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Англо-русский политический словарь - stump


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Перевод с английского языка stump на русский


v полит. жарг.

"стоять на пне" (проводить предвыборный митинг на открытом воздухе)

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) пень  2) обрубок; культя, ампутированная конечность  3) пенек (зуба)  4) окурок  5) огрызок (карандаша)  6) коротышка  7) pl.; joc. ноги; to stir ones stumps coll. - поторапливаться, пошевеливаться  8) тяжелый шаг (сучья)  2. v.  1) корчевать  2) ковылять, тяжело ступать (тж. stump along)  3) coll. ставить в тупик; I am stumped for an answer - не знаю, что ответить  4) совершать поездки, выступая с речами, агитировать  5) amer. вызывать на соревнование; подзадоривать  6) выбивать из игры (в крикете) - stump up STUMP up sl. выкладывать деньги, платить; расплачиваться; Shall I have to stump up for the wedding? STUMP orator оратор, выступающий с импровизированной трибуны; агитатор STUMP oratory = stump speeches STUMP speeches  1) речи с импровизированной трибуны  2) напыщенные, ходульные речи ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. пень to buy timber on the stump —- купить лес на корню 2. остаток; огрызок (карандаша); окурок (сигареты); обрубок (хвоста); пенек (зуба); капустная кочерыжка 3. мор. обломок мачты 4. обрубок; культя, ампутированная конечность 5. ам. корешок квитанционной или чековой книжки 6. огарок (свечи) 7. коротышка 8. деревяннная нога 9. нога to stir one's stumps —- поторапливаться, пошевеливаться 10. импровизированная трибуна to go (to be) on the stump, to take the stump —- вести агитацию 11. (the stump) кампания (особ. избирательная); агитационная поездка по стране (кандидата в президенты и т. п.) 12. pl. коротко остриженные волосы, "щетина" 13. тяжелый шаг 14. ам. разг. вызов на состязание (в чем-л. трудном или опасном) 15. столбик крикетной калитки to draw (the) stumps —- прекратить игру (матч) (крикет) 16. колода, улей 17. растушевка, палочка для тушевки 18. горн. целик Id: to be up a stump —- ам. сл. находиться в растерянности, не знать, как поступить (что делать) 19. разг. ставить в тупик, озадачивать to stump smb. —- поставить кого-л. в тупик, озадачить кого-л. to be stumped for an answer —- не знать, что ответить 20. выбивать из игры (крикет) 21. совершать поездки, выступая с речами; агитировать (особ. во время избирательной кампании) he stumps the country —- он...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полит. разг. (агитационная) поездка по стране Тип маршрута предвыборной кампании: как правило, включает многочисленные выступления перед избирателями на открытом воздухе. Исторически в период освоения Фронтира Frontier ораторы часто выступали перед публикой, взобравшись на пень stump. Так практиковался в публичных выступлениях перед соседями юноша Авраам Линкольн Lincoln, Abraham ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) пень, пенёк 2) срубать (дерево) 3) корчевать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  пень, напенный - pillar stump - stump puller - stump rot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пень обломок, обрубок (бруса, бревна) STUMP PULLING MACHINE корчевальная машина ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пень корчевать пни 2) комель (дерева) 3) горн. целик извлекать целики ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the projecting remnant of a cut or fallen tree. 2 the similar remnant of anything else (e.g. a branch or limb) cut off or worn down. 3 Cricket each of the three uprights of a wicket. 4 (in pl.) joc. the legs. 5 the stump of a tree, or other place, used by an orator to address a meeting. 6 a cylinder of rolled paper or other material with conical ends for softening pencil-marks and other uses in drawing. --v. 1 tr. (of a question etc.) be too hard for; puzzle. 2 tr. (as stumped adj.) at a loss; baffled. 3 tr. Cricket (esp. of a wicket-keeper) put (a batsman) out by touching the stumps with the ball while the batsman is out of the crease. 4 intr. walk stiffly or noisily as on a wooden leg. 5 tr. (also absol.) US traverse (a district) making political speeches. 6 tr. use a stump on (a drawing, line, etc.). Phrases and idioms on the stump colloq. engaged in political speech-making or agitation. stump up Brit. colloq. pay or produce (the money required). up a stump US in difficulties. Etymology: ME stompe f. MDu. stomp, OHG stumpf ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e; akin to Old High German ~f ~ and perhaps to Middle English stampen to stamp  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the basal portion of a bodily part remaining after the rest is removed  b. a rudimentary or vestigial bodily part  2. the part of a plant and especially a tree remaining attached to the root after the trunk is cut  3. a remaining part ; stub  4. one of the pointed rods stuck in the ground to form a cricket wicket  5. a place or occasion for public speaking (as for a cause or candidate); also the circuit followed by a maker of such speeches — used especially in the phrase on the ~  II. verb  Date: 1581  transitive verb  1. to reduce to a ~ ; trim  2.  a. dare, challenge  b. to frustrate the progress or efforts of ; baffle  3. to clear (land) of ~s  4. to travel over (a region) making political speeches or supporting a cause  5.  a. to walk over heavily or clumsily  b. stub 3  intransitive verb  1. to walk heavily or clumsily  2. to go about making political speeches or supporting a cause  • ~er noun  III. noun  Etymology: French or Dutch dialect; French estompe, from Dutch dialect stomp, literally, stub, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old High German ~f ~  Date: 1778 a short thick roll of leather, felt, or paper usually pointed at both ends and used for shading or blending a drawing in crayon, pencil, charcoal, pastel, or chalk  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1807 to tone or treat (a drawing) with a ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (stumps, stumping, stumped) 1. A stump is a small part of something that remains when the rest of it has been removed or broken off. If you have a tree stump, check it for fungus... The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. In cricket, the stumps are the three wooden sticks that are placed upright in the ground to form the wicket. N-COUNT 3. If you are stumped by a question or problem, you cannot think of any solution or answer to it. John Diamond is stumped by an unexpected question... Well, maybe I stumped you on that one. VERB: be V-ed, V n 4. If politicians stump the country or stump for a candidate, they travel around making campaign speeches before an election. (mainly AM) When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak... He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat. VERB: V n, V for n, also V 5. If politicians are on the stump, they are campaigning for an election. (mainly AM) The presidential candidates are on the stump today. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »TREE« the bottom part of a tree that is left in the ground after the rest of it has been cut down; tree stump 2 »SOMETHING BROKEN« the small useless part of something that remains after most of it has broken off or worn away  (the stump of a broken tooth) 3 »ARM/LEG« the short part of someone's leg, arm etc that remains after the rest of it has been cut off 4 »IN SPORT« one of the three upright sticks in cricket (2) that you throw the ball at 5 stump speech AmE a speech made while travelling around to get political support ~2 v 1 to ask someone such a difficult question that they are completely unable to think of an answer  (trying to stump the teacher | be stumped)  (Nobody knows - even the experts are stumped. | get/have sb stumped)  (This question'll have them all stumped.) 2 I + up/along/across to walk with heavy steps; stomp 3 to put a batsman out of the game in cricket (2) by touching the stumps with the ball when he is out of the hitting area 4 AmE to travel around an area, meeting people and making speeches in order to gain political support  (I'm too old to keep stumping around the state.) stump up phr v I BrE informal to pay money, even if it is difficult  (That's ten quid you owe me. Come on, stump up.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1350, "remaining part of a severed arm or leg," cognate with M.L.G. stump (from adj. meaning "mutilated, blunt, dull"), M.Du. stomp "stump," from P.Gmc. *stump-. Meaning "tree stump" is from 1440. Sense of "walk clumsily" is first recorded 1600; that of "baffle" is first recorded 1807, perhaps in reference to plowing newly cleared land. The phrase stump speech is Amer.Eng. (a sense first recorded 1775), tree stumps being a natural perch for rural orators. The verb in this sense is from 1838. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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