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Англо-русский строительный словарь - estate


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Перевод с английского языка estate на русский

участок поместье building estate housing estate industrial estate
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  1) имущество; собственность 2) участок – industrial estate ESTATE сущ. 1) имущество, собственность 2) имущественный интерес в недвижимости 3) имение; плантация, земельный участок • - administer an estate - administration of a bankrupt's estate - assets of estate - bankrupt estate - claim against a bankrupt estate - contingent estate - decedent estate - distribute an estate - distribution of estate - dominant estate - equitable estate - estate administration - estate of deceased person - estate planning - estate property - estate trust - freehold estate - future estate - gross estate - housing estate - legal estate - life estate - net estate - personal estate - real estate - real estate broker - real estate investment trust - real estate investment - residuary estate - servient estate - taxable estate - vested estate - vested estate - estate at will - estate for life - estate for years - estate form year to year - estate in common - estate in coparcenary - estate in fee simple - estate in fee tail - estate of inheritance Syn: industrial park, plantation, lot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. поместье, имение; земельное владение rubber estate —- плантация каучуконосов estate agent —- управляющий имением estate agent —- агент по продаже недвижимости to own a landed estate —- иметь (большое) имение, быть крупным землевладельцем to reside on an estate —- жить (в своем) имении 2. имущество, состояние personal estate —- движимое имущество estate duty —- налог на наследство, наследственная пошлина estate for life —- юр. пожизненное владение имуществом estate in tail —- юр. (недвижимое) имущество, владелец которого ограничен в праве его отчуждения и распоряжения им на случай смерти he is heir to a large estate —- он наследник крупного состояния he left an estate of... —- он оставил состояние в размере... to administer a deceased's estate —- быть чьим-либо душеприказчиком 3. участок, площадка industiral estate —- промышленная площадка; территория завода housing estate —- район жилой застройки; группа домов 4. сословие Third E. —- ист. третье сословие, буржуазия the fourth estate —- "четвертое сословие", пресса the estates of the realm —- сословия королевства (Великобритания) 5. редк. положение man's estate —- совершеннолетие мужчины the estate of matrimony —- законный брак, состояние в браке to suffer in one's estate —- тяготиться своим положением 6. книж. положение в обществе; статус;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  agent  а) управляющий имением  б) агент по продаже домов, земельных участков и имений (тж. real estate agent) ESTATE duty налог на наследство ESTATE noun  1) сословие - the fourth estate  2) имущество personal (real) estate - движимое (недвижимое) имущество  3) имение, поместье  4) obs. положение to suffer in ones estate - тяготиться своим положением mans estate - возмужалость  5) attr. - estate agent - estate duty Syn: see class ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. 1 a property consisting of an extensive area of land usu. with a large house. 2 Brit. a modern residential or industrial area with integrated design or purpose. 3 all of a person's assets and liabilities, esp. at death. 4 a property where rubber, tea, grapes, etc., are cultivated. 5 (in full estate of the realm) an order or class forming (or regarded as) a part of the body politic. 6 archaic or literary a state or position in life (the estate of holy matrimony; poor man's estate). 7 colloq. = estate car. Phrases and idioms estate agent Brit. 1 a person whose business is the sale or lease of buildings and land on behalf of others. 2 the steward of an estate. estate car Brit. a car with the passenger area extended and combined with space for luggage, usu. with an extra door at the rear. estate duty Brit. hist. death duty levied on property. Usage Replaced in 1975 by capital transfer tax and in 1986 by inheritance tax. the Three Estates Lords Spiritual (the heads of the Church), Lords Temporal (the peerage), and the Commons. Etymology: ME f. OF estat (as STATUS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English estat, from Anglo-French — more at state  Date: 13th century  1. state, condition  2. social standing or rank especially of a high order  3. a social or political class; specifically one of the great classes (as the nobility, the clergy, and the commons) formerly vested with distinct political powers  4.  a. the degree, quality, nature, and extent of one's interest in land or other property  b.  (1) possessions, property; especially a person's property in land and tenements a man of small ~  (2) the assets and liabilities left by a person at death  c. a landed property usually with a large house on it  d. British project 4  5. British station wagon  6. farm, plantation; also vineyard  II. adjective  Date: 1978 previously owned by another and usually of high quality ~ jewelry ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (estates) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An estate is a large area of land in the country which is owned by a person, family, or organization. ...a shooting party on Lord Wyville’s estate in Yorkshire. N-COUNT 2. People sometimes use estate to refer to a housing estate or an industrial estate. (BRIT) He used to live on the estate. N-COUNT 3. Someone’s estate is all the money and property that they leave behind them when they die. (LEGAL) His estate was valued at $150,000. N-COUNT: oft poss N 4. see also housing estate, industrial estate, real estate ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 BrE an area where houses or buildings of a similar type have all been built together in a planned way  (council/industrial/housing etc estate)  (Rachel was brought up on a bleak post-war council estate in Liverpool.) 2 law all of someone's property and money, especially everything that is left after they die  (She left her estate to her husband.) 3 a large area of land in the country, usually with one large house on it and one owner  (workers on the Osborne estate) 4 old-fashioned a condition or state of life  (the holy estate of matrimony)  (- see also fourth estate, real estate) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 12c., from Anglo-Fr. astat, from L. status "state or condition," from root of stare "to stand." Oldest sense is of rank, "standing," sense of "property" is c.1385, from "worldly prosperity;" specific application to "landed property" (usually of large extent) is first recorded in Amer.Eng. 1623. Meaning "collective assets of a dead person or debtor" is from 1830. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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