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Англо-русский строительный словарь - mask


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Перевод с английского языка mask на русский

маскарон (архитектурная деталь) маска cloth mask dust mask face mask
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См. в других словарях

  1) маска (кинескопа) 2) ослабление, подавление – aperture mask – coding mask – color selecting mask – invar mask – out-of-band emission mask – signal-spectrum mask – single-phase phase-noise mask – spatial filter mask – subnetwork mask ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) замаскировать 2) фото кашета 3) маска 4) маскировать 5) масок 6) перекрывать 7) скрывать 8) фотошаблон 9) ширма emergency oxygen mask — аварийная кислородная маска rejeciton mask method — метод удаляемого трафарета rejection mask method — метод удаляемого маски - adjustable mask - aperture mask - face mask - filling mask - fixed mask - framing mask - gate mask - moveable mask - oxide mask - oxygen mask - permanent mask - photoresist mask - shadowing mask - suspended-bridge mask ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) маска (ловчий орган у личинок стрекоз) 2) маскировать, скрывать, прятать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. маска 'flu mask —- марлевая повязка (надеваемая на нос и рот при эпидемии гриппа) fencing mask —- фехтовальная маска to put on (to don) a mask —- надевать маску to doff a mask —- снимать маску 2. театр. маска 3. маска, участник или участница маскарада 4. маскарад 5. маска, слепок (с лица умершего, обыкн. гипсовый или восковой) 6. личина, маска under the mask of friendship —- под маской (видом, личиной) дружбы to put on (to assume, to wear) a mask —- носить маску (личину), принимать (делать) вид, притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения he had his hatred for his master under a mask of loyalty —- он прятал свою ненависть к хозяину под личиной преданности to throw off (to pull off, to drop) one's mask —- сбросить личину, показать себя в настоящем свете to tear the mask off smb. —- сорвать маску с кого-л., разоблачить кого-л. with the mask off —- разоблаченный 7. покров a mask of snow —- снежный покров, снежная пелена 8. противогаз 9. воен. укрытие от наблюдения to reach over masks —- поражать цели за укрытиями 10. фот. кин. маска, каше; рамка (изображения) 11. архит. лепная голова 12. голова, шкура крупного зверя (как охотничий трофей) 13. эл. маска, фотошаблон 14. маскировать, скрывать to mask a door —- замаскировать дверь to mask one's smile —- прятать улыбку 15. воен. маскировать to mask the guns —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) маска; - death mask  2) личина; - assume a mask - put on a mask - wear a mask - throw off the mask  3) маска, участник/участница маскарада  4) противогаз  5) морда зверя (как охотничий трофей)  2. v.  1) маскировать, скрывать (with); Doctors and nurses working in an operating theatre have to mask their noses and mouths with a specially clean cloth; She masked her suffering with a cheerful smile, and no one doubted her pretended happiness.  2) надевать маску, притворяться  3) mil. маскировать; to mask the fire - загораживать обстрел ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) маскировочное покрытие, маскирующий слой, маска 2) электрон. шаблон; фотошаблон; трафарет 3) электрон., вчт. маска маскировать 4) кфт. каше 5) вуалировать; перекрывать (напр. хроматографические пятна) 6) рамка экрана кинескопа 7) противогаз - apertured mask - aperture mask - bimetal mask - blocking mask - breathing mask - chrome mask - chromium mask - color-correction mask - color-selecting mask - compensating mask - condition mask - conformable mask - contact mask - contact pad mask - contrast correction mask - correct negative mask - correct positive mask - custom mask - dark field mask - decorative mask - delineation mask - deposition mask - diffused mask - diffusion mask - doping mask - dot shadow mask - durable photolitography mask - durable photo mask - dust mask - E-beam mask - electronic mask - emulsion mask - etching mask - evaporation mask - exposure mask - fine-line mask - fine-pitch dot shadow mask - framing mask - gas mask - gate mask - glass mask - grid mask - hard-surface mask - IC mask - in situ mask - interconnection mask - interrupt mask - iron-oxide mask - isolation mask - layered mask - lithographic mask - low-reflective mask - main mask - master mask - metal mask - metal-on-glass mask - metal-stencil mask - mirror image mask - mirror mask - moving mask - negative mask - offset mask - optical mask - oxidation mask - oxygen mask - paper mask - pattern mask - photoemulsion mask - photoengraving mask - photographic mask - photoresist mask - positive mask - principal mask - production mask - projection mask - quartz mask - quick-donning mask - reference mask - refractory mask - resist mask - reticle mask - reverse negative mask - reverse positive mask - rib-supported mask - screening mask - screen mask - secondary mask - selective mask - self-aligned mask - shadow mask - single mask - single metal mask - slotted mask - solder mask - stencil...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a covering for all or part of the face: a worn as a disguise, or to appear grotesque and amuse or terrify. b made of wire, gauze, etc., and worn for protection (e.g. by a fencer) or by a surgeon to prevent infection of a patient. c worn to conceal the face at balls etc. and usu. made of velvet or silk. 2 a respirator used to filter inhaled air or to supply gas for inhalation. 3 a likeness of a person's face, esp. one made by taking a mould from the face (death-mask). 4 a disguise or pretence (throw off the mask). 5 a hollow model of a human head worn by ancient Greek and Roman actors. 6 Photog. a screen used to exclude part of an image. 7 the face or head of an animal, esp. a fox. 8 = face-pack. 9 archaic a masked person. --v.tr. 1 cover (the face etc.) with a mask. 2 disguise or conceal (a taste, one's feelings, etc.). 3 protect from a process. 4 Mil. a conceal (a battery etc.) from the enemy's view. b hinder (an army etc.) from action by observing with adequate force. c hinder (a friendly force) by standing in its line of fire. Phrases and idioms masking tape adhesive tape used in painting to cover areas on which paint is not wanted. Derivatives masker n. Etymology: F masque f. It. maschera f. Arab. maskara buffoon f. sakira to ridicule ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French masque, from Old Italian maschera  Date: 1534  1.  a.  (1) a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise  (2) a person wearing a ~ ; ~er  b.  (1) a figure of a head worn on the stage in antiquity to identify the character and project the voice  (2) a grotesque false face worn at carnivals or in rituals  c. an often grotesque carved head or face used as an ornament (as on a keystone)  d. a sculptured face or a copy of a face made by means of a mold  2.  a. something that serves to conceal or disguise ; pretense, cloak aware of the ~s, facades and defenses people erect to protect themselves — Kenneth Keniston  b. something that conceals from view  c. a translucent or opaque screen to cover part of the sensitive surface in taking or printing a photograph  d. a pattern of opaque material used to shield selected areas of a surface (as of a semiconductor) in deposition or etching (as in producing an integrated circuit)  3.  a. a protective covering for the face  b. gas ~  c. a device covering the mouth and nose to facilitate inhalation  d. a comparable device to prevent exhalation of infective material  e. a cosmetic preparation for the skin of the face that produces a tightening effect as it dries  4.  a. the head or face of an animal (as a fox or dog)  b. an area (as the one around the eyes) of an animal's face that is distinguished by usually darker coloring  II. verb  Date: circa 1562  intransitive verb  1. to take part in a masquerade  2.  a. to assume a ~  b. to disguise one's true character or intentions  transitive verb  1. to provide or conceal with a ~: as  a. to conceal from view ~ a gun battery  b. to make indistinct or imperceptible ~s undesirable flavors  c. to cover up ~ed his real purpose  2. to cover for protection  3. to modify the size or shape of (as a photograph) by means of an opaque border  Synonyms: see disguise  • ~like adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (masks, masking, masked) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A mask is a piece of cloth or other material, which you wear over your face so that people cannot see who you are, or so that you look like someone or something else. The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled. ...actors wearing masks. N-COUNT 2. A mask is a piece of cloth or other material that you wear over all or part of your face to protect you from germs or harmful substances. You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes... N-COUNT: oft supp N 3. If you describe someone’s behaviour as a mask, you mean that they do not show their real feelings or character. His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. A mask is a thick cream or paste made of various substances, which you spread over your face and leave for some time in order to improve your skin. This mask leaves your complexion feeling soft and supple. N-COUNT 5. If you mask your feelings, you deliberately do not show them in your behaviour, so that people cannot know what you really feel. Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation. = conceal, hide VERB: V n 6. If one thing masks another, it prevents people from noticing or recognizing the other thing. Too much salt masks the true flavour of the food... VERB: V n 7. see also death mask, gas mask, oxygen mask ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 something that covers all or part of your face, to protect or to hide it  (a surgical face mask) 2 something that covers your face, and has another face painted on it  (special masks used in Kabuki theater) 3 usually singular) an expression or way of behaving that hides your real emotions or character  (Her sarcasm is only a mask for her insecurity.)  (- see also death mask, gas mask) ~2 v 1 to cover something so that it cannot be properly seen  (an ugly concrete wall partially masked by straggling ivy) 2 a smell, taste, sound etc that is masked by a stronger one cannot be noticed because of it 3 to hide the truth about a situation, about how you feel etc  (His clownishness masks his loneliness. | so-called democratic institutions that mask the reality of power in Britain) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Mobile Armored Strike Kommand NASDAQ abbr. Align Rite International, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1534, from M.Fr. masque "covering to hide or guard the face," from It. maschera, from M.L. masca "mask, specter, nightmare," of uncertain origin, perhaps from Ar. maskhara "buffoon," from sakhira "to ridicule." The verb, in the general sense of "disguise," is attested from 1847. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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