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Англо-русский политический словарь - strain


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напряжение; усилие

to ease strains on the balance-of-payments difficulties — уменьшать трудности в сфере платежного баланса

to place severe strains on smth — возлагать жесткие условия на что-л.; обременять / усугублять что-л.

to put a considerable strain on relations (between) — привносить значительную напряженность в отношения (между)

mental strainphysical straindiplomatic strain has not run out

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См. в других словарях

  1) деформация, относительная деформация || деформировать, деформироваться2) натяжение; растяжение || натягивать; растягивать3) сила, усилие4) фильтровать; процеживать•angle strainangular strainbending strainbrazing straincompressive straincubic straindirect strainelastic strainhardening strainlaser strainlateral strainlattice strainlongitudinal strainnormal strainpure strainresidual strainshear strainshrinkage straintemperature straintensile straintorsional straintransverse straintwisting strainultimate strainvibration strainvolume strainvolumetric strain ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  • 1) напрягаться; 2) напрягать• 1) напряжение; 2) деформация ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  off отцеживать; Strain the fat away before you serve the soup. STRAIN I  1. noun  1) натяжение, растяжение; the rope broke under the strain - веревка лопнула от натяжения  2) напряжение; to bear the strain - выдерживать напряжение  3) tech. деформация Syn: see stress  2. v.  1) натягивать; растягивать(ся); to strain a tendon - растянуть сухожилие  2) напрягать(ся); переутомлять(ся); стараться изо всех сил; the masts strain and groan - мачты гнутся и скрипят; to strain under a load - напрячь усилия под тяжестью ноши; to strain at the oars - налегать на весла  3) превышать; злоупотреблять; насиловать; to strain the law - допустить натяжку в истолковании закона; to strain a persons patience - испытывать чье-л. терпение  4) обнимать, сжимать; to strain smb. in ones arms - сжать кого-л. в объятиях; to strain to ones heart - прижать к сердцу  5) процеживать(ся); фильтровать(ся); просачиваться  6) tech. вызывать остаточную деформацию - strain after - strain at - strain off II noun  1) порода, племя, род  2) наследственная черта; черта характера; наклонность; a strain of cruelty - некоторая жестокость, элемент жестокости  3) biol. штамм  4) стиль, тон речи; much more in the same strain - и много еще в том же духе; he spoke in a dismal strain - он говорил в меланхолическом тоне  5) usu. pl.; mus.; poet. напев, мелодия; поэзия, стихи; the strains of the harp - звуки арфы; martial strains -...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. натяжение; растяжение the rope broke under the strain —- веревка лопнула от натяжения to bring a strain on a cable —- усилить натяжение кабеля to relieve the strain on a cable —- ослабить (отпустить) кабель 2. напряжение, нагрузка; перегрузка; переутомление mental strain —- умственное напряжение; умственное переутомление a strain on the nerves —- нервное напряжение the strain of modern life —- напряженность современной жизни to suffer from strain —- страдать от переутомления at full (at utmost) strain —- с большим напряжением (усилием) without strain —- без напряжения, легко all his senses were on the strain —- все его чувства были напряжены to bear (to stand) the strain —- выдерживать напряжение their relations will not bear much further strain —- их отношения напряжены до предела it was a great strain on my attention —- это требовало всего моего внимания it was a great strain on my imagination —- мне потребовалось напрячь все свое воображение it was a great strain on my credulity —- мне трудно было в это поверить it was too great a strain on my purse (on my resources) —- это легло тяжелым бременем на мой кошелек, это требовало от меня материальных жертв 3. мед. растяжение сухожилий 4. тех. механическое воздействие 5. деформация 6. натягивать; растягивать to strain a rope to the breaking-point —- натянуть веревку до предела to strain wire to posts —- натянуть...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) раса, линия 2) штамм 3) растяжение; напряжение; деформация; растягивать(ся); напрягать(ся); деформировать(ся); сжимать(ся) 4) процеживать 5) pl элита – biological strain – breeding strains – cell strain – coisogenic strain – cryptic strain – homolysogenic strain – host strain – hybrid strain – inbred strain – indicator strain – isogenic strain – killer strain – lysogenic strain – master strain – monolysogenic strain – noninbred strain – nonpermissive strain – parent strain – permissive strain – phage-changed strain – polylysogenic strain – pseudolysogenic strain – pure strain – reference strain – relaxed strain – stock strain – stringent strain – suppressor strain – tester strain – true lysogenic strain – typeable strain – vaccinating strain – virulent strain – virus-carrying bacterial strain – wild strain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) натяжение; напряжение; деформация; натягивать 2) штамм (микроорганизма) (патентоспособный объект) STRAIN сущ. напряжение - stand the strain - strain on credit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) деформация 2) деформировать 3) жиление 4) жилиться 5) напрягать 6) напряжение 7) напряженный 8) натяжение 9) натяжной 10) процеживать 11) штамм Baeyer strain theory — теория напряжений Баэра put unnecessary strain on — вызывать чрезмерное напряжение sire strain gage — тех. датчик проволочный strain sensitivity factor — тех. коэффициент тензочувствительности strain velocity tensor — тензор скорости деформации strain wave gearing — передача волновая wire strain gage — тех. тензометр проволочный - alternating strain - buckling strain - casting strain - compressive strain - creep strain - cubic strain - flexural strain - longitudinal strain - pure strain - quenching strain - residual strain - restrained strain - strain ageing - strain cellulose - strain center - strain crack - strain figure - strain gauge - strain hardening - strain insulator - strain joint - strain measurement - strain model - strain rate - strain stability - strain surface - strain tensor - strain the latex - tensor of strain - thermal strain - torsional strain - ultimate strain - unit strain - yield strain ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  деформация; напряжение; натяжение strain at a point strain in a transverse direction angular strain angular unit strain axial strain bending strain bulk strain compression strain cyclic strains elastic strain inelastic strain lateral strain linear strain linear elastic strain linearly varying strain longitudinal strain main strain nonelastic strain nonlinear elastic strain plane strain plastic strain principal strain residual strain shear strain stretcher strains surface strain swelling strain tension strain time-dependent strain transverse strain true strain ultimate tensile strain unit strain viscoelastic strain volume strain STRAIN AT A POINT деформация в точке ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) деформация деформировать(ся) 2) (механическое) напряжение 3) деформированное состояние 4) натяжение; растяжение натягивать; растягивать 5) фильтровать; процеживать 6) резин. стрейнировать 7) бтх штамм to strain out fibers — цел.-бум. улавливать волокна - age embrittlement strain - alternating strain - bending strain - brazing strain - breaking strain - buckling strain - casting strain - clay strain - compressive strain - cooling strain - creep strain - crushing strain - cubical strain - cubic strain - dielectric strain - dilatational strain - elastic strain - elastoplastic strain - extension strain - failure strain - flexural strain - forging strain - hardening strain - Hfr-strain - high-strain - highly elastic strain - homogeneous strain - hoop strain - killer strain - lattice strain - linear strain - longitudinal strain - magnetic strain - magnetostrictive strain - octahedral strain - permanent strain - plane strain - plastic strain - principal strain - recoverable strain - repeated strain - residual strain - reversible strain - shear strain - shrinkage strain - stretcher strains - stretching strain - temperature strain - tensile strain - tensional strain - tension strain - thermal strain - torsional strain - transverse strain - twisting strain - ultimate strain - volume strain - welding strain - yield-point strain - yield strain ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. stretch tightly; make or become taut or tense. 2 tr. exercise (oneself, one's senses, a thing, etc.) intensely or excessively, press to extremes. 3 a intr. make an intensive effort. b intr. (foll. by after) strive intensely for (straining after perfection). 4 intr. (foll. by at) tug, pull (the dog strained at the leash). 5 intr. hold out with difficulty under pressure (straining under the load). 6 tr. a distort from the true intention or meaning. b apply (authority, laws, etc.) beyond their province or in violation of their true intention. 7 tr. overtask or injure by overuse or excessive demands (strain a muscle; strained their loyalty). 8 a tr. clear (a liquid) of solid matter by passing it through a sieve etc. b tr. (foll. by out) filter (solids) out from a liquid. c intr. (of a liquid) percolate. 9 tr. hug or squeeze tightly. 10 tr. use (one's ears, eyes, voice, etc.) to the best of one's power. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of straining. b the force exerted in this. 2 an injury caused by straining a muscle etc. 3 a a severe demand on physical strength or resources. b the exertion needed to meet this (is suffering from strain). 4 (in sing. or pl.) a snatch or spell of music or poetry. 5 a tone or tendency in speech or writing (more in the same strain). 6 Physics a the condition of a body subjected to stress; molecular displacement. b a quantity measuring this, equal to the amount of deformation usu. divided by the original dimension. Phrases and idioms at strain (or full strain) exerted to the utmost. strain every nerve make every possible effort. strain oneself 1 injure oneself by effort. 2 make undue efforts. Derivatives strainable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF estreindre estreign- f. L stringere strict- draw tight 2. n. 1 a breed or stock of animals, plants, etc. 2 a moral tendency as part of a person's character (a strain of aggression). Etymology: ME, = progeny, f. OE streon (recorded in gestreonan beget), rel. to L struere build ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English streen progeny, lineage, from Old English streon gain, acquisition; akin to Old High German gistriuni gain, Latin struere to heap up — more at strew  Date: 13th century  1.  a. lineage, ancestry  b. a group of presumed common ancestry with clear-cut physiological but usually not morphological distinctions a high-yielding ~ of winter wheat; broadly a specified infraspecific group (as a stock, line, or ecotype)  c. kind, sort discussions of a lofty ~  2.  a. inherited or inherent character, quality, or disposition a ~ of madness in the family  b. trace, streak a ~ of fanaticism  3.  a. tune, air  b. a passage of verbal or musical expression  c. a stream or outburst of forceful or impassioned speech  4.  a. the tenor, pervading note, burden, or tone of an utterance or of a course of action or conduct  b. mood, temper  II. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French estreindre, from Latin stringere to bind or draw tight, press together; akin to Greek strang-, stranx drop squeezed out, strangale halter  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to draw tight ; cause to fit firmly ~ the bandage over the wound  b. to stretch to maximum extension and tautness ~ a canvas over a frame  2.  a. to exert (as oneself) to the utmost  b. to injure by overuse, misuse, or excessive pressure ~ed his back  c. to cause a change of form or size in (a body) by application of external force  3. to squeeze or clasp tightly: as  a. hug  b. to compress painfully ; constrict  4.  a. to cause to pass through a ~er ; filter  b. to remove by ~ing ~ lumps out of the gravy  5. to stretch beyond a proper limit that story ~s my credulity  6. obsolete to squeeze out ; extort  intransitive verb  1.  a. to make violent efforts ; strive has to ~ to reach the high notes  b. to pull against resistance a dog ~ing at its leash  c. to contract the muscles forcefully in attempting to defecate — often used in the phrase ~ at stool  2. to pass through...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (strains, straining, strained) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If strain is put on an organization or system, it has to do more than it is able to do. The prison service is already under considerable strain... The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system. = pressure N-VAR: oft under N, N on n 2. To strain something means to make it do more than it is able to do. The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system... = stretch VERB: V n 3. Strain is a state of worry and tension caused by a difficult situation. She was tired and under great strain. ...the stresses and strains of a busy and demanding career. = stress N-UNCOUNT: also N in pl 4. If you say that a situation is a strain, you mean that it makes you worried and tense. I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage. N-SING: a N 5. Strain is a force that pushes, pulls, or stretches something in a way that may damage it. Place your hands under your buttocks to take some of the strain off your back... N-UNCOUNT 6. Strain is an injury to a muscle in your body, caused by using the muscle too much or twisting it. Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging. N-VAR: usu n N 7. If you strain a muscle, you injure it by using it too much or twisting it. He strained his back during a practice session. VERB: V n 8. If you strain to do something, you make a great effort to do it when it is difficult to do. I had to strain to hear... They strained their eyes, but saw nothing. VERB: V to-inf, V n 9. When you strain food, you separate the liquid part of it from the solid parts. Strain the stock and put it back into the pan. VERB: V n 10. You can use strain to refer to a particular quality in someone’s character, remarks, or work. There was a strain of bitterness in his voice. ...this cynical strain in the book. N-SING: with supp 11. A strain of a germ, plant, or other...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »WORRY« worry caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time  (The trial has been a terrible strain for both of us. | put a strain on sb/sth)  (Nick's frequent trips were putting a strain on their marriage. | be under (a) strain)  (I know you've been under a lot of strain lately. | stresses and strains (=problems and worries))  (the stresses and strains of everyday working life) 2 »DIFFICULTY« a problem or difficulty that is caused when something is used more than is normal or acceptable  (The drought has put a heavy strain on our water resources.) 3 »FORCE« a force that pulls, stretches or pushes something + on  (The strain on the cables supporting the bridge is enormous.) under the strain (=because of the force)  (The rope snapped under the strain.) 4 »INJURY« an injury to a muscle or part of your body caused by using it too much  (a back strain)  (- compare sprain) 5 »DISTRUST« a situation in which two people, groups etc have stopped being friendly or trusting each other; tension (2)  (the current strain in relations between the two countries) 6 »PLANT/ANIMAL« a breed or type of animal, plant etc + of  (trying to develop a new strain of wheat) 7 the strains of sth literary the sound of music being played + of  (the strains of the Blue Danube Waltz) 8 »QUALITY« a particular quality which people have, especially one that is passed from parents to children + of  (There's a strain of madness in his family.) 9 take the strain to pull on something such as a rope until it is tight, then keep it in that position 10 »WAY OF SAYING STH« formal the meaning of what you are saying or writing, or the way it is expressed  (a strain of bitterness in Young's later work) ~2 v 1 »PART OF BODY« to injure a muscle or part of your body by making it work too hard  (strain a muscle in your leg | You'll strain your eyes trying to read in this light.) 2 »EFFORT« to try very hard to do something using all your physical or mental strength  (strain to do sth)  (The...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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