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Англо-русский юридический словарь - invitation


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Перевод с английского языка invitation на русский


1) приглашение

2) заманивание, завлекание

invitation to offer — 1. приглашение сделать оферту 2. назначение торгов

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См. в других словарях

  noun  1) приглашение (to - на) admission by invitation only - вход только по пригласительным билетам to send out invitations - рассылать приглашения  2) attr. пригласительный invitation card - пригласительный билет Syn: see request INVITATION card пригласительный билет ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. приглашение invitation card (ticket) —- пригласительный билет a letter of invitation, a written invitation —- письменное приглашение an invitation to dinner —- приглашение к обеду (на обед) admission by invitation only —- вход только по пригласительным билетам at the invitation of smb. —- по чьему-л. приглашению to send out invitations —- разослать приглашения to accept an invitation —- принять приглашение 2. заманивание, завлекание smth. full of invitation —- что-л. манящее (привлекательное) 3. рел. приглашение к исповеди 4. стимул, поощрение, побуждение ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  invitation to tender ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  n. the process of inviting or fact of being invited, esp. to a social occasion. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the act of inviting  b. an often formal request to be present or participate  2. incentive, inducement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (invitations) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An invitation is a written or spoken request to come to an event such as a party, a meal, or a meeting. ...an invitation to lunch... He’s understood to be there at the personal invitation of President Daniel Arap Moi. N-COUNT: oft N to-inf, N to n 2. An invitation is the card or paper on which an invitation is written or printed. Hundreds of invitations are being sent out this week. N-COUNT 3. If you believe that someone’s action is likely to have a particular result, especially a bad one, you can refer to the action as an invitation to that result. Don’t leave your shopping on the back seat of your car–it’s an open invitation to a thief. N-SING: N to n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a written or spoken request to someone, inviting them to go somewhere or do something  (Did you get an invitation to the party?) invitation to do sth  (Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference. | accept an invitation)  (President Yeltsin has accepted an invitation to visit the White House in June. | decline an invitation formal (=to not accept an invitation) | by invitation only (=only those people who have been invited can attend)) 2 a card inviting someone to attend a party, wedding etc  (Have you sent out all the wedding invitations yet?) 3 without invitation without having been invited  (They were always dropping by to visit, usually without invitation.) 4 encouragement to do something  (take sth as an invitation to do sth)  (He seemed to take my silence as an invitation to talk.) 5 at sb's invitation also at the invitation of sb if you go somewhere or do something at someone's invitation, you go there or do it because they have invited you to 6 open/standing invitation an invitation to do something, especially to visit someone, at any time you like  (My cousin Diana is living in China, and I have an open invitation to visit her.) 7 be an open invitation for/to sb to make it very easy for someone to rob you or harm you  (Leaving the car unlocked like that is just an open invitation to thieves.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1445, from L. invitationem, from invitare "invite, treat, entertain," originally "be pleasant toward," from in- "toward," second element obscure, one suggestion is a lost word *vitus "pleasant." Meaning "the spoken or written form in which a person is invited" is from 1615. Invite is a 1533 back-formation. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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