His face, at the moment, was peeling from sunburn. VERB: usu cont, V ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to remove the skin from fruit or vegetables  (peeling potatoes) 2 peel sth from/away/off etc T always + adv/prep to remove the outer layer from something  (Jessie peeled the wrapper from the sweet.) 3 a) to lose an outer layer or surface  (The walls were peeling with the damp.) b) if skin, paper, or paint peels, it comes off, usually in small pieces  (My skin always peels when I've been in the sun.)  (- see also keep your eyes open/peeled eye1 (15)) peel off phr v 1 T peel something off) to take your clothes off  (The children peeled off their clothes and leapt into the pool.) 2 to leave a moving group of vehicles, aircraft etc and go in a different direction  (The last two motorcycles peeled off from the convoy.) ~2 n the outer layer of some fruits, especially the ones that you usually peel before you eat them  (orange peel) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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