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Англо-русский юридический словарь - people


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка people на русский


1) народ, население

2) избиратели

3) государство

4) амер. обвинение (как сторона в уголовном процессе в судах штатов)

lay people

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См. в других словарях

  1) население, жители2) служащие, персонал3) населять, заселять•efficient peopleengineering peoplehomeless peopleoperating people ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  в соч.applications peoplecomputer peopleconstruction peopledifferently-skilled peoplejob-shop peopleproduct design peopleresearch peoplesoftware peopletool design people ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  of quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people); PEOPLE  1. noun  1) народ, нация  2) as pl. люди; население; жители; - young people - country people people say that - говорят, что  3) as pl. родные, родственники; родители (обыкн. my people, his people и т.п.)  4) as pl. свита; слуги; служащие, подчиненные  5) as pl. прихожане  6) (People) amer. leg. общественное обвинение, государство (как обвиняющая сторона на процессе) Syn: herd, hoi polloi, masses, mob, populace, rabble see folk Ant: aristocracy, elite, nobility, royalty  2. v.  1) заселять, населять; The city is becoming peopled with foreigners.  2) расти (о населении); The town peopled very fast.  3) заполнять; The sky was peopled with stars. His dreams were peopled with strange fantasies. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. народ, нация the French people —- французский народ, французы English-speaking peoples —- народы, говорящие на английском языке a warlike people —- воинственный народ the peoples inhabiting Indonesia —- народы, населяющие Индонезию 2. собир. люди young people —- молодежь common people —- простой народ (люд) society people —- светские люди many people —- много народу we don't see many people here —- здесь мало кто бывает who are these people? —- кто эти люди? two or three other people asked me that question —- еще два или три человека задали мне этот же вопрос most people —- большинство людей the people at large —- публика government of (for, by) the people —- власть народа (для народа, осуществляемая (самим) народом) a man of the people —- человек из народа to be of the people —- происходить из народа rising of the people —- народное восстание people say —- говорят theatre people —- актеры people's car —- дешевый малолитражный автомобиль, "фольксваген" 3. население, жители the people of London —- жители Лондона farm people —- сельскохозяйственное население 4. (обыкн. my people, his people и т. п.) употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: разг. родные, родственники; родители how are all your people? —- как поживают все ваши (родные)? my wife's people —- родственники моей жены I must introduce you to my people —- я должен вас познакомить с моей семьей 5. предки his people lived here over 200 years ago —- его...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  (People (Magazine)) "Пипл (мэгэзин)" Популярный еженедельник-таблоид tabloid, содержащий короткие заметки и множество фотоматериалов о людях, которые часто появляются в новостях или на экранах телевизора, о популярных спортсменах, кинозвездах, представителях высшего света. Издается в г. Нью-Йорке компанией "Тайм Уорнер" Time Warner Inc.. Основан в 1974. Тираж около 3,7 млн. экз. (2004) PEOPLE обвинение как сторона в уголовном процессе в суде штата См. тж. People case, People versus... ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  сущ. 1) народ, нация 2) (collect.) люди 3) служащие 4) слуги 5) подчиненные 6) население, жители 7) избиратели 8) амер. общественное обвинение, государство (как обвиняющая сторона на процессе) - common people - country people - farm people - go to the people - non-farm people - rural working people - urban people - working people PEOPLE сущ. 1) общ. народ, нация the French people — французский народ, французы the peoples inhabiting Indonesia — народы, населяющие Индонезию Syn: folk 2) общ. люди, население, жители city people — горожане country people — деревенские жители old people — пожилые люди working people — трудящиеся, работающее население young people — молодежь 3) общ. родственники, родные, семья, предки my wife's people — родственники моей жены I must introduce you to my people. — Я должен познакомить тебя с моей семьей. His people have been farmers for generations. — Его предки в нескольких поколениях были фермерами. 4) упр. служащие, слуги, подчиненные an employer and his people — хозяин и его служащие the king and his people — король и его подданные a farmer and his people — фермер и его работники 5) пол. простые люди; народ; избиратели to go to the people — баллотироваться Power to the people! — Власть народу! Their man goes to the people against the Democratic candidate. — Они выставят на выборах своего человека против кандидата от демократической партии. 6) амер.; юр....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  люди, народ letting people off easily — либеральничание ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. as pl.) a persons composing a community, tribe, race, nation, etc. (the English people; a warlike people; the peoples of the Commonwealth). b a group of persons of a usu. specified kind (the chosen people; these people here; right-thinking people). 2 (prec. by the; treated as pl.) a the mass of people in a country etc. not having special rank or position. b these considered as an electorate (the people will reject it). 3 parents or other relatives (my people are French). 4 a subjects, armed followers, a retinue, etc. b a congregation of a parish priest etc. 5 persons in general (people do not like rudeness). --v.tr. (usu. foll. by with) 1 fill with people, animals, etc.; populate. 2 (esp. as peopled adj.) inhabit; occupy; fill (thickly peopled). Phrases and idioms people's democracy a political system, esp. in E. Europe, with power regarded as invested in the people. Etymology: ME f. AF poeple, people, OF pople, peuple, f. L populus ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural ~)  Etymology: Middle English peple, from Anglo-French pople, peple, peuple, from Latin populus  Date: 13th century  1. plural human beings making up a group or assembly or linked by a common interest  2. plural human beings, persons — often used in compounds instead of persons sales~ — often used attributively ~ skills  3. plural the members of a family or kinship  4. plural the mass of a community as distinguished from a special class disputes between the ~ and the nobles — often used by Communists to distinguish Communists from other ~  5. plural ~s a body of persons that are united by a common culture, tradition, or sense of kinship, that typically have common language, institutions, and beliefs, and that often constitute a politically organized group  6. lower animals usually of a specified kind or situation  7. the body of enfranchised citizens of a state  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; peopling)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French popler, poeplier, from pople  Date: 15th century  1. to supply or fill with ~  2. to dwell in ; inhabit ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (peoples, peopling, peopled) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. People are men, women, and children. People is normally used as the plural of person, instead of ‘persons’. Millions of people have lost their homes. ...the people of Angola. ...homeless young people... I don’t think people should make promises they don’t mean to keep... N-PLURAL 2. The people is sometimes used to refer to ordinary men and women, in contrast to the government or the upper classes. ...the will of the people. N-PLURAL: the N 3. A people is all the men, women, and children of a particular country or race. ...the native peoples of Central and South America... N-COUNT-COLL 4. If a place or country is peopled by a particular group of people, that group of people live there. It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists. ...a small town peopled by lay workers and families. = populate VERB: usu passive, be V-ed by/with n, V-ed ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 persons  (Were there many people at the meeting? | Most people in our neighborhood drive to work. | a retirement home for elderly people)  (- see person) 2 »PEOPLE IN GENERAL« people in general, or people other than yourself  (Sometimes people think we're sisters. | People enjoy reading about the rich and famous. | theatre/business etc people)  (Computer people are notoriously bad at arithmetic.) 3 the people all the ordinary people in a country or a state who do not have special rank or position  (Abraham Lincoln spoke of `government of the people, by the people, for the people'. | the common people | man of the people)  (a politician who was regarded as a man of the people because his father had been a miner) 4 a race or nation  (the national heritage of the American people | the peoples of Africa | The Chinese people share a common written language.)  (- see race1) 5 sb's people plural a) the people that God, a king, or a leader rules or leads  (the exaltation of God's people) b) your parents, grandparents etc  (His people have lived in this valley for centuries.) c) old-fashioned your close relatives, especially parents  (Come home with me to meet my people.) 6 of all people spoken used to say that someone is the one person who you would not have expected to do something  (Why should he, of all people, get a promotion? | You of all people should have known better.) 7 AmE spoken used to get the attention of a group of people  (Listen up, people!)  (- compare folk1 (3), - see also little people, person) ~2 v 1 be peopled with/by literary to be filled with people or things of a particular type  (Her little world was peopled with imaginary friends.) 2 technical to live in a place; inhabit  (the tribes who first peopled the peninsula) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  network. abbr. Public Employees Organized To Promote Legislative Equality int. bus. abbr. Public Employees Organizing To Promote Legislative Equality ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1280, from Anglo-Fr. people, O.Fr. peupel, from L. populus "people." Replaced native folk. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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