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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - contract


Перевод с английского языка contract на украинский


1) контракт, комерційна угода (оборудка); підряд на роботи; угода за печаткою; заручини; шлюбна угода

2) укладати комерційну угоду; брати (шлюб); приймати (зобов'язання); робити (борги); зав'язувати (знайомство)

contract an alliance with a foreign country — укладати союз з іноземною державою

contract containing many stipulations — контракт (угода), що містить багато застережень

contract made for immoral purpose — контракт, укладений з нечесною метою

contract a debtcontract a dutycontract a marriagecontract an obligationcontract basiscontract bondcontract businesscontract by correspondencecontract by deedcontract by postcontract by mailcontract by specialtycontract changecontract clausecontract commitmentscontract datecontract debtscontract disciplinecontract documentscontract estoppelcontract for forward deliverycontract formcontract fraudcontract guaranteecontract hitcontract implied in lawcontract in effectcontract in restraint of tradecontract in suitcontract in writingcontract interpretationcontract killercontract killingcontract murdercontract laborcontract labourcontract laborercontract labourercontract lawcontract law enforcementcontract made under duresscontract-making powercontract malum in secontract malum prohibitumcontract migrationcontract modificationcontract notecontract obligationscontract of adhesioncontract of affreightmentcontract of agencycontract of beneficencecontract of carriagecontract of consignmentcontract of debtcontract of employmentcontract of engagementcontract of guaranteecontract of hirecontract of indemnitycontract of insurancecontract of limited durationcontract of mutual insurancecontract of partnershipcontract of purchasecontract of recordcontract of tenancycontract of work and laborcontract of work and labourcontract outcontract out of the liabilitycontract penaltycontract periodcontract pricecontract researchcontract rightcontract stamp dutycontract termscontract timecontract to buy goodscontract to perform a businesscontract to perform a servicecontract to produce goodscontract to sellcontract to sell goodscontract uberrimae fideicontract under handcontract under sealcontract workcontract year

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Что такое contract
Значение слова contract
Что означает contract
Толкование слова contract
Определение термина contract
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