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Англо-русский политический словарь - source


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Перевод с английского языка source на русский



источник, начало, первопричина

to disclose one's sources of information — раскрывать свои источники информации

to mobilize internal sources — мобилизовывать внутренние источники

to quote government sources — ссылаться на правительственные источники

to refer to foreign sources — ссылаться на иностранные источники

to remove a source of tension — устранять источник напряженности

to reveal one's sources of information — раскрывать свои источники информации

source of controversysource of employmentsource of foreign currencysource of fundssource of incomesource of informationsource of international terrorismsource of revenuesource of subsistencesources close to the governmentsources of financingsources of international lawsources of international tensionsources of raw materialssources of social progresssources of supplyadditional sourcealternative sourcealternative energy sourcesappropriate sourceschief sourcediplomatic sourcesdomestic sourcesdoubtful sourcesexternal sourcesextrabudgetary sourcesgovernmental sourcesinformed sourceintelligence sourcesinternal sourceskey sourcemilitary sourcesmob sourcesnongovernmental sourcesopposition sourcesoriginal sourceoutside sourcespermanent sourcepolitical sourcespower sourcesprimary sourceprincipal sourceprivate sourcespublic sourcesreliable sourceresponsible sourcesenior sourcetop Whitehall sourceunclassified sourcewell-informed sourceswell-placed sourceaccording to highly-placed government sourcesat the sourcecheap source of laborfrom sources close to the governmentnonconventional sources of energyrenewable sources of energyuse of new sources of energy

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См. в других словарях

  1) источник2) исток (в канальном транзисторе)3) вчт. место выборки чисел4) исходный•source of electric energyactive sourcecritical active sourcecurrent controlled sourcedirected energy sourcedocumentary sourceemission sourcehalogen light sourceinactive sourceindustrial surface-heating sourceindustry laser sourceinformation sourceknowledge sourcelaser sourcemessage sourcepart program sourcepolyphase sourcepolyphase voltage sourcepower sourcepressurizing sourcepumping sourcesingle-phase sourcesingle-phase voltage sourcestationary sourcevideo source ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  noun  1) исток, верховье  2) ключ, источник  3) первопричина, начало, источник; reliable source of information - надежный источник информации Syn: see origin ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. верховье; исток source of a river —- исток реки 2. родник, елюч; источник 3. источник, основа; начало, (перво)причина source of grief —- источник горя source of funds —- эк. источник финансирования a legitimaye source of income —- законный источник дохода to tap a new source of revenue —- открыть новую доходную статью to cut off the evil at its source —- подавить зло в его истоке 4. источник информации to know smth. from reliable sources —- знать что-либо из достоверных источников well-informed sources say that... —- из хорошо осведомленных источников стало известно, что... we cannot trace the source of this report —- мы не смогли выяснить, откуда исходит это сообщение 5. письменный источник, документ historical sources —- исторические документы original sources —- первоисточники 6. происхождение, предки to trace smb.'s source —- проследить чье-либо происхождение 7. спец. источник (энергии, питания) 8. физ. излучатель 9. комп. исходный текст; исходная программа (также source code) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  источник, основа, начало – sources of variation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. источник, начало, первопричина, первоисточник, основа 2) марк. ресурс, источник (канал продажи, привлекший заказ или потребителя) 3) т. граф. вход (произвольная вершина графа, служащая точкой начала отсчета при решении прикладной задачи) SOURCE источник – deceptive indication of source – source of information – original source SOURCE сущ. 1) источник, начало 2) первопричина, первоисточник • - alternative source - capital source - data source - raw materials sources - reliable source - source and disposition of funds - source document - source information - source nature - source of income - source of risk - source of supply ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) исток 2) источник 3) исходный 4) ключ 5) начало 6) первоисточник 7) первопричина alternate supply source — источник питания запасной artificial light source — источник света искусственный axial point source — точечный осевой источник clock pulse source — генератор тактовых импульсов field without source — поле без источников finite source model — модель с конечным источником gas-discharge light source — источник света газоразрядный graph with source — граф с источником ground power source — источник питания наземной industrial gamma ray source — машиностр. гамма-установка промышленная limited source input — входящий поток из ограниченного источника luminescent light source — источник света люминесцентный mobile gamma ray source — машиностр. гамма-установка передвижная modulated light source — источник света модулированный nuclear radiation source — источник ядерного излучения on-board power source — источник питания бортовой radioactive light source — источник света радиоактивный solid-state light source — источник света твердотельный spark light source — источник света искровой telephone traffic source — источник телефонной нагрузки unlimited source input — входящий поток из неограниченного источника - Frank-Read source - Josephson source - arc source - bare source - beta source - capillary-arc source - capillary-type ion source - constant-current source - cosmic source - dipole source - directional...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) источник 2) исток транзистора 3) исходный код 4) исходная точка 5) поставщик – ac source – acoustic source – audio source – auxiliary supply source – battery supply source – clutch-controlled data source – coherent light source – color-back source – constant-current source – data source – dc source – digital-data source – discrete-message source – driver source – emergency source – emission source – equal-energy source – external noise source – feed source – functional source – group power source – harmonic source – horn-type source – ideal source – image source – impulse source – independent supply source – information source – infrared source – intrinsic noise source – ion source – key source – Lambertian optical source – light source – long-haul signal source – low-power source – LW optical emission source – mains supply source – man-made noise source – message source – natural noise source – noise source – nonregenerable supply source – off-line supply source – on-line supply source – optical emission source – picture source – point source – program source – pumping source – radio source – real source – reference source – regenerable supply source – remote supply source – primary chemical current source – primary light source – primary supply source – pulse controlled data source – secondary chemical current source – short-haul signal source – single-channel source – single-phase source – sound source – stabilized supply source – standard optical source – standard voltage source – state controlled data source – static secondary supply source – SW optical emission source – video source ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  источник поставщик source of radiation cold source heat source heat supply source low grade heat source negative source point source pollution source power source vibration source water-supply source ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) источник 2) отправитель (сообщений) 3) исток, истоковая область (полевого транзистора) 4) неустойчивый фокус (на фазовой плоскости) 5) исходная программа, исходный текст, исходный код 6) исходный 7) поставщик (продукции) - source of cold - source of energy - source of heat - source of radiation - source of river - ac source - acoustic source - adjustable voltage source - air-gun source - alternative energy sources - area electron source - audio source - band-shaped heat source - central heat source - chemical current source - chemical source of electric energy - cold cathode source - color black source - compressional source - constant-current welding source - constant-potential welding source - constant-power welding source - constant-voltage welding source - controllable voltage source - current source - data source - dc source - decaying source - diffused sources - diffusion source - dipole source - dislocation source - distant radiation source - dopant source - duoplasmatron ion source - dust source - dynamite source - earthquake source - electrical potential source - electron bombardment ion source - emergency source - emission source - energy source - ergodic source - evaporation source - excitation source - explosion source - external heat source - external noise source - extragalaxy source - extraterrestrial energy source - far infrared source - feed source - field ion source - FIR source - fossil-fueled heat source - galaxy source - gas-discharge light source - Gaussian source - grounded-wire source - hammer energy source - hammer source - harmonic source - heat source - high-temperature heat source - high-voltage source - hollow cathode source - horn-type source - hot cathode source - ideal current source - ideal voltage source - image source - impulse source - impulsive energy source - impurity source - indirect pollution source - infinite line source -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a spring or fountain-head from which a stream issues (the sources of the Nile). 2 a place, person, or thing from which something originates (the source of all our troubles). 3 a person or document etc. providing evidence (reliable sources of information; historical source material). 4 a a body emitting radiation etc. b Physics a place from which a fluid or current flows. c Electronics a part of a transistor from which carriers flow into the interelectrode channel. --v.tr. obtain (esp. components) from a specified source. Phrases and idioms at source at the point of origin or issue. source-criticism the evaluation of different, esp. successive, literary or historical sources. Etymology: ME f. OF sors, sourse, past part. of sourdre rise f. L surgere ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English sours, from Anglo-French surse spring, ~, from past participle of surdre to rise, spring forth, from Latin surgere — more at surge  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a generative force ; cause  b.  (1) a point of origin or procurement ; beginning  (2) one that initiates ; author; also prototype, model  (3) one that supplies information  2.  a. the point of origin of a stream of water ; fountainhead  b. archaic spring, fount  3. a firsthand document or primary reference work  4. an electrode in a field-effect transistor that supplies the charge carriers for current flow — compare drain, gate  Synonyms: see origin  • ~less adjective  II. transitive verb  (~d; sourcing)  Date: 1957  1. to specify the ~ of (as quoted material)  2. to obtain from a ~ metals ~d from abroad  III. adjective  Date: 1959 of, relating to, or being ~ code a ~ file ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sources, sourcing, sourced) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The source of something is the person, place, or thing which you get it from. Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical... Tourism, which is a major source of income for the city, may be seriously affected. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. In business, if a person or firm sources a product or a raw material, they find someone who will supply it. (BUSINESS) Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company... About 60 per cent of an average car is sourced from outside of the manufacturer. VERB: V n, V n 3. A source is a person or book that provides information for a news story or for a piece of research. Military sources say the boat was heading south at high speed... N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. The source of a difficulty is its cause. This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem. = cause N-COUNT: N of n 5. The source of a river or stream is the place where it begins. ...the source of the Tiber. N-COUNT: usu sing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a thing, place, activity etc that you get something from  (They get their money from various sources.) + of  (Milk is a very good source of calcium. | For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.) at source  (Is your pension taxed at source? (=before it is paid to you)) 2 the cause of something, especially a problem, or the place where it starts + of  (We've found the source of the trouble - a faulty connection. | Two players have the same name, which has been the source of some confusion.) 3 a person, book, or document that supplies you with information  (List all your sources at the end of the essay. | reliable sources)  (I've heard from reliable sources that the company is in trouble.) 4 the place where a stream or river starts ~2 v to find out where something can be obtained from ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  univ. abbr. Students Organized For Using Resources Conscientiously And Efficiently funny abbr. Sovereign Omnilord Of Unanimous Regency And Caliber Excaliper ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1346, from O.Fr. sourse "a rising, beginning, fountainhead of a river or stream," fem. noun taken from pp. of sourdre "to rise, spring up," from L. surgere "to rise" (see surge). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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