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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - joint


Перевод с английского языка joint на украинский


спільний, об'єднаний; узгоджений; колективний, колегіальний; міжвідомчий

joint and several responsibility — зобов'язання з відповідальністю спільно і окремо, зобов'язання із солідарною відповідальністю

joint session of the two chambers — спільне засідання обох палат (парламенту)

joint session of the two chambers of parliament — спільне засідання обох палат парламенту

joint sitting of the two chambers — спільне засідання обох палат (парламенту)

joint sitting of the two chambers of parliament — спільне засідання обох палат парламенту

joint actionjoint adventurejoint agreementjoint and severaljoint and several liabilityjoint and several obligationjoint and several promissorsjoint appealjoint appealsjoint applicantsjoint assessmentjoint authorityjoint authorsjoint ballotjoint beneficiaryjoint bodyjoint bondjoint businessjoint cause of actionJoint Chiefs of Staffjoint claimjoint commissionjoint committeejoint conferencejoint consultationsjoint consultative committeejoint contractjoint covenantjoint creditorsjoint crimejoint custodyjoint debtjoint debtorjoint decision-making powerjoint declarationjoint denialjoint effortsjoint estatejoint financial responsibilityjoint guaranteejoint guarantorjoint guardianjoint guardianshipjoint guiltjoint heirjoint heirshipjoint householdjoint indebtednessjoint interestjoint interventionjoint inventionjoint liabilityjoint licenseejoint mortgagejoint mortgagedjoint obligationjoint offendersjoint operationjoint operation agreementjoint organjoint ownerjoint ownershipjoint participantsjoint participants in a crimejoint participationjoint participation in a crimejoint participatorsjoint participators in a crimejoint partyjoint possessionjoint plaintiffjoint possessionjoint possessorjoint privilegejoint procurationjoint promissorsjoint propertyjoint proprietorjoint prosecutionjoint recognitionjoint registrationjoint representationjoint resolutionjoint responsibilityjoint returnjoint sessionjoint signatoryjoint signaturejoint sittingjoint statementjoint stockjoint-stockjoint stock associationjoint-stock bankjoint-stock companyjoint stock companyjoint-stock corporationjoint suretyjoint suspectsjoint tax returnjoint taxationjoint tenancyjoint tenantjoint tort feasorsjoint tort tortfeasorsjoint tortfeasoryjoint treatyjoint trialjoint usejoint userjoint venturejoint venture agreementjoint will

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Что такое joint
Значение слова joint
Что означает joint
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Определение термина joint
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