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Англо-русский строительный словарь - device


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Перевод с английского языка device на русский

устройство, приспособление; механизм; прибор; аппарат; установка acoustic signaling device air terminal device alarm device amusement devices anchor device anti-creep device audible warning device automatic closing device automatic measuring device bag-cleaning device borehole impression device clamping device closing device consolidation monitoring device distance-measuring device door-closing device dumping device erection device extension device fastening device fire alarm device fire-warning device fixing device gas failure safety device gauge-setting device handling device hoist limit device jacking device labor-saving devices leveling device limiting device linear air terminal device liquid limit device loading device lock device locking device lowering device lubricating device mechanical device moisture control device operating device optical measuring device overload prevention device overload protection device point-transfer device pressure limiting device purpose-designed device raising device recording device rotary mixing device rotating drum tie pick up device safety device safety shutoff device scum-removal device self-closing device sensitive device shading device slot air terminal device stressing device stretching device sun protection device take-off device tensioning device traffic control device venting device warning device
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См. в других словарях

  устройство; прибор; аппарат – acoustic delay device – acoustic imaging device – active device – add-in device – adjusting device – airplane speaking device – airplane tape recording device – alarm device – all-in-one device – amplifying device – analizing device – ancillary device – announcer's device – answering device – antenna-feeder device – antenna-matching device – antipumping device – arresting device – arithmetic device – attention device – audible signal device – automatic-matching device – automatic program input device – automatic voice-alert device – auxiliary call-doubling device – auxiliary loud-speaking device – auxiliary radio communication device – balancing device – beam-processing device – buffer device – burglar-alarm device – cable device – calling device – call-routing device – central chain data device – central-control device – central-intranetwork device – channel device – channel-adjusting device – charge-injection device – clamping device – color-imaging device – combinational device – combined-measuring device – combined safety-alarm device – command-execution device – command-transit device – command-transmission device – compact device – composite-optoelectronic device – conditional-access device – conditioning device – connecting device – contact-switching device – control device – control-calling device – controlled semiconductor device – controller device – counting device – damping device – data collection device – data-input device – data-interface device – data-recording device – data transmission device – decoding device – digital device – digital signal processing device – discrete control device – dispatch device – display device – doubling device – dual-tone ringing device – duplex amplifier bypass device – duty-reception device – earthing device – eavesdropping device – edge device – electrodynamical device –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) устройство; механизм; приспособление 2) прибор; аппарат 3) установка, агрегат - analogue device - antijamming device - arc control device - artificial device - ash sluicing device - ash-sluicing device - automatic tracking device - average computing device - azimuthal device - batching device - belt-type levelling device - catching device - chain-type levelling device - character display device - charge-coupled device - charging-box lifting device - covering device - cryoelectronic device - disk-type levelling device - distance-measuring device - emergency release device - estimation device - etching device - exponential device - fail-safe device - fifth-wheel device - finger-type levelling device - gas-discharge device - gas-filled device - height-measuring device - height-warning device - heuristic device - high-lift device - hoisting device - inertial energy-storage device - input/output device - jet device - logical device - louver-damper device - magnetic release device - magnetizing device - matching device - mathematical device - microautomatic device - microphone-earphone device - minimum-current release device - mixing device - mnemonic device - multidigit display device - night viewing device - nonreciprocal device - origin-shift device - overcurrent release device - pitch damping device - pointing device - pressure-difference device - primary device - probabilistic device - protective device - puller device - pushing device - put-down device - random choice device - ray-locking device - reclosing device - regulator device - reverse-current release device - roll damping device - sealing device - self-reacting device - semiautomatic device - semiconductor device - semiconductor display device - separation device - shaker device - shearing device - shorting device - sighting device - signal device - signaling device - signalling device - sound-imaging device - speed-limiting device - spinning device - spraying device - spreading device - squaring device - squelch device...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) устройство, приспособление 2) способ, средство 3) план, проект • - collection devices - contingent device - executory device - nuclear device - pump-priming device - safety device - sales promotion devices Syn: facilities, fitment, implement, instrument, unit, method, process, means, way(s), technique, procedure, mode, medium DEVICE 1) устройство; приспособление; механизм; прибор 2) элемент 3) метод; способ 4) композиция; рисунок 5) эмблема; девиз 6) изобретение 7) изобретательность – device under patent – alleged infringing device – common device – graphic device – licensed device – ornate device – patentable device – procedural device – storage device – technical device DEVICE сущ. 1) а) общ. устройство, приспособление; механизм, прибор, аппарат, машина listening device — подслушивающее устройство detonating device — детонатор input-output devices — устройства ввода-вывода Syn: "instrument, mechanism, implement, apparatus б) тех. элемент active (passive) device — активный (пассивный) элемент 2) а) общ. способ, средство, метод, прием (достижения какой-либо цели); затея, уловка the labour-saving device — рационализаторский прием sales promotion devices — способы продвижения товара б) общ. план, проект, схема (достижения чего-либо) to invent hit upon a device — разработать план happy device — удачный план 3) общ. композиция; рисунок of strange device — странного вида decorative device on the front cover — декоративный узор на передней стороне...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. схема, план, проект happy device —- удачный план to invent (to hit upon) a device —- придумать план 2. прием stylistic device —- стилистический прием stale device —- избитый прием 3. (злая) проделка; коварный замысел the devices of the devil —- бесовские проделки through this device he put the police off the scent —- с помощью этой уловки он сбил полицию со следа 4. устройство, приспособление; механизм, аппарат, прибор safety device —- предохранительный механизм labour-saving devices —- механические приспособления; бытовые приборы nuclear device —- ядерное устройство reconnoitric (reconnaissance) devices —- разведывательная аппаратура electronic device —- электронный прибор laser device —- лазерная установка input-output devices —- устройства ввода-вывода encoding device —- кодирующее устройство, шифратор error sensing device —- детектор ошибок time-delay device —- механизм замедленного действия; реле времени 5. элемент active device —- активный элемент 6. эмблема 7. девиз 8. уст. рисунок; композиция of rare device —- редкого рисунка of strange device —- странного вида 9. pl. изощренность Id: to leave smb. to his own devices —- предоставить кого-л. самому себе ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) устройство; приспособление; механизм; аппарат, прибор  2) способ, средство, прием  3) план; схема; проект  4) затея; злой умысел  5) девиз, эмблема to leave smb. to his own devices - предоставить кого-л. самому себе Syn: see machine ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) устройство 2) установка; агрегат 3) аппарат 4) механизм 5) прибор; измерительное устройство 6) приспособление 7) компонент; элемент 8) схема 9) метод; способ; алгоритм devices identical in design — конструктивные аналоги; devices similar in operation — функциональные аналоги - acoustic alarm device - acoustic logging device - active device - active docking device - actuating device - add-in device - add-on device - adjusting device - airbag inserting device - aircrafts anticollision device - air cushion device - air-gage tracer device - air starting device - alphanumeric display device - analog device - androgynous docking device - anticreep device - antidazzling device - antientrainment device - antihunting device - antijoy ride device - antipatterning device - antipollution device - antiskid device - antisnarl device - antithief device - antitopple device - antiwater hammer device - antiwheel slip device - arc blowout device - arresting device - asymmetrical gripping device - attention device - aural warning device - automated material/part handling device - automatic boom kickout device - automatic course device - automatic discharging device - automatic exposure control device - automatic fading device - automatic focusing device - automatic programming device - automatic release device - automatic threading device - automatic timing device - automatic work handling device - backup device - backup roll bending device - backwind device - balancing device - band-compression device - bar centering device - barring device - beam-steadying device - belt-on control device - bending device - bipolar device - blinking device - blocking device - borehole deviation device - bottom unloading device - bow maneuvering device - brightness sensing device - brush shifting device - bubble memory device - bucket brigade charge-coupled device - bulk storage device - burnout protection...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, esp. a mechanical contrivance. 2 a plan, scheme, or trick. 3 a an emblematic or heraldic design. b a drawing or design. 4 archaic make, look (things of rare device). Phrases and idioms leave a person to his or her own devices leave a person to do as he or she wishes. Etymology: ME f. OF devis ult. f. L (as DIVIDE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle English devis, devise, from Anglo-French, division, plan, from deviser to divide, regulate, tell — more at devise  Date: 14th century  1. something devised or contrived: as  a.  (1) plan, procedure, technique  (2) a scheme to deceive ; stratagem, trick  b. something fanciful, elaborate, or intricate in design  c. something (as a figure of speech) in a literary work designed to achieve a particular artistic effect  d. archaic masque, spectacle  e. a conventional stage practice or means (as a stage whisper) used to achieve a particular dramatic effect  f. a piece of equipment or a mechanism designed to serve a special purpose or perform a special function an electronic ~  2. desire, inclination left to my own ~s  3. an emblematic design used especially as a heraldic bearing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (devices) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A device is an object that has been invented for a particular purpose, for example for recording or measuring something. ...an electronic device that protects your vehicle 24 hours a day. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. A device is a method of achieving something. They claim that military spending is used as a device for managing the economy. N-COUNT 3. If you leave someone to their own devices, you leave them alone to do as they wish. Left to his own devices, Osborn is a fluent–and often original–guitarist. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »PIECE OF EQUIPMENT« a piece of equipment intended for a particular purpose, for example for recording or measuring something + for  (a useful device for detecting electrical activity | modern labour-saving devices)  (- see machine1) 2 leave sb to their own devices to leave someone alone to do whatever they want  (I just gave her a brush and paints, and left her to her own devices.) 3 »PLAN/TRICK« a plan or trick, especially for a dishonest purpose  (Their proposal was only a device to confuse the opposition.) 4 »SPECIAL METHOD« a special way of doing something that makes it easier to do  (Testing yourself with information on cards is a useful device for studying.) 5 »BOMB« a bomb or other explosive weapon  (an explosive device) 6 »LITERATURE/THEATRE« the special use of words in literature, or of words, lights etc in a play, to achieve an effect  (Metaphor is a common literary device.) 7 »PICTURE« technical a picture or design used by a noble1 (3) family as their sign  (the device on his shield) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. devis "division, separation, disposition, wish, desire," from L. divisus, pp. of dividere "to divide." Sense of "method by which something is divided" arose in Fr. and led to modern meaning. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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