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Англо-русский политический словарь - spy


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Перевод с английского языка spy на русский

1. n

шпион; разведчик; тайный агент

to identify / to unmask a spy — разоблачать шпиона

spy chiefforeign spymaster spypolice spysuspected spy

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См. в других словарях

  upon следить за кем-л. SPY out выслеживать, разузнавать; to spy out the land исследовать местность SPY  1. noun шпион; тайный агент; диверсант Syn: agent, agent provocateur, counterspy, double agent, secret agent  2. v.  1) шпионить, следить (on/ upon); How much did you pay the man to spy on your husband?  2) заметить, увидеть, разглядеть; to spy faults - замечать недостатки - spy into - spy out - spy upon SPY into расследовать тайно; What right have you to spy into my affairs? ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. шпион, тайный агент; разведчик spy ring —- шпионская организация (сеть) women spies —- шпионки 2. шпик, соглядатай a police spy —- агент полиции; провокатор he refused to be a spy on her conduct —- он отказался подсматривать за ней 3. воен. лазутчик 4. заниматься шпионажем; добывать разведывательные данные 5. (обыкн. on) следить, шпионить (за кем-л.) to spy upon smb. (upon smb.'s movements) —- следить (установить слежку) за кем-л. 6. подсматривать (за кем-л.); высматривать что-л. 7. выслеживать, разнюхивать (также spy out) to spy into smb.'s secret —- проникнуть в чью-л. тайну we must spy out disagreements as soon as they occur —- мы должны расследовать корни разногласий, как только они возникают 8. рассматривать, исследовать, осматривать (также spy out) to spy (out) the country —- тщательно исследовать местность 9. подмечать, замечать she is quick at spying her neighbours' faults —- она тонко подмечает недостатки окружающих 10. астр. наблюдать в телескоп Id: to spy out the land —- библ. высмотреть землю; оценивать обстановку ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  бирж., амер. SPY (на Американской фондовой бирже — символ, обозначающий депозитарные расписки "Стандарт энд Пурз") See: Standard and Poor's depository receipt, American Stock Exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. spies) 1 a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, etc., of an enemy, competitor, etc. 2 a person who keeps watch on others, esp. furtively. --v. (spies, spied) 1 tr. discern or make out, esp. by careful observation (spied a house in the distance). 2 intr. (often foll. by on) act as a spy, keep a close and secret watch. 3 intr. (often foll. by into) pry. Phrases and idioms I spy a children's game of guessing a visible object from the initial letter of its name. spy-master colloq. the head of an organization of spies. spy out explore or discover, esp. secretly. Etymology: ME f. OF espie espying, espier espy f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (spied; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English spien, from Anglo-French espier, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German spehon to ~; akin to Latin specere to look, look at, Greek skeptesthai & skopein to watch, look at, consider  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to watch secretly usually for hostile purposes  2. to catch sight of ; see  3. to search or look for intensively — usually used with out ~ out places fit for vending…goods — S. E. Morison  intransitive verb  1. to observe or search for something ; look  2. to watch secretly as a ~  II. noun  (plural spies)  Date: 13th century  1. one that spies:  a. one who keeps secret watch on a person or thing to obtain information  b. a person employed by one nation to secretly convey classified information of strategic importance to another nation; also a person who conveys the trade secrets of one company to another  2. an act of ~ing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (spies, spying, spied) 1. A spy is a person whose job is to find out secret information about another country or organization. He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy... N-COUNT 2. A spy satellite or spy plane obtains secret information about another country by taking photographs from the sky. ADJ: ADJ n 3. Someone who spies for a country or organization tries to find out secret information about another country or organization. The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years... East and West are still spying on one another... I never agreed to spy against the United States. VERB: V for n, V on n, V against n • spying ...a ten-year sentence for spying. N-UNCOUNT 4. If you spy on someone, you watch them secretly. That day he spied on her while pretending to work on the shrubs... VERB: V on n 5. If you spy someone or something, you notice them. (LITERARY) He was walking down the street when he spied an old friend. = spot VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n someone whose job it is to find out secret information about another country, organization, or group  (a British spy in World War II | a spy film) ~2 v 1 to secretly collect information about an enemy country or an organization you are competing against + on  (He was charged with spying on top-secret naval bases.) 2 spy on sb to watch someone secretly  (Jean's always spying on the neighbours.) 3 especially literary to suddenly see someone or something, especially after searching for them  (Ellen suddenly spied her friend in the crowd.) spy sth out phr v 1 to secretly find out information about something 2 spy out the land to secretly find out more information about a situation before deciding what to do ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  airport code San Pedro, Cote d'Ivoire funny abbr. Self Portrait Yaddo religion abbr. Singing Praying Youth religion abbr. St Paul's Youth ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1250, from O.Fr. espier "to spy," espie "a spy," probably from Frank. (cf. O.H.G. *spehon "to look out for, scout, spy"), from P.Gmc. *spekh-, the sole Gmc. survival of the productive PIE root *spek- "to look." Spy-glass is from 1706. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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