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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - iron


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Перевод с английского языка iron на русский


1) железо || железный

2) вчт. аппаратное обеспечение; аппаратные средства; аппаратура, проф. "железо" || аппаратный, относящийся к "железу"

big ironcarbonyle ironclimbing ironcore ironelectric soldering ironelectrolythic ironpulse dot soldering ironsoldering irontechnical-grade irontemperature-controlled soldering ironultrasonic soldering iron

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См. в других словарях

  1) железо2) чугун3) pl железные изделия4) прочность; твёрдость5) править (прокат)•to iron down — рихтовать; править; выглаживатьto iron out — выравнивать, сглаживатьabrasion-resistant ironabrasion-resistant cast ironacicular ironacid-bessemer pig ironacid-resistant ironacid-resistant cast ironalloyed ironalloyed cast ironalpha ironAmerican malleable ironAmerican malleable cast ironangle ironannealed sheet ironarmco ironas-cast ironaustenitic ironaustenitic cast ironbar ironbasic pig ironbasic Bessemer pig ironbead ironbeak ironbearing cast ironBessemer pig ironbeta ironblack-cored malleable ironblack-heart malleable ironblack-cored malleable cast ironblack-heart malleable cast ironblack sheet ironblast-broken ironblow-lamp soldering ironbox ironbrittle ironbroken ironbulb ironbundle ironbushelled ironcarbonyl ironcase-hardened ironcase-hardened cast ironcast ironcerium-treated ironcerium-treated cast ironcharcoal hearth ironcharcoal pig ironchilled cast ironcinder pig ironclamp ironclose-grain cast ironclose-grained cast ironcoarse-grain cast ironcoarse-grained cast ironcobalt-nickel ironcobalt-nickel cast ironcoke ironcoke pig ironcold-blast pig ironcold blown pig ironcold pig ironcold-short ironcommercial ironconversion pig ironconverter ironconvex ironcore ironcorrosion-resistant ironcorrosion-resistant cast ironcorrugated ironcorrugated sheet ironcramp ironcupola irondelta irondephosphorized irondesulfurized irondouble-T irondry ironductile ironelectric soldering ironelectrolytic ironenameled ironengineering cast ironequal angle ironEuropean malleable ironfagoted ironfashioned ironferric ironferritic cast ironferritic modular ironferritic modular cast ironferrous ironfigured ironfine-grained ironfinished ironflake graphite ironflat ironforge ironfoundry ironfoundry pig ironfree-running irongalvanized irong irongamma irongrab irongrain-oriented silicon irongranulated irongraphitic pig irongray cast irongray pig ironH ironhack...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  out сглаживать, улаживать The board of directors are trying to iron out the difficulties connected with the new contract. IRON  1. noun  1) chem. железо (элемент)  2) черный металл, напр., железо, сталь, чугун as hard as iron - твердый как сталь; fig. тж. суровый; жестокий - man of iron  3) железное изделие (часто в сложных словах; напр.: curling-irons щипцы для завивки волос)  4) утюг  5) pl. оковы, кандалы - in irons  6) usu. pl. стремя  7) med. препарат железа to have (too) many irons in the fire -  а) заниматься многими делами одновременно;  б) пустить в ход различные средства (для достижения цели)  2. adj.  1) железный; сделанный из железа  2) сильный, крепкий, твердый - iron man - iron horse - iron rations - iron age - iron curtain an iron fist in a velvet glove мягко стелет, да жестко спать  3. v.  1) утюжить, гладить  2) покрывать железом - iron out IRON age  а) железный век  б) жестокий век IRON curtain железный занавес IRON heel железная пята, иго IRON horse coll. стальной конь (паровоз, велосипед, танк) IRON lung noun med. аппарат для искусственного дыхания IRON man amer.; sl. серебряный доллар IRON nerves железные нервы; IRON rations mil. неприкосновенный запас (продовольствия) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. хим. железо 2. черный металл cast iron —- чугун pig iron —- чугун в чушках или в штыках wrought iron —- сварочное железо (-ая сталь) made of iron —- железный, сделанный из железа 3. сила, твердость will of iron —- железная (непреклонная) воля muscles of iron —- стальные мускулы 4. суровость, жестокость a man of iron —- суровый (непреклонный, жестокий) человек to rule with a rod of iron —- править железной рукой 5. железное, скобяное изделие 6. обыкн. pl. стремя 7. сл. легкое огнестрельное оружие; пистолет 8. клюшка с железной головкой (гольф) 9. pl. ножные протезы 10. утюг pressing iron —- портновский утюг 11. pl. оковы, кандалы, цепи; наручники; заковать в кандалы 12. гарпун 13. сл. деньги, монеты 14. мед. препарат железа 15. единица измерения толщины предмета (1(48 дюйма) 16. (-iron) как компонент сложных слов: curling-irons —- щипцы для завивки волос fire-irons —- каминный прибор brand-iron —- железо, которым клеймят; тавро; таган на треноге Id: strike while the iron is hot —- куй железо, пока горячо Id: irons in the fire —- дела, заботы Id: to have the iron enter into one's soul —- быть опечаленным, грустить, тосковать, страдать 17. железный, сделанный из железа iron rods —- железные прутья 18. сильный, крепкий; твердый, несгибаемый of an iron constitution —- крепкого сложения to display an iron...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) металлические корпусные детали (напр. станка) 2) механическая часть (машины) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) железный 2) железо 3) серный 4) утюг 5) утюжить 6) утюжный 7) чугунный ammonium iron alum — хим. квасцы аммиачножелезные bit of soldering iron — головка паяльника divided iron core — сердечник проволочный electric soldering iron — электрический паяльник gas-heated soldering iron — газовый паяльник lower iron oxide — закись железа native cosmic iron — метеоритное самородное железо powdered iron core — феррокарт technically pure iron — технически чистое железо - Pallas iron - ball iron - bulb iron - carbon iron - carbonyl iron - direct-reduced iron - dust iron - fagotted iron - ferric iron - ferrous iron - forge iron - galvanized iron - grab iron - grappling iron - hoop iron - iron alloy - iron alum - iron bromide - iron charge - iron foundry - iron loss - iron meteorite - iron minium - iron mould - iron nitride - iron notch - iron pyrite - iron runner - iron shot - iron vitriol - native iron - natural iron - off-grade iron - oriented-grain iron - plane iron - powdered iron - puddling iron - red iron ore - red-short iron - rivet iron - roofing iron - scrap iron - slaggy iron - soldering iron - sponge iron - spongy iron - tapping iron - tramp iron - welding iron - wrought iron ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  железо angle iron back iron band iron bending iron break iron cap iron cast iron caulking iron corbeling iron corrugated iron cover iron cutting iron dog iron galvanized iron grey cast iron malleable cast iron manhole step iron plane iron slick iron soldering iron step iron wall iron white cast iron wrought iron ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) железо, Fe 2) техническое железо 3) чугун 4) сердечник (электромагнита или трансформатора) 5) мн. ч. железные изделия 6) править (прокат) 7) паяльник 8) утюг 9) струг; скобель 10) железко, резец (рубанка) 11) аппарат для термосклеивания, аппарат для термосваривания (плёночных упаковок) - acid-Bessemer pig iron - acid-resistant cast iron - alloyed cast iron - alloy cast iron - alpha iron - annealed sheet iron - armco iron - back iron - backing iron - band iron - bar iron - bark iron - basic Bessemer pig iron - basic pig iron - bearing cast iron - Bessemer pig iron - beta-iron iron - black iron - black-heart malleable iron - black sheet iron - blast-broken iron - bloomery iron - blowing iron - box iron - branding iron - break iron - bundle iron - bunting iron - calker's iron - carbonyl iron - case-hardened cast iron - cast iron - charcoal pig iron - chilled cast iron - cinder-dump iron - climbing irons - coke iron - coke pig iron - cold pig iron - cold-short iron - commercial iron - commercially pure iron - compacted vermicular graphite cast iron - corbeling iron - corrugated iron - cupola malleable iron - cutting iron - delta iron - dog iron - double-T iron - dressing iron - drop-broken iron - dry iron - electric iron - electrical pig iron - electric soldering iron - electrolytic iron - enameling iron - equal-angle iron - eutectic cast iron - ferric iron - ferritic malleable iron - flake graphite iron - flakish graphite cast iron - flat iron - flattening iron - foundry pig iron - foundry iron - galvanized iron - gamma iron - gathering iron - grab iron - gray cast iron - grooving iron - grozing iron - gun iron - H-iron - hack iron - hatchet iron - heat-resistant cast iron - high-duty cast iron - hip iron - hoop iron - hydrogen-purified iron - hypereutectic cast iron - hypoeutectic cast iron - ingot iron - inoculated cast iron - L-iron...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. 1 Chem. a silver-white ductile metallic element occurring naturally as haematite, magnetite, etc., much used for tools and implements, and an essential element in all living organisms. Usage Symb.: Fe. 2 this as a type of unyieldingness or a symbol of firmness (man of iron; will of iron). 3 a tool or implement made of iron (branding iron; curling iron). 4 a household, now usu. electrical, implement with a flat base which is heated to smooth clothes etc. 5 a golf club with an iron or steel sloping face used for lofting the ball. 6 (usu. in pl.) a fetter (clapped in irons). 7 (usu. in pl.) a stirrup. 8 (often in pl.) an iron support for a malformed leg. 9 a preparation of iron as a tonic or dietary supplement (iron tablets). --adj. 1 made of iron. 2 very robust. 3 unyielding, merciless (iron determination). --v.tr. 1 smooth (clothes etc.) with an iron. 2 furnish or cover with iron. 3 shackle with irons. Phrases and idioms in irons handcuffed, chained, etc. Iron Age Archaeol. the period following the Bronze Age when iron replaced bronze in the making of implements and weapons. iron-bark any of various eucalyptus trees with a thick solid bark and hard dense timber. iron-bound 1 bound with iron. 2 rigorous; hard and fast. 3 (of a coast) rock-bound. Iron Cross the highest German military decoration for bravery. Iron Curtain a notional barrier to the passage of people and information between the Soviet bloc and the West. iron hand firmness or inflexibility (cf. velvet glove). iron in the fire an undertaking, opportunity, or commitment (usu. in pl.: too many irons in the fire). ironing-board a flat surface usu. on legs and of adjustable height on which clothes etc. are ironed. iron lung a rigid case fitted over a patient's body, used for administering prolonged artificial respiration by means of mechanical pumps. iron maiden hist. an instrument of torture consisting of a coffin-shaped box lined with iron spikes. iron-mould (US -mold) a spot caused by iron-rust or an ink-stain, esp. on fabric. iron-on able to be fixed...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English isern, iren; akin to Old High German isarn ~  Date: before 12th century  1. a silver-white malleable ductile magnetic heavy metallic element that readily rusts in moist air, occurs native in meteorites and combined in most igneous rocks, is the most used of metals, and is vital to biological processes — see element table  2. something made of ~: as  a. plural shackles for the hands or legs  b. a heated metal implement used for branding or cauterizing  c. a household device usually with a flat metal base that is heated to smooth, finish, or press (as cloth)  d. stirrup — usually used in plural  e. any of a series of numbered golf clubs having relatively thin metal heads — compare wood  3. great strength, hardness, or determination  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. of, relating to, or made of ~  2. resembling ~  3.  a. strong and healthy ; robust an ~ constitution  b. inflexible, unrelenting ~ determination  c. holding or binding fast an ~ grip  • ~ness noun  III. verb  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to furnish or cover with ~  2. to shackle with ~s  3.  a. to smooth with or as if with a heated ~ ~ a shirt  b. to remove (as wrinkles) by ~ing  intransitive verb to smooth or press cloth or clothing with a heated ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (irons, ironing, ironed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Iron is an element which usually takes the form of a hard, dark grey metal. It is used to make steel, and also forms part of many tools, buildings, and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food. The huge, iron gate was locked. ...the highest grade iron ore deposits in the world... N-UNCOUNT: oft N n see also cast-iron 2. An iron is an electrical device with a flat metal base. You heat it until the base is hot, then rub it over clothes to remove creases. N-COUNT 3. If you iron clothes, you remove the creases from them using an iron. She used to iron his shirts... ...a freshly ironed shirt. VERB: V n, V-ed • ironing I managed to get all the ironing done this morning. N-UNCOUNT 4. You can use iron to describe the character or behaviour of someone who is very firm in their decisions and actions, or who can control their feelings well. ...a man of icy nerve and iron will... ADJ: ADJ n 5. Iron is used in expressions such as an iron hand and iron discipline to describe strong, harsh, or unfair methods of control which do not allow people much freedom. He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If someone has a lot of irons in the fire, they are involved in several different activities or have several different plans. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »METAL« a common hard metal that is used to make steel, is magnetic and is found in very small quantities in food and blood  (There were huge iron gates in front of the mansion. | iron ore | Spinach is full of iron.) 2 »FOR CLOTHES« a thing that you use for making clothes smooth, which has a heated flat metal base 3 have several irons in the fire to be involved in several different activities or have several plans 4 »SPORT« a golf club (2) made of metal rather than wood 5 »CHAINS« irons especially literary a chain used to prevent a prisoner from moving  (clap sb in irons old use (=put chains on them)) 6 have a will of iron/an iron will to have an extremely strong and determined character  (- see also pump iron pump2 (8), rule sb/sth with a rod of iron rule2 (6), strike while the iron's hot strike1 (24)) ~2 v to make clothes smooth using an iron  (Have you ironed my shirt?)  (- see also ironing) iron sth out phr v 1 to solve or get rid of problems or difficulties, especially small ones  (We need to iron out a few operating problems first. | iron out the kinks AmE (=deal with small problems so that you can succeed))  (You'll need to iron out the kinks in your routine before you go on stage.) 2 to remove folds from your clothes by ironing them ~3 adj only before noun very firm and strong or determined  (iron discipline) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Ironstone Group, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. isжrn (with later rhotacism of -s-), from P.Gmc. *isarnan "holy metal" or "strong metal" (in contrast to softer bronze) probably an early borrowing of Celt. *isarnon (cf. O.Ir. iarn), from PIE *is-(e)ro- "powerful, holy," from PIE *eis "strong." The verb meaning "press clothes" (with a heated flat-iron) is first recorded 1680. Ironclad, of warships, is first recorded 1852, Amer.Eng.; of contracts, etc., 1884. Iron Age (1592) was originally from Gk. and Roman mythology, the last and worst age of the world; the archaeological sense of "period in which humans used iron tools and weapons" is from 1879. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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