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Англо-русский политический словарь - weight


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Перевод с английского языка weight на русский




to carry a tremendous amount of weight — пользоваться огромным авторитетом

to have political weight — пользоваться политическим влиянием, иметь политический вес

to lend one's weight to the cause — употреблять свое влияние для пользы дела

to pull one's weight — включаться в проведение каких-л. мероприятий

to put one's weight behind smb's campaign — использовать свое влияние для поддержки кого-л.

to shift one's weight against a country — переносить давление на какую-л. страну

international weightpolitical weight

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См. в других словарях

  1) вес; масса || весовой2) груз || нагружать3) мера веса4) разновес; гиря5) весовой коэффициент; взвешенное значение, взвешенная величина•weight of a measurementadmitted weightall up weightbalance weightbalancer weightbar feed weightconnection weightcorrection weightcounter weightcounterbalanced weightduck weighterror weightgravity weighthydraulic counter weightmovable weightmoving weightnet weightsafety weightscale weightsliding weightspecific weightstructural weightunbalanced weightvehicle test weight ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
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Англо-русский авиационный словарь
   1. noun  1) вес; масса; to put on weight - толстеть, поправляться; to lose weight - худеть  2) тяжесть; груз  3) бремя  4) влияние, значение, авторитет; on argument of great weight - убедительный довод; to throw ones weight about coll. - командовать; подавлять своим авторитетом; men of weight - влиятельные люди  5) сила, тяжесть; a (great) weight off ones mind - камень с души, гора с плеч  6) гиря; pl. разновес  7) sport гиря, штанга  8) sport весовая категория Weights and Measures Department - Палата мер и весов  2. v.  1) нагружать; увеличивать вес; подвешивать гирю  2) отягощать, обременять (with)  3) подмешивать (для веса)  4) придавать вес, силу - weight down WEIGHT down  а) тянуть вниз, оттягивать;  б) отягощать (заботами и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. вес specific weight —- удельный вес my weight is 140 pounds —- мой вес (я вешу) 140 фунтов unit of weight —- единица веса to put on weight —- прибавлять в весе, полнеть to lose weight —- терять в весе, худеть to sell by weight —- продавать на вес sole weight —- спорт. собственный вес тела 2. единица веса; мера веса a table of weights —- таблица мер веса apothecaries' weight —- аптекарский вес 3. правильный, полный, нужный вес to be under weight —- весить слишком мало 4. тяжесть; груз, нагрузка, давление dead weight —- тех. собственный вес under its own weight —- под собственной тяжестью keep the papers down with a weight —- прижмите бумаги чем-нибудь тяжелым weight of roof, roof weight —- горн. давление кровли, вторичное горное давление weight per axle —- спец. нагрузка на ось 5. бремя (забот, работы и т. п.) that's a great weight off my mind —- у меня с души камень свалился he felt the weight of years —- годы давали себя знать 6. грузило (также lead weight) 7. значение, важность; ценность to give weight to —- придавать значение, признавать важность (чего-л.) to lay weight on —- ценить, придавать значение the objection is of weight —- это серьезное (существенное) возражение considerations of no weight —- соображения, не заслуживающие внимания 8. влияние, авторитет men of weight —- влиятельные (авторитетные) люди to carry weight —- пользоваться влиянием...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  масса, вес to gain weight — прибавлять в весе to reduce in weight — терять в весе – air-dry weight – body weight – dry weight – fresh weight – green weight – live weight – molecular weight – ovendry weight – volume weight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) вес 2) тяжесть, груз 3) гиря • - British weights and measures - Weights and Measures Department - actual net weight - actual weight - agreed weight - approximate weight - average available weight - average weight - bacon weight - bulk weight - by the weight - carcass weight - carload minimum weight - certificate of weight - changing weight - check weight - conditioned weight - dead weight - determined weight - empty weight - estimated weight - excess weight - finish weight - fixed weight - hundred weight - landed weight - legal weight - live weight - marketable weight - market weight - minimum carload weight - moving weight - natural weight - net weight - outturn weight - packed weight - passenger weight - preslaughter weight - sell by weight - shipped weight - short weight - slaughter weight - standard weight - standard weight and fineness - starting weight - tare weight - the weight falls short by 50 kg - unit of weight - warrant weight Syn: mass 2. гл. 1) взвешивать 2) обдумывать, оценивать 3) весить 4) соизмерять, сравнивать 5) отягощать 6) придавать силу, вес 7) придавать направление - weight heavily - weighted index - weighted observation WEIGHT вес; весомость – gross weight – index weight – specific weight – type weight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вес 2) вескость 3) весовой 4) гирный 5) гиря 6) груз 7) грузик 8) давило 9) задавать веса 10) нагружать 11) разновес 12) сниматься 13) тяжесть cargo dead weight — чистая грузоподъемность cord pulley weight — шнуровой блок figuring weight and balance — аэро центровка highest weight vector — вектор старшего веса lowest weight vector — вектор младшего веса maximum weight covering — т. граф. покрытие с максимальным весом maximum weight matching algorithm — алгоритм построения паросочетания с максимальным весом method of weight functions — метод весовых функций minimum weight covering algorithm — алгоритм построения покрытия с минимальным весом of high molecular weight — высокомолекулярный statistical weight factor — статистический множитель torque weight ratio — добротность измерительного прибора weight & balance envelope — физ. диапазон центровок weight against weights — взвешивать разновес weight of point of tree — вес вершины дерева worker not pulling his weight — дачник zero fuel weight — транс. вес без топлива - absolute weight - base weight - beta weight - burnout weight - by weight - charge weight - constant weight - correction weight - criterion weight - dominant weight - driving weight - fixed weight - full weight - fundamental weight - gain in weight - governor weight - gross weight - harmonical weight - increase in weight - local weight - loss in weight - mass-balance weight - measure of weight - molecular weight - moving weight - net weight - numerical weight - outer weight - overburden weight - pack by weight - parabolic weight - party by...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  масса – code weight – constant weight – digit weight – Hamming weight – prediction weight – retransmitter weight ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вес; сила веса масса груз weight of cement in the mix batched weights buoyant unit weight dead weight dry-batch weight dry-rodded weight dry unit weight empty weight fired unit weight maximum ramp aircraft weight maximum structural aircraft landing weight maximum structural takeoff weight operating empty aircraft weight overhauling weight pear weight ponder weight proper weight zero-air dry unit weight zero fuel aircraft weight ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вес; масса 2) атомная масса 3) гиря; мн. ч. разновес 4) единица веса или массы 5) груз; нагрузка 6) метр. вес (степень доверия к результатам) приписывать вес 7) весовой коэффициент, весовой множитель 8) вчт. весовое значение разряда a weight with recessed base — гиря с вогнутым дном; weight in working order — вес в рабочем положении; weight on the (drill) bit — осевая нагрузка на (буровое) долото; weight per hectoliter — натура (зерна). масса гектолитра (зерна); to apply a weight — накладывать гирю (на чашку весов); to remove a weight — снимать гирю (с чашки весов) - weight of representation - absolute weight - adhesion weight - advance weight - airborne weight - aircraft all-up weight - aircraft authorized weight - aircraft empty weight - aircraft operational weight - aircraft operational empty weight - aircraft wet weight - aircraft zero fuel weight - analytical weights - apparent molecular weight - assay weight - atomic weight - average molecular weight - balance weight - balancing weight - bar weight - bulk weight - calibrated weight - climbout weight - combining weight - commercial weight - compacted unit weight - counter weight - curb weight - design flight weight - design landing weight - dial-operated weights - distributed balance weight - distributor weight - droop stop bob weight - drop weight - dry weight - empty weight - equivalent weight - estimated weight - fabric weight - flutter-preventive weight - fraction weight - governor weight - gram-molecular weight - gross weight - highest weight - integral weight - international atomic weight - isotopic atomic weight - isotopic weight - jockey weight - lading weight - light weight - mass balance weight - mean atomic weight - molal weight - molar weight -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 Physics a the force experienced by a body as a result of the earth's gravitation (cf. MASS(1) n. 8). b any similar force with which a body tends to a centre of attraction. 2 the heaviness of a body regarded as a property of it; its relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it giving rise to a downward force (is twice your weight; kept in position by its weight). 3 a the quantitative expression of a body's weight (has a weight of three pounds). b a scale of such weights (troy weight). 4 a body of a known weight for use in weighing. 5 a heavy body esp. used in a mechanism etc. (a clock worked by weights). 6 a load or burden (a weight off my mind). 7 a influence, importance (carried weight with the public). b preponderance (the weight of evidence was against them). 8 a heavy object thrown as an athletic exercise; = SHOT(1) 7. 9 the surface density of cloth etc. as a measure of its suitability. --v.tr. 1 a attach a weight to. b hold down with a weight or weights. 2 (foll. by with) impede or burden. 3 Statistics multiply the components of (an average) by factors to take account of their importance. 4 assign a handicap weight to (a horse). 5 treat (a fabric) with a mineral etc. to make it seem stouter. Phrases and idioms put on weight 1 increase one's weight. 2 get fat. throw one's weight about (or around) colloq. be unpleasantly self-assertive. worth one's weight in gold (of a person) exceedingly useful or helpful. Etymology: OE (ge)wiht f. Gmc: cf. WEIGH(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English wight, weght, from Old English wiht; akin to Old Norse v?tt ~, Old English wegan to weigh  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. the amount that a thing weighs  b.  (1) the standard or established amount that a thing should weigh  (2) one of the classes into which contestants in a sports event are divided according to body ~  (3) poundage required to be carried by a horse in a handicap race  2.  a. a quantity or thing weighing a fixed and usually specified amount  b. a heavy object (as a metal ball) thrown, put, or lifted as an athletic exercise or contest  3.  a. a unit of ~ or mass — see metric system table  b. a piece of material (as metal) of known specified ~ for use in weighing articles  c. a system of related units of ~  4.  a. something heavy ; load  b. a heavy object to hold or press something down or to counterbalance  5.  a. burden, pressure the ~ of their responsibilities  b. the quality or state of being ponderous  c. corpulence  6.  a. relative heaviness ; mass  b. the force with which a body is attracted toward the earth or a celestial body by gravitation and which is equal to the product of the mass and the local gravitational acceleration  7.  a. the relative importance or authority accorded something the ~ of her opinions  b. measurable influence especially on others throwing his ~ behind the proposal  8. overpowering force  9. the quality (as lightness) that makes a fabric or garment suitable for a particular use or season — often used in combination summer-~  10. a numerical coefficient assigned to an item to express its relative importance in a frequency distribution  11. the degree of thickness of the strokes of a type character  Synonyms: see importance, influence  II. transitive verb  Date: 1647  1. to oppress with a burden ~ed down with cares  2.  a. to load or make heavy with or as if with a ~  b. to increase in heaviness by adding an ingredient  3.  a. weigh 1  b. to feel the ~ of ; heft  4. to...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (weights, weighting, weighted) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The weight of a person or thing is how heavy they are, measured in units such as kilograms, pounds, or tons. What is your height and weight?... This reduced the weight of the load... Turkeys can reach enormous weights of up to 50 pounds. N-VAR: oft amount in N, with poss, N of amount • If someone loses weight, they become lighter. If they gain weight or put on weight, they become heavier. I’m lucky really as I never put on weight... He lost two stone in weight during his time there. PHRASE: V inflects 2. A person’s or thing’s weight is the fact that they are very heavy. Despite the vehicle’s size and weight it is not difficult to drive. N-UNCOUNT: with poss 3. If you move your weight, you change position so that most of the pressure of your body is on a particular part of your body. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other... He kept the weight from his left leg. N-SING: poss/the N 4. Weights are objects which weigh a known amount and which people lift as a form of exercise. I was in the gym lifting weights. N-COUNT: usu pl 5. Weights are metal objects which weigh a known amount and which are used on a set of scales to weigh other things. N-COUNT 6. You can refer to a heavy object as a weight, especially when you have to lift it. Straining to lift heavy weights can lead to a rise in blood pressure. N-COUNT 7. If you weight something, you make it heavier by adding something to it, for example in order to stop it from moving easily. It can be sewn into curtain hems to weight the curtain and so allow it to hang better. VERB: V n 8. If you weight things, you give them different values according to how important or significant they are. ...a computer program which weights the different transitions according to their likelihood... This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug, weighted by the size of...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WHAT SB/STH WEIGHS« how heavy something is when measured by a particular system  (The average weight of a baby at birth is just over seven pounds.) 2 »HOW FAT« how heavy and especially how fat someone is  (A lot of teenage girls are obsessed about their weight. | put on weight (=get fatter) | lose weight (=get thinner) | watch your weight (=be careful about what you eat so that you do not get fat) | have a weight problem (=be too fat))  (- see also overweight, underweight) 3 »HEAVINESS« the fact of being heavy  (The weight of her boots made it hard for Sue to run. | under the weight of (=supporting something heavy))  (Karen staggered along under the weight of her backpack.) 4 »HEAVY THING« something that is heavy  (Omar can't lift heavy weights because of his bad back.) 5 »FOR MEASURING QUANTITIES« a piece of metal weighing a particular amount that is balanced against something else to measure what it weighs 6 »FOR EXERCISE« a piece of metal that weighs a certain amount and is lifted by people who want bigger muscles or who are competing in lifting competitions  (- see also weightlifting) 7 »SYSTEM« a system of standard measures of weight  (metric weight | weights and measures) 8 »RESPONSIBILITY/WORRY« something that causes you a lot of worry + on  (Since Jane's been sick, I've had to carry the full weight of running the school.) 9 a weight off your mind something that solves a problem and makes you feel happier  (Selling the house was a great weight off my mind.) 10 »IMPORTANCE« the influence or importance that something has when you are forming a judgment or opinions  (The weight of evidence against her led to her conviction. | carry weight (=have influence))  (Una's opinion doesn't carry much weight around here. | add weight to)  (His declining health added weight to the argument that the king should abdicate. | attach weight to (=think that something is important)) 11 throw your weight about/around informal to use your position of authority to tell people what to do in an...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. gewiht, from wegan (see weigh), from P.Gmc. *(ga)wekhtiz, *(ga)wekhtjan. To pull one's weight was from rowing. Weighty "important, serious, grave" is from 1489. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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