Англо-украинский юридический словарь - restrictive
Перевод с английского языка restrictive на украинский
обмежувальний, який обмежує, рестриктивний; посилений (про режим утримання); заборонний (про сигнал тощо), який забороняє
restrictive of the general right — який обмежує загальне право
restrictive abortion lawsrestrictive agreementrestrictive assumptionrestrictive business practicesrestrictive clauserestrictive conditionrestrictive constructionrestrictive covenantrestrictive immigration lawsrestrictive immigration quotasrestrictive immunityrestrictive injunctionrestrictive interferencerestrictive interpretationrestrictive lawrestrictive lawsrestrictive legislationrestrictive measurerestrictive policiesrestrictive policyrestrictive practices actrestrictive practices courtrestrictive practices lawrestrictive provisionrestrictive rulerestrictive rulerestrictive standardrestrictive statuterestrictive trade policyrestrictive trade practicerestrictive trade practicesrestrictive words
Похожие слова
Самые популярные термины
1 | 1248 | |
2 | 503 | |
3 | 450 | |
4 | 330 | |
5 | 317 | |
6 | 280 | |
7 | 266 | |
8 | 259 | |
9 | 229 | |
10 | 213 | |
11 | 213 | |
12 | 213 | |
13 | 208 | |
14 | 205 | |
15 | 199 | |
16 | 188 | |
17 | 182 | |
18 | 181 | |
19 | 176 | |
20 | 172 |