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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - gathering


Перевод с английского языка gathering на украинский


збір, збирання; комплектування; зустріч

gathering evidence in criminal matters — збір даних з кримінальних питань

gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state — = gathering of intelligence representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state, gathering of intelligence representing state secrets with a view to to transfer to a foreign state, gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to to transfer to a foreign state збирання відомостей, що становлять державну таємницю, з метою передачі іноземній державі

gathering of intelligence representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state — = gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state

gathering of intelligence representing state secrets with a view to to transfer to a foreign state — = gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state

gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to to transfer to a foreign state — = gathering of information representing state secrets with a view to communicate to a foreign state

gathering of political information — збирання політичної інформації

gathering the evidence at the crime scene — збирання доказів на місці злочину

gathering of evidencegathering of intelligence

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