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Англо-русский политический словарь - supply


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Перевод с английского языка supply на русский

1. n

1) снабжение; поставка

2) запасы; сырье и материалы; ресурсы

3) эк. предложение

to affect supply — оказывать влияние на предложение

to allow only humanitarian supplies through — разрешать провоз только гуманитарных грузов

to be in supply — поступать в достаточном количестве

to block supplies — препятствовать поставкам

to cut down on supplies of raw materials — сокращать поставки сырья

to cut off supplies — прекращать поставки

to deliver technical supplies — осуществлять технические поставки

to disrupt food supplies — нарушать поставки продовольствия

to ferry supplies to a country — перебрасывать поставки в страну

to fly in supplies — доставлять предметы снабжения по воздуху

to halt supplies — прекращать поставки

to hamper supplies — препятствовать снабжению

to improve food supplies — улучшать снабжение продовольствием

to keep supplies away from smb — препятствовать снабжению кого-л.

to run short of supplies — истощать запасы

supply and demandsupply exceeds demandsupply outstrips demandsupply of arms is critical to the warsupply of laborsupply of resourcessupplies on handadequate supplyalternative power suppliesample suppliesarms supplyavailable suppliesemergency food suppliesenergy supplyexcess supplyexpendable supplyfood supplyinternational relief supplieslabor supplymaintenance suppliesmassive supplymilitary supplies to a countrynonlethal suppliesoffice suppliespoor supplyrelief food suppliesscanty supplyscientific suppliesshort supplytechnical supplywater supplyworld coal suppliesconsignment of supplies for smbcutting off supplies from a countrydistribution of relief suppliesdrop in supplyimprovement of food suppliesin short supplylack of basic supplies and serviceslevel of supplymoratorium on arms suppliessource of supply

2. v

снабжать, обеспечивать, поставлять

to supply a demand — удовлетворять спрос

to supply smb with military secrets — снабжать кого-л. секретной военной информацией

Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1) подача; подвод; питание || подавать; подводить; питать2) источник питания•battery backup power supplyblanks supplycentral coolant supplycoolant supplyelectric power supplyenergy supplyintegral power supplyinternal coolant supplylaser power supplypower supplyself-contained supplythrough-the-spindle coolant supplythrough-the-toolholder coolant supplyvolume supply ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  I  1. noun  1) снабжение; поставка  2) pl. припасы, продовольствие, провиант (особ. для армии)  3) запас  4) econ. предложение  5) pl. содержание (денежное)  6) pl. утвержденные парламентом ассигнования  7) временный заместитель (напр., учителя)  8) tech. подача, питание, подвод, приток;  9) attr. питающий, подающий; снабжающий; supply canal - подводящий канал; supply pressure electr. - напряжение в сети; supply ship, supply train - и т.п. транспорт снабжения  10) attr. Supply Day - день рассмотрения проекта (государственного) бюджета в палате общин  2. v.  1) снабжать (with); Each soldier is supplied with two pairs of boots.  2) поставлять; доставлять; давать (from); We can supply the goods from our main store.  3) восполнять, возмещать (недостаток); удовлетворять (нужду)  4) замещать; to supply the place of smb. - заменять кого-л.  5) tech. подавать, подводить (напр., ток); питать II adv. гибко и пр. [см. supple  1. ] Syn: see equip SUPPLY goods on trust отпускать товар в кредит SUPPLY teacher noun учитель, заменяющий других учителей в их отсутствие ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. запас inexhaustible supply —- неисчерпаемый запас a good supply of literature —- хороший запас (выбор) литературы a large supply (large supplies) of shoes —- большой запас обуви supply parts —- тех. запасные части goods are in short supply —- запасы товаров истощаются 2. припасы; продовольствие, провиант; ресурсы (особ. для армии) food supplies —- запасы продовольствия ammunition supplies —- воен. боеприпасы labour supplies —- трудовые ресурсы (резервы) supplies of money —- денежные ресурсы 3. принадлежности; товары medical supplies —- медицинские принадлежности office supplies —- канцелярские принадлежности (товары) nursery supplies —- товары для самых маленьких 4. снабжение; поставка water supply —- водоснабжение power supply —- электроснабжение; энергоснабжение supply of a town with food —- снабжение города продовольствием to make (to sign) a contract for the supply of provisions —- заключить контракт о поставке продовольствия 5. воен. снабжение supply agency —- орган снабжения supply branch —- интендантская служба supply chute —- грузовой парашют supply distance —- расстояние пробега транспорта снабжения supply line —- путь подвоза supply officer —- начальник хозяйственного снабжения; ам. начальник интендантской службы корабля supply point —- пункт снабжения supply support —- снабжение 6. ассигнования на расходы...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) снабжение; снабжать, подавать, питать 2) запас 3) восполнять – blood supply – food supply – nerve supply – nutrient supply – vascular supply ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) запасы 2) снабжение; питание; приток; снабжать; питать 3) ассигнования – operating supply – power supply SUPPLY 1. сущ. 1) снабжение, поставка; подача, поступление 2) предложение (например, товара) 3) брит. ассигнования на содержание вооруженных сил и государственного аппарата (в английском бюджете) 4) запас 5) общее количество (товара) на рынке 6) продовольствие 7) припасы, провиант 8) утвержденные парламентом ассигнования 9) содержание (денежное) • - Ministry of Supply - able to supply - account supplies - additional supply - aggregate supply - ample supplies - available supplies - be in excess supply - be in low supply - be in short supply - be in supply - be in surplus supply - bulk power supply - bulk supply - competitive supply - conditions of supply - decrease in supply - demand and supply - demand is outgrowing supply - direct supplies - domestic supply - elastic supply - elasticity of supply - electric supply - energy supply - excess supply - exhaust supply - fixed supply - floating supply - fresh supplies - generating supply - increase in supply - individual supply - joint supply - labour supply - long-run supply - maintenance supply - money supply - power supply - regressive supply - reserve supply - rival supply - source of supply - stationary and office supplies - supplies and materials - supplies of materials and machinery - supply agencies - supply agreement - supply and demand - supply and demand - supply and sales agency - supply department - supply factor - supply in full sets - supply of grain - supply of the market - supply on hand - supply plan - supply policy - terms of supply - total supply - visible supplies - world supply Syn: bid, offer, offer bid 2. гл. 1) снабжать,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) электропитание; подводить электропитание 2) источник питания – ac supply – backup power supply – batteryless power supply – battery-power supply – biradial power supply – buffer power supply – clock supply – current supply – dc supply – emergency supply – energy supply – flyback-power supply – inductive supply – low-voltage power supply – medium-voltage supply – MOSFET power supply – no-break power supply – power supply – primary power supply – programmable power supply – radio-frequency power supply – reference supply – registrated-power supply – resonant-mode power supply – secondary power supply – stabilized power supply – standby power supply – surge-protected supply – switched supply – twin power supply – uninterruptible power supply ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  питание; снабжение; поставка; подача AC supply air supply central water supply clustered water supply cold supply cold water supply compact jet air supply diffused air supply direct hot water supply district heat supply domestic water supply emergency water supply fire water supply fixture supply gas supply heat supply hot water supply indirect hot water supply individual water supply local water supply low level air supply mains supply overhead supply pneumatic water supply potable water supply power supply pressure air supply single source heat supply utility and drinking water supply water supply ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) снабжение; поставка снабжать; поставлять 2) подача; подвод; питание подавать; подводить; питать 3) электропитание; электроснабжение подводить электропитание 4) источник (электро)питания; блок (электро)питания 5) мн. ч. запас(ы); продовольствие supply by accumulators — аккумуляторное питание, питание от аккумулятора - ac power supply - ac supply - auxiliary power supply - available water supply - backup supply - battery supply - bulk power supply - bussed supply - car power supply - centralized supply - circulating water supply - clock supply - commercial power supply - constant current power supply - constant current supply - constant-voltage power supply - current supply - current power supply - dc power supply - dc supply - domestic water supply - dosed supply - drinking water supply - electric supply - electric power supply - emergency power supply - emergency supply - energy supply - filament power supply - fire water supply - fluid supply - freight-car supply - fuel supply - full irrigation supply - gas supply - gravity water supply - grid-voltage supply - groundwater supply - heat supply - high-voltage power supply - hot water supply - industrial water supply - irrigation water supply - looped-in supply - low-voltage power supply - mains supply - makeup fuel supply - medium-voltage power supply - metered water supply - municipal water supply - no-break power supply - nonsafety-related water supply - normal water supply - oil supply - packaged solar power supply - photovoltaic power supply - power supply - power supply without failures - primary power supply - public electric supply - public water supply - railway water supply - recreational water supply - recycling water supply - reference supply - reflux supply - regulated power supply - reverse water supply - rural water supply - safety-related...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 provide or furnish (a thing needed). 2 (often foll. by with) provide (a person etc. with a thing needed). 3 meet or make up for (a deficiency or need etc.). 4 fill (a vacancy, place, etc.) as a substitute. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act or an instance of providing what is needed. 2 a stock, store, amount, etc., of something provided or obtainable (a large supply of water; the gas-supply). 3 (in pl.) a the collected provisions and equipment for an army, expedition, etc. b a grant of money by Parliament for the costs of government. c a money allowance to a person. 4 (often attrib.) a person, esp. a schoolteacher or clergyman, acting as a temporary substitute for another. 5 (attrib.) providing supplies or a supply (supply officer). Phrases and idioms in short supply available in limited quantity. on supply (of a schoolteacher etc.) acting as a supply. supply and demand Econ. quantities available and required as factors regulating the price of commodities. supply-side Econ. denoting a policy of low taxation and other incentives to produce goods and invest. Derivatives supplier n. Etymology: ME f. OF so(u)pleer etc. f. L supplere (as SUB-, plere fill) 2. adv. (also supplely) in a supple manner . ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (supplied; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English supplien to complete, compensate for, from Middle French soupplier, from Latin supplere to fill up, complete, raise (a military unit, crew) to its full complement, substitute, from sub- up + plere to fill — more at sub-, full  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to add as a supplement  2. Middle French souploier, alteration of soupplier  a. to provide for ; satisfy laws by which the material wants of men are supplied — Bulletin of Bates College  b. to make available for use ; provide supplied the necessary funds  c. to satisfy the needs or wishes of  d. to furnish (organs, tissues, or cells) with a vital element (as blood or nerve fibers)  3. to substitute for another in; specifically to serve as a ~ in (a church or pulpit)  intransitive verb to serve as a ~ or substitute  • supplier noun  II. noun  (plural supplies)  Date: 15th century  1. obsolete assistance, succor  2.  a. obsolete reinforcements — often used in plural  b. a member of the clergy filling a vacant pulpit temporarily  c. the quantity or amount (as of a commodity) needed or available beer was in short ~ in that hot weather — Nevil Shute  d. provisions, stores — usually used in plural  3. the act or process of filling a want or need engaged in the ~ of raw materials to industry  4. the quantities of goods or services offered for sale at a particular time or at one price  5. something that maintains or constitutes a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (supplies, supplying, supplied) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you supply someone with something that they want or need, you give them a quantity of it. ...an agreement not to produce or supply chemical weapons. ...a pipeline which will supply the major Greek cities with Russian natural gas. ...the blood vessels supplying oxygen to the brain. VERB: V n, V n with n, V n to n 2. You can use supplies to refer to food, equipment, and other essential things that people need, especially when these are provided in large quantities. What happens when food and gasoline supplies run low?... The country’s only supplies are those it can import by lorry from Vietnam. N-PLURAL: oft n N 3. A supply of something is an amount of it which someone has or which is available for them to use. The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen... Most urban water supplies in the United States now contain fluoride in varying amounts. N-VAR: N of n, n N 4. Supply is the quantity of goods and services that can be made available for people to buy. (BUSINESS) Prices change according to supply and demand. ? demand N-UNCOUNT 5. If something is in short supply, there is very little of it available and it is difficult to find or obtain. Food is in short supply all over the country... PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »AMOUNT AVAILABLE« an amount of something that is available to be used + of  (a regular supply of fresh vegetables | More donors are needed as blood supplies are running low.) 2 be in short supply if something is in short supply, there is very little of it available and it is difficult to get  (Chocolate was in short supply during the war.) 3 gas/electricity/water supply a system that is used to supply gas etc  (cut off a supply (=stop the supply))  (During the drought some households had their water supply cut off.) 4 »NECESSARY THINGS« supplies food, clothes and things necessary for daily life, especially for a group of people over a period of time  (A convoy of trucks packed with vital medical supplies succeeded in reaching the town.) 5 supply and demand the relationship between the amount of goods for sale and the amount that people want to buy, especially the way it influences prices 6 »ACT OF SUPPLYING« the act or process of supplying something  (The military government is trying to stop the supply of guns to the rebels. | supply of oxygen to the brain) 7 supply ship/convoy/route etc a ship etc used for bringing or storing supplies  (- see also money supply) ~2 v to provide people with something that they need or want, especially regularly over a long period of time  (supply sb with sth)  (US forces mounted a massive air operation to keep the city supplied with food. | An informer supplied the police with the names of those involved in the crime. | supply sth to sb)  (They were arrested for supplying drugs to street dealers.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1375, "to help, support, maintain," later "fill up, make up for," from O.Fr. supplier "fill up, make full," from L. supplere "fill up, complete," from sub "up from below" + plere "to fill." The meaning "furnish, provide" first recorded c.1520. As a noun, in the political economy sense (correlary of demand) it dates from 1776. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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