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Англо-русский строительный словарь - book


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Перевод с английского языка book на русский

книга; журнал (рабочий, регистрационный); сборник (том) документов регистрировать (принимать) заказы field book how-to book level book symbol book
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См. в других словарях

  книга, инструкция – code book – customer book – phone book – signal book – telephone-address book BOOK – Blue Book – Orange Book – Red Book – White Book – Yellow Book ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) книга 2) книжный 3) резервировать book edge tinting — закраска обреза field levelling book — нивелирный журнал field record book — реферативный журнал fly by the book — летать строго по наставлению meteorological record book — метео книжка метеорологическая - block book - book bindery - book binding - book capacitor - book designer - book leather - book production - bound book - guide book - inner book - log book - maintenance book - problem book - reference book ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – accession book – desk book – registration book – statute book – stock book BOOK сущ. 1) книга а) общ. (литературное произведение, научный трактат) б) потр. (печатное издание) See: "bookmark, "printed products в) общ. (как название частей деления произведения; также том, часть) г) общ. (источник определенной информации) handbook — руководство, справочник, указатель reference book — справочник, руководство, инструкция; учебник complaint book — книга жалоб д) общ. (сборник официальных документов под одной обложкой (напр. сборник отчетов предприятия, научного общества и т. п. )) е) общ. (букмекерская книга записи ставок (на тотализаторе); запись заключаемых пари) Syn: betting-book 2) учет = "account book book amount — сумма по записям в бухгалтерских книгах book records — записи в бухгалтерских книгах to set up the book — заводить бухгалтерскую книгу See: "balance the books, closing the books, "keep books, "write up the books 3) иск. либретто (текст оперы и т. п.), сценарий (пьесы) BOOK 1. сущ. 1) счетная книга, бухгалтерская книга 2) пакет (акций, облигаций в руках у брокера или биржевого маклера) • - Blue Book - Domesday Book - Red Book - account book - advice book - an account book - at book value - bank book - be on the book - beige book - bill book - book account - book an item - book an order - book debt - book entry bond - book of account - book of original entry - book of record - book of reference - book records...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  – lung book – Red data book – scale book ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. книга picture book —- книжка с картинками to be at one's books —- сидеть за книгами, заниматься to hit the books —- ам. студ. жарг. зубрить 2. глава, том, книга Milton's Paradise Lost consists of 12 books —- "Потерянный рай" Мильтона состоит из 12 книг 3. (the B.) библия to swear on the B. —- клясться на библии 4. сброшюрованные листы чистой или разграфленной бумаги; (конторская) книга an account book —- бухгалтерская книга 5. что-либо в виде книги, книжечка a book of stamps —- книжечка марок (для наклейки на письма) a book of bus tickets —- автобусная книжечка a book of mathes —- книжечка спичек 6. сборник денежных, коммерческих, статистических и прочих отчетов, протоколов the Books —- отчеты о решениях и приговорах (вынесенных английскими судами с древних времен до нынешнего времени) 7. запись заключаемых пари to make a book on the Derby —- записать пари, заключенные на скачках в Дерби to keep a book —- держать тотализатор (нелегально) 8. заключать пари to make book —- делать ставки, держать пари 9. ам. разг. букмекер 10. либретто (оперы) 11. карт. шесть первых взяток одной из сторон (в висте) Id: a book of fate —- книга судьбы Id: a book of life —- книга жизни Id: a book of God —- библия Id: to be upon the books —- быть занесенным в списки членов Id: to make smb.'s name off the books —- исключить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1) книга  2) заказывать (билет) BOOK ones passage взять билет на пароход ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) книга 2) (книжный) блок 3) том документации 4) принимать заказ, регистрировать заказ; заказывать (билет) 5) бронировать место (на полет) - address book - aeronautical reference book - appointment book - Blue book - bound memo book - cased book - general trade book - hot-melt book - illustrated book - log book - long-run book - loose-leaf book - loose-leaf memo book - memo book - memo ring book - one-up book - paperback book - parts book - pilot's log book - pocket book - pop-out picture book - production book - record book - run book - self-cover book - signal book - soft-bound book - specimen book - stock book - talking book - telephone address book - two-up book - wirebound memo book ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers. b a literary composition intended for publication (is working on her book). 2 a bound set of blank sheets for writing or keeping records in. 3 a set of tickets, stamps, matches, cheques, samples of cloth, etc., bound up together. 4 (in pl.) a set of records or accounts. 5 a main division of a literary work, or of the Bible (the Book of Deuteronomy). 6 (in full book of words) a libretto, script of a play, etc. 7 colloq. a magazine. 8 a telephone directory (his number's in the book). 9 a record of bets made and money paid out at a race meeting by a bookmaker. 10 a set of six tricks collected together in a card-game. 11 an imaginary record or list (the book of life). --v. 1 tr. a engage (a seat etc.) in advance; make a reservation of. b engage (a guest, supporter, etc.) for some occasion. 2 tr. a take the personal details of (an offender or rule-breaker). b enter in a book or list. 3 tr. issue a railway etc. ticket to. 4 intr. make a reservation (no need to book). Phrases and idioms book club a society which sells its members selected books on special terms. book-end a usu. ornamental prop used to keep a row of books upright. book in esp. Brit. register one's arrival at a hotel etc. book learning mere theory. book-plate a decorative label stuck in the front of a book bearing the owner's name. book-rest an adjustable support for an open book on a table. book token Brit. a voucher which can be exchanged for books to a specified value. book up 1 buy tickets in advance for a theatre, concert, holiday, etc. 2 (as booked up) with all places reserved. book value the value of a commodity as entered in a firm's books (opp. market value). bring to book call to account. closed (or sealed) book a subject of which one is ignorant. go by the book proceed according to the rules. the good Book the Bible. in a person's bad (or good) books in disfavour (or favour) with a person. in my book in my opinion. make a book take...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English boc; akin to Old High German buoh ~, Gothic boka letter  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a set of written sheets of skin or paper or tablets of wood or ivory  b. a set of written, printed, or blank sheets bound together into a volume  c. a long written or printed literary composition  d. a major division of a treatise or literary work  e. a record of a business's financial transactions or financial condition — often used in plural the ~s show a profit  f. magazine 4a  g. e-~  2. capitalized bible 1  3. something that yields knowledge or understanding the great ~ of nature her face was an open ~  4.  a.  (1) the total available knowledge and experience that can be brought to bear on a task or problem tried every trick in the ~  (2) inside information or analysis the ~ on him is that he can't hit a curveball  b. the standards or authority relevant in a situation run by the ~  5.  a. all the charges that can be made against an accused person threw the ~ at him  b. a position from which one must answer for certain acts ; account bring criminals to ~  6.  a. libretto  b. the script of a play  c. a ~ of arrangements for a musician or dance orchestra ; musical repertory  7. a packet of items bound together like a ~ a ~ of stamps a ~ of matches  8.  a. ~maker  b. the bets registered by a ~maker; also the business or activity of giving odds and taking bets  9. the number of tricks a cardplayer or side must win before any trick can have scoring value  • ~ful noun  II. adjective  Date: 13th century  1. derived from ~s and not from practical experience ~ learning  2. shown by ~s of account ~ assets  III. verb  Date: 1807  transitive verb  1.  a. to register (as a name) for some future activity or condition (as to engage transportation or reserve lodgings) he was ~ed to sail on Monday  b. to schedule engagements for ~ the band for a week  c. to set aside time for  d. to reserve in advance ~ two seats at the...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (books, booking, booked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A book is a number of pieces of paper, usually with words printed on them, which are fastened together and fixed inside a cover of stronger paper or cardboard. Books contain information, stories, or poetry, for example. His eighth book came out earlier this year and was an instant best-seller... ...the author of a book on politics. ...reference books. N-COUNT 2. A book of something such as stamps, matches, or tickets is a small number of them fastened together between thin cardboard covers. Can I have a book of first class stamps please? N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. When you book something such as a hotel room or a ticket, you arrange to have it or use it at a particular time. British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children... Laurie revealed she had booked herself a flight home last night. ...three-star restaurants that are normally booked for months in advance. = reserve VERB: V n, V n n, V-ed 4. A company’s or organization’s books are its records of money that has been spent and earned or of the names of people who belong to it. (BUSINESS) For the most part he left the books to his managers and accountants... Around 12 per cent of the people on our books are in the computing industry. N-PLURAL 5. When a referee books a football player who has seriously broken the rules of the game, he or she officially writes down the player’s name. League referee Keith Cooper booked him in the first half for a tussle with the goalie. VERB: V n 6. When a police officer books someone, he or she officially records their name and the offence that they may be charged with. They took him to the station and booked him for assault with a deadly weapon. = charge VERB: V n 7. In a very long written work such as the Bible, a book is one of the sections into which it is divided. N-COUNT 8. see also booking, cheque book, phone book 9. If you bring someone to book, you punish...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »PRINTED BOOK« a set of printed pages that are fastened together in a cover so that you can read them  (I'm reading a book by Graham Greene. | Nothing beats curling up with a good book.) 2 »BOOK TO WRITE IN« a set of sheets of paper fastened together in a cover so that you can write on them  (a note book | address/exercise etc book (=a book for a particular purpose)) 3 »SET OF THINGS« a set of things such as stamps, matches or tickets, fastened together inside a paper cover 4 books plural a) »ACCOUNTS« written records of the accounts of a business  (Their books show a profit.)  (- see also cook the books cook1 (5)) b) »JOBS« the names of people who use a company's services, or who are sent by a company to work for other people  (on sb's books (=employed by a company or organization))  (informal)  (We have over 100 VDU operators on our books at the moment.) 5 a closed book a subject that you do not understand or know anything about  (Chemistry is a closed book to me.) 6 one for the books informal used to say that something that has happened is unusual or surprising  (Look! Gaynor's buying the drinks. There's one for the books!) 7 be in sb's good/bad books informal used to say that someone is pleased or annoyed with you 8 go by the book/do sth by the book to do something exactly according to rules or instructions  (Tony's the sort of bloke who does everything by the book.) 9 in my book usually spoken used when giving your opinion  (She's all right in my book.) 10 »PART OF A BOOK« one of the parts that a very large book such as the Bible is divided into + of  (the Book of Isaiah) 11 bring sb to book especially BrE to punish someone for breaking laws or rules, especially when you have been trying to punish them for a long time  (Terry was finally brought to book for fiddling the accounts.)  (- see also statute book, take a leaf out of sb's book leaf1 (2), read sb like a book read1 (13), suit sb's book suit2 (5), a turn-up for the book turn-up (2), throw the book at throw1 (27)) ~2 v 1 BrE to arrange...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  astronom. abbr. Bio Optical Organized Knowledge file ext. abbr. Book (Adobe FrameMaker) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. boc, traditionally from P.Gmc. *bokiz "beech" (the notion being of beechwood tablets on which runes were inscribed), but may be from the tree itself (people still carve initials in them). The O.E. originally meant any written document. Latin and Sanskrit also have words for "writing" that are based on tree names ("birch" and "ash," respectively). Meaning "libretto of an opera" is from 1768. Verb meaning "to enter for a seat or place, issue (railway) tickets" is from 1841; "to engage a performer as a guest" is from 1872. Booklet, with dim. suffix, first recorded 1859. A betting book is from 1856; bookmaker in the wagering sense is from 1862; shortened form bookie is attested from 1885. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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