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Англо-русский политический словарь - sport


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   1. noun  1) спорт, спортивные игры; охота; рыбная ловля; athletic sports - атлетика; to go in for sports - заниматься спортом; to have good sport - хорошо поохотиться  2) pl. спортивные соревнования  3) coll. спортсмен  4) coll. славный малый  5) amer. игрок  6) забава, развлечение; шутка; to become the sport of fortune - стать игрушкой судьбы; in sport - в шутку; what sport! - как весело!  7) посмешище; to make sport of - высмеивать  8) biol. мутация Syn: see hobby  2. adj. спортивный; sport clothes - спортивная одежда  3. v.  1) играть, веселиться, резвиться; развлекаться (with); You can see the big sea animals in the water, sporting with their young ones.  2) заниматься спортом  3) шутить (with); Its unkind to sport with a young girls feelings like that.  4) coll. носить, выставлять напоказ; щеголять; to sport a rose in ones buttonhole - щеголять розой в петлице  5) biol. давать мутацию - sport away to sport ones oak univ.; sl. - закрыть дверь для посетителей; не принимать гостей SPORT away проматывать, растрачивать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. спорт, спортивные игры athletic sports —- атлетика sport shirt —- спортивная рубашка to go in for sports —- заниматься спортом 2. pl. спортивные соревнования inter-university sports —- межуниверситетские соревнования 3. любительская охота, рыбная ловля to have good sport —- хорошо поохотиться 4. забава, развлечение, игра, потеха for sport's sake —- для забавы, ради шутки what sport! —- вот потеха! the children thought it great sport to dress up as pirates —- детям очень нравилось наряжаться пиратами 5. шутка, проделка; насмешка to say smth. in sport —- сказать что-л. шутки ради to make sport of smb. —- высмеивать кого-л., потешаться (подшучивать) над кем-л. 6. книж. посмешище, объект шуток, насмешек to become the sport of fortune —- стать игрушкой судьбы to be the sport of circumstances —- быть жертвой обстоятельств 7. ам. спортсмен 8. ам. человек, обладающий моральными качествами, присущими хорошему спортсмену he's a good sport about losing —- он не вешает носа (не злится) при проигрыше 9. разг. молодчина, молодчага; парень что надо; отличный парень be a sport! —- будь человеком! he's a good sport! —- он парень что надо! 10. друг, приятель (обращение) come on, sport! —- ну давай, друг! now lay off, sport! —- ты это брось, приятель! 11. ам. азартный игрок (в карты, на скачках и т. п.) 12. ам. разг. щеголь, стиляга;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  спорт, почковая мутация ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  спортивный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a game or competitive activity, esp. an outdoor one involving physical exertion, e.g. cricket, football, racing, hunting. b such activities collectively (the world of sport). 2 (in pl.) Brit. a a meeting for competing in sports, esp. athletics (school sports). b athletics. 3 amusement, diversion, fun. 4 colloq. a a fair or generous person. b a person behaving in a specified way, esp. regarding games, rules, etc. (a bad sport at tennis). c Austral. a form of address, esp. between males. d US a playboy. 5 Biol. an animal or plant deviating suddenly or strikingly from the normal type. 6 a plaything or butt (was the sport of Fortune). --v. 1 intr. divert oneself, take part in a pastime. 2 tr. wear, exhibit, or produce, esp. ostentatiously (sported a gold tie-pin). 3 intr. Biol. become or produce a sport. Phrases and idioms have good sport be successful in shooting, fishing, etc. in sport jestingly. make sport of make fun of, ridicule. the sport of kings horse-racing (less often war, hunting, or surfing). sports car an open, low-built fast car. sports coat (or jacket) a man's jacket for informal wear. sports writer a person who writes (esp. as a journalist) on sports. Derivatives sporter n. Etymology: ME f. DISPORT ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, to divert, di~, short for di~en  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to amuse oneself ; frolic lambs ~ing in the meadow  b. to engage in a ~  2.  a. to mock or ridicule something  b. to speak or act in jest ; trifle  3. ~ (II) to deviate or vary abruptly from type (as by bud variation) ; mutate  transitive verb  1. to display or wear usually ostentatiously ; boast ~ing expensive new shoes  2. ~ (II) to put forth as a ~ or bud variation  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a source of diversion ; recreation  b. sexual play  c.  (1) physical activity engaged in for pleasure  (2) a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in  2.  a. pleasantry, jest  b. often mean-spirited jesting ; mockery, derision  3.  a. something tossed or driven about in or as if in play  b. laughingstock  4.  a. ~sman  b. a person considered with respect to living up to the ideals of ~smanship a good ~ a poor ~  c. a companionable person  5. an individual exhibiting a sudden deviation from type beyond the normal limits of individual variation usually as a result of mutation especially of somatic tissue  Synonyms: see fun  III. adjective  or ~s  Date: 1582 of, relating to, or suitable for ~s; especially styled in a manner suitable for casual or informal wear ~ coats ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sports) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Sports are games such as football and basketball and other competitive leisure activities which need physical effort and skill. I’d say football is my favourite sport... She excels at sport... Billy turned on a radio to get the sports news. N-VAR 2. If you say that someone is a sport or a good sport, you mean that they cope with a difficult situation or teasing in a cheerful way. (OLD-FASHIONED) He was accused of having no sense of humor, of not being a good sport. N-COUNT c darkgreen]approval ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »GAMES« a) a physical activity in which people compete against each other  (My favourite sports are tennis and swimming. | I was never any good at sports when I was young. | spectator sport (=one which is watched by large groups of people))  (Football is one of the most popular spectator sports.) b) BrE sports in general  (Here's news about today's sport. | Why is there so much sport on TV?) 2 »HUNTING« a country outdoor activity such as hunting or fishing  (blood sports (=sports that involve killing animals)) 3 sports BrE an occasion when people compete in running, jumping, throwing etc  (school/county sports)  (The school sports are usually held in July.) 4 »HELPFUL PERSON« also good sport old-fashioned a helpful cheerful person who lets you enjoy yourself and never complains when there is trouble  (His Mum will let us have a party. She's a good sport. | be a sport (=used when asking someone to help you))  (Be a sport and lend me your bike.) 5 »MAN/BOY« spoken a) AustrE a friendly way of addressing someone, especially a man b) AmE old-fashioned a friendly way of addressing a young boy 6 »FUN« old use fun or amusement 7 make sport of old-use to joke about someone in a way that makes them seem stupid 8 »PLANT/ANIMAL« technical a plant or animal that is different in an important way from its usual type 9 the sport of kings horse racing  (- see also field sports, winter sports, water sports) ~2 v 1 be sporting sth to be wearing or showing something publicly, especially in a proud way  (Eric was sporting a new camel-hair coat.) 2 literary to play together happily  (dolphins sporting amidst the waves) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Soldier's Portable On-System Repair Tool electron. abbr. Soldier's Portable On-System Repair Tool gen. comp. abbr. Serial Port sport abbr. Sport Performance And Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team religion abbr. Sanctified People Of Righteousness and Truth gen. bus. abbr. Specificity Progression Overload Reversibility Train gen. bus. abbr. Services Processes Organization Reports And Tools ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1400, from Anglo-Fr. disport, from O.Fr. desport "pastime, recreation, pleasure," from desporter "to divert, amuse, please, play" (see disport). Meaning "game involving physical exercise" first recorded 1523. Sense of "stylish man" is from 1923. Verb meaning "to wear" is from 1778. Sportsmanship is from 1745. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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