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Англо-русский политический словарь - thank


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n обыкн. pl


to express / to extend one's thanks — выражать благодарность / признательность

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  for благодарить, выражать благодарность; Thank you, young man, for seeing me across that busy street. THANK  1. noun; usu. pl.  1) благодарность; thanks - спасибо; many thanks - большое спасибо; to give thanks - возблагодарить; to return thanks - прочитать молитву (до или после еды)  2) thanks to (употр. как предлог) - благодаря  2. v. благодарить; thank you - благодарю; thank you ever so much coll. - очень вам благодарен; thank you for nothing! - спасибо и на том! (иронически, в ответ на отказ); you may thank yourself for that - вы сами в этом виноваты; Ill thank you to mind your own business - я бы предпочел обойтись без ваших советов (или помощи) - thank for ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. благодарность heartfelt thanks —- сердечная благодарность to accord a thank —- уст. благодарить, выражать благодарность thanks —- спасибо thanks very much, many thanks, thanks awfully —- большое спасибо no, thanks —- спасибо, нет; спасибо, не нужно (формула вежливого отказа) thanks be to God —- благодарение богу to give thanks —- благодарить; возблагодарить to express one's thanks —- выражать благодарность to return thanks —- благодарить, отблагодарить; прочитать молитву (перед едой или после еды) please accept my best thanks —- примите, пожалуйста, мою искреннюю благодарность I managed, but no thanks to you —- у меня все в порядке, но вы тут ни при чем that's all the thanks I get!, small thanks I got for it! —- и все было впустую, не стоило трудиться; от людей благодарности не дождешься 2. благодарить thank you —- спасибо; да, пожалуйста; если можно thank you for your help —- благодарю вас за помощь thank you for nothing —- спасибо и на том; ирон. благодарю покорно to thank one's stars —- поздравить себя с удачей thank God! —- благодарение богу! to thank smb. sincerely —- искренне благодарить кого-л to thank one's luck for smth. —- благодарить судьбу за что-л to thank one's luck that... —- благодарить судьбу (за то), что... he has only himself to thank (for it) —- он сам во всем виноват; ему некого винить, кроме самого себя I'll thank you for some more tea —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 express gratitude to (thanked him for the present). 2 hold responsible (you can thank yourself for that). --n. (in pl.) 1 gratitude (expressed his heartfelt thanks). 2 an expression of gratitude (give thanks to Heaven). 3 (as a formula) thank you (thanks for your help; thanks very much). Phrases and idioms give thanks say grace at a meal. I will thank you a polite formula, now usu. iron. implying reproach (I will thank you to go away). no (or small) thanks to despite. thank goodness (or God or heavens etc.) 1 colloq. an expression of relief or pleasure. 2 an expression of pious gratitude. thank-offering an offering made as an act of thanksgiving. thanks to as the (good or bad) result of (thanks to my foresight; thanks to your obstinacy). thank you a polite formula acknowledging a gift or service or an offer accepted or refused. thank-you n. colloq. an instance of expressing thanks. Etymology: OE thancian, thanc f. Gmc, rel. to THINK ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English thancian; akin to Old English thanc gratitude — more at ~s  Date: before 12th century  1. to express gratitude to ~ed her for the present — used in the phrase ~ you usually without a subject to politely express gratitude ~ you for your consideration or sometimes to emphasize a preceding statement especially by implying that it is not subject to question likes her job just fine, ~ you — used in such phrases as ~ God, ~ goodness usually without a subject to express gratitude or more often only the speaker's or writer's pleasure or satisfaction in something  2. to hold responsible had only himself to ~ for his loss  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (thanks, thanking, thanked) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to express your gratitude when someone does something for you or gives you what you want. Thank you very much for your call... Thanks for the information... Thanks a lot, Suzie. You’ve been great. CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 2. You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely accept or refuse something that has just been offered to you. ‘You’d like a cup as well, would you, Mr Secombe?’—‘Thank you, Jane, I’d love one.’... ‘Would you like a cigarette?’—‘No thank you.’... CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 3. You use thank you or, in more informal English, thanks to politely acknowledge what someone has said to you, especially when they have answered your question or said something nice to you. The policeman smiled at her. ‘Pretty dog.’—‘Oh well, thank you.’... ‘It’s great to see you.’—‘Thanks. Same to you.’ CONVENTION c darkgreen]formulae 4. You use thank you or thank you very much in order to say firmly that you do not want someone’s help or to tell them that you do not like the way that they are behaving towards you. I can stir my own tea, thank you... We know where we can get it, thank you very much. CONVENTION c darkgreen]emphasis 5. When you thank someone for something, you express your gratitude to them for it. I thanked them for their long and loyal service... When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges. VERB: V n for n, V n 6. When you express your thanks to someone, you express your gratitude to them for something. They accepted their certificates with words of thanks. N-PLURAL 7. see also thankyou 8. You say ‘Thank God’, ‘Thank Goodness’, or ‘Thank heavens’ when you are very relieved about something. I was wrong, thank God... Thank heavens we have you here. PHRASE: oft PHR with cl, PHR that c...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to tell someone that you are pleased and grateful for something they have done, or to be polite about it  (Remember to thank Uncle Robin when you see him. | thank sb for)  (Meg and Jo ran to thank their aunt for the presents. | thank sb for doing sth)  (I must write and thank him for sending the cheque.) 2 thank God/goodness/heavens used to show that you are very glad about something  (Thank God that's over! I've never been so nervous in my life!) + for  ("Your son is safe!" "Thank heavens for that!")  (- see God) 3 have sb to thank (for sth) used when saying who is responsible for something helpful or, humorously, who is responsible for something unhelpful  (I have Phil to thank for getting me my first job. | And who do I have to thank for that mess on my desk?) 4 only have yourself to thank (for sth) spoken used to say that you are responsible for something bad that has happened to you  (She has only herself to thank if she doesn't have any friends.) 5 sb won't thank you (for doing something) used to tell someone that another person will be annoyed because of what they have done  (I know you're just trying to help, but he won't thank you for telling him how to do it.) 6 thank your lucky stars spoken used to tell someone that they are very lucky, especially because they have avoided an unpleasant or dangerous situation  (You should thank your lucky stars I got here when I did!) 7 you'll thank me spoken used to tell someone not to be annoyed with you for doing or saying something, because it will be helpful to them later  (You'll thank me for this one day, Laura.) 8 I'll thank you to do sth spoken formal used to tell someone in an angry way not to do something because it is annoying you  (I'll thank you to mind your own business.)  (- see also thank you) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. юancian, from юanc, юonc "thought," hence "good thoughts, gratitude," from P.Gmc. *thangk-, root of think. In ironical use, "to blame," from 1560. Thankful is from O.E. юancfulle; thanksgiving is 1533; in the specific sense of "public celebration acknowledging divine favors" it dates from 1632 (the first one in America was held October 1621 by Plymouth Colony Pilgrims in appreciation of assistance from members of the Massasoit tribe and celebration of the first harvest); though Thanksgiving Day itself is not attested until 1674. Thank you is 15c., short for I thank you. TGIF for "Thank God, it's Friday" is c.1970. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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