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Англо-русский строительный словарь - need


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потребность, нужда in need of repair long-standing need water need
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  1) быть должным 2) нужда 3) нуждаться 4) обязанным 5) потребность 6) потребоваться 7) потребуюсь 8) требовать there is no need — незачем we need not seek x — нам не нужно находить x ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) надобность, потребность 2) недостаток 3) бедность, нужда, нищета • - be in need of - credit need - need for coordination - need of modelling - needs analysis Syn: exigency, necessity, felt need 2. гл. 1) нуждаться, иметь надобность (потребность) 2) нуждаться, бедствовать 3) требоваться 4) быть необходимым NEED потребность – long felt need NEED 1. сущ. 1) общ. надобность, потребность, нужда without a need — без нужды communication need — потребность в коммуникации to meet the needs — удовлетворять потребности spiritual needs — духовные запросы My life has been driven by a deep need to ask questions and find answers. — В жизни меня преследовала необходимость задавать вопросы и искать на них ответы. Syn: want See: need for affiliation, need for power, need for achievement, need for esteem, hierarchy of needs model, need for love and belonging, need for safety, need for self-actualization, need theories, physiological need, self-actualization need, social needs 2) общ. недостаток, нехватка for need of — вследствие недостатка (чего-л.) Syn: want 3) общ. бедность, нужда, нищета to live in need — жить в нищете A general state of need exists among the homeless. — Бездомные обычно живут в нищете. 2. гл. 1) общ. нуждаться, иметь надобность (потребность) always needing friends and money — вечная нехватка друзей и денег 2) общ. нуждаться, бедствовать give to them that need — помогите нуждающимся 3) общ. требоваться He needs rest. — Он нуждается в отдыхе. This is a...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. надобность, нужда to be (to stand) in need of smth., to feel the need of smth., to have need of smth. —- нуждаться в чем-л. are you in need of help? —- не нужна ли вам помощь? he felt the need of money —- он нуждался в деньгах, у него было трудно с деньгами the house is in need of repairs —- дом требует ремонта there was a need for caution —- следовало действовать осмотрительно there is no need —- нет надобности there is no need to worry —- нет оснований волноваться is there any need to hurry (for haste)? —- есть ли смысл (нужно ли) спешить? if need be (were) —- если бы потребовалось, в случае нужды when (as, if) the need arises —- по мере (в случае) необходимости to have need to do smth. —- быть вынужденным что-л. сделать there is little need to speak of... —- нет надобности говорить о... there is no need for her to work —- она может не работать (не нуждается в заработке) 2. pl. потребности, нужды, запросы to meet the needs —- удовлетворять потребности daily needs —- повседневные нужды spiritual needs —- духовные запросы to each according to his needs —- каждому по потребностям my needs are few —- я неприхотлив; мне много не нужно to meet the needs of the age —- соответствовать требованиям времени to meet the needs of the occasion —- оказаться на высоте положения 3. нужда, бедность; нищета to live (to be) in need —- нуждаться, жить в нищете 4. недостаток, нехватка for need of —- из-за недостатка,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) надобность, нужда; to be in need of, to feel the need of, to have need of - нуждаться в чем-л.; the house is in need of repair - дом требует ремонта; if need be/were - если нужно, если потребуется  2) pl. потребности; to meet the needs - удовлетворять потребности  3) недостаток, бедность, нужда; for need of - из-за недостатка  2. v.  1) нуждаться (в чем-л.); иметь надобность, потребность; what he needs is a good thrashing - он заслуживает хорошей взбучки  2) требоваться; the book needs correction - книга требует исправления; it needs to be done with care - это надо сделать осторожно  3) нуждаться, бедствовать  4) (как модальный глагол в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях) быть должным, обязанным; you need not trouble yourself - вам нечего (самому) беспокоиться; I need not have done it - мне не следовало этого делать; must I go there? No, you need not - нужно ли мне туда идти? Нет, не нужно Syn: see require NEED the file требовать отделки ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. stand in want of; require (needs a new coat). 2 tr. (foll. by to + infin.; 3rd sing. present neg. or interrog. need without to) be under the necessity or obligation (it needs to be done carefully; he need not come; need you ask?). 3 intr. archaic be necessary. --n. 1 a a want or requirement (my needs are few; the need for greater freedom). b a thing wanted (my greatest need is a car). 2 circumstances requiring some course of action; necessity (there is no need to worry; if need arise). 3 destitution; poverty. 4 a crisis; an emergency (failed them in their need). Phrases and idioms at need in time of need. had need archaic ought to (had need remember). have need of require; want. have need to require to (has need to be warned). in need requiring help. in need of requiring. need not have did not need to (but did). Etymology: OE neodian, ned f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ned, from Old English nied, ned; akin to Old High German not distress, ~, Old Prussian nautin ~  Date: before 12th century  1. necessary duty ; obligation  2.  a. a lack of something requisite, desirable, or useful  b. a physiological or psychological requirement for the well-being of an organism  3. a condition requiring supply or relief  4. lack of the means of subsistence ; poverty  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing; ~s or (auxiliary) ~)  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to be ~ful or necessary  2. to be in want  transitive verb to be in ~ of ; require  verbal auxiliary be under necessity or obligation to you ~ not answer she ~ only wait ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (needs, needing, needed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Need' sometimes behaves like an ordinary verb, for example ‘She needs to know’ and ‘She doesn’t need to know’ and sometimes like a modal, for example ‘She need know’, ‘She needn’t know’, or, in more formal English, ‘She need not know.’ 1. If you need something, or need to do something, you cannot successfully achieve what you want or live properly without it. He desperately needed money... I need to make a phone call... I need you to do something for me... I need you here, Wally... I need you sane and sober. VERB: no cont, V n, V to-inf, V n to-inf, V n adv/prep, V n adj • Need is also a noun. Charles has never felt the need to compete with anyone. ...the child who never had his need for attention and importance satisfied. ...the special nutritional needs of the elderly. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N to-inf, N for n 2. If an object or place needs something doing to it, that action should be done to improve the object or place. If a task needs doing, it should be done to improve a particular situation. The building needs quite a few repairs. ...a garden that needs tidying... The taste of vitamins is not too nice so the flavour sometimes needs to be disguised. VERB: no cont, V n/-ing, V n/-ing, V to-inf 3. If there is a need for something, that thing would improve a situation or something cannot happen without it. Mr Forrest believes there is a need for other similar schools throughout Britain... ‘I think we should see a specialist.’—‘I don’t think there’s any need for that.’... There’s no need for you to stay. N-SING: usu with supp, oft N for n, N to-inf 4. If you say that someone needn’t do something, you are telling them not to do it, or advising or suggesting that they should not do it. Look, you needn’t shout... She need not know I’m here. MODAL: with neg • Need is also a verb. Come along, Mother, we don’t need to take...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MUST« to feel that you must have something or must do something; require  (need sth)  (That was what I needed - strong, hot coffee. | I don't need your approval, thank you very much. | need to do sth)  (I need to think about this before I make a decision. | need sth for)  (He said he needed the information for an article he was writing. | need sb to do sth)  (We need volunteers to clean up after the performance. | need sth badly)  (Money was tight and he needed a job badly.) 2 to have to do something because you feel you should do it or because you think it is necessary  (need (to) do sth)  (Do you think I need to go to the meeting? | You need to work harder if you're going to pass those exams. | Nobody need feel jealous. | need not do sth BrE)  (You needn't worry. I've taken care of it. | do not need to do sth)  (Honestly, you don't need to get changed. You look fine as you are. | need not have done sth BrE (=used when someone does something that was not necessary))  (Terence has done so little work, he needn't have bothered to come to school today. | did not need to do sth)  (What a beautiful day! I didn't need to bring my umbrella after all. | need sb do sth? BrE old-fashioned)  (Need we leave so soon? I'm having a wonderful time.) 3 need cleaning/mending/fixing etc if something needs cleaning or needs to be cleaned, someone should clean it because it is dirty  (That fence needs fixing. | need washing/mending etc)  (The children need collecting at 4 o'clock. | need to be washed/to be mended etc)  (I think these potatoes need to be cooked a little longer. | need a wash/a mend etc)  (He looked tired and looked like he needed a shave.) 4 if a job or activity needs a particular quality, you need to have that quality in order to do it well  (A job like nursing needs patience and understanding.) 5 I need hardly say/tell/remind etc used when you think that people should already know what you are going to say  (I need hardly remind you that people will judge the school by the way you behave.) 6 need you ask/need I...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. NetCommerce, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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