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Англо-русский политический словарь - sit


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Перевод с английского языка sit на русский

1. n

положение; позиция

current sit

2. v

сидеть; находиться

to sit by idly — сидеть сложа руки

to sit down with smb — садиться с кем-л. за стол переговоров

to sit on a powder keg — сидеть на пороховой бочке

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См. в других словарях

  в соч.at the machine sit — у станка, непосредственно у станкаassembly sitdiagnostic sitmachine sitmachine working sittest sit ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  out  а) не участвовать (в чем-л., особ. в танцах); I think Ill sit out the next dance, Im tired.  б) высиживать до конца; I decided to sit out the rest of the film.  г) пересидеть (кого-л.) She was determined to sit the other woman out. SIT upon = sit on SIT at a persons bed-side ухаживать за больным SIT darkling сумерничать SIT for  а) позировать (художнику, фотографу) She earned a reasonable living by sitting for art students in the life class.  б) представлять в парламенте (округ и т.п.); Members of his family have sat for the town for over a century.  в) заниматься to sit for an examination готовиться к экзамену; сдавать экзамен SIT back  а) откидываться (на спинку стула и т.п.); Sit back, theres no need to be nervous.  б) отстоять (от дороги) The church sits back from the main street.  в) бездельничать Hes the sort of person who never helps, just sits back and lets others work. SIT down  а) садиться; Why dont you sit yourself down beside me and talk to me?  б) coll. приземляться, делать посадку (о самолете);  в) мириться, терпеть (under); to sit down under insults сносить оскорбления Why should I sit down under her continued offensive remarks?  г) выступать против (предложения, идеи и т.п.) The whole committee sat down on the suggestion as being completely unsuitable.  д) приниматься (за что-л.) Both sides are prepared to sit down to long talks if necessary. SIT in conclave участвовать в тайном совещании SIT in  а) присматривать за ребенком в отсутствие родителей; Have you found anyone suitable to sit in this evening?  б) участвовать...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. подгонка (под фигуру) they noticed the perfect sit of her dress —- они заметили, что платье на ней сидит великолепно 2. разг. место, служба, работа 3. редк. сиденье 4. тех. осадка; оседание the sit of a wall —- осадка стены 5. сидеть to sit in an armchair —- сидеть в кресле to sit cross-legged —- сидеть, положив нога на ногу; сидеть, поджав под себя ноги, сидеть по-турецки to sit in a tree —- сидеть на дереве to sit in a circle —- сидеть кружком 6. сажать, усаживать he sat the boy (down) to do his lessons —- он усадил мальчика за уроки to sit oneself —- садиться, усаживаться to sit the baby —- посадить малыша (на горшок) 7. (with) сидеть с кем-либо, ухаживать за кем-либо to sit with an invalid —- сидеть с больным, быть сиделкой при больном 8. работать приходящей няней; сидеть, оставаться с (чужими) детьми (за плату) 9. (through) высиживать до конца to sit through an awful film —- высидеть до конца ужасного фильма yes, I did sit through the entire programme —- да, я досидел до конца программы 10. заседать, проводить заседание Parliament will sit in (the) autumn —- сессия парламента состоится осенью the House of Commons will sit at eight o'clock —- заседание палаты общин начнется в 8 часов to sit into midnight —- прозаседать до полуночи 11. разбирать, рассматривать; расследовать to sit on a case —- разбирать дело the committee is sitting on the question of...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сидеть 2) насиживать (яйцо); высиживать (птенцов) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  торг, трансп. сокр. от storage in transit ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) быть расположенным 2) находиться 3) сидеть ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I сокр. от self-induced transparency самоиндуцированная прозрачность II сокр. от shuttle integrated test комплексные испытания МТКК III сокр. от static-induction transistor транзистор со статической индукцией ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (sitting; past and past part. sat) 1 intr. adopt or be in a position in which the body is supported more or less upright by the buttocks resting on the ground or a raised seat etc., with the thighs usu. horizontal. 2 tr. cause to sit; place in a sitting position. 3 intr. a (of a bird) perch. b (of an animal) rest with the hind legs bent and the body close to the ground. 4 intr. (of a bird) remain on its nest to hatch its eggs. 5 intr. a be engaged in an occupation in which the sitting position is usual. b (of a committee, legislative body, etc.) be engaged in business. c (of an individual) be entitled to hold some office or position (sat as a magistrate). 6 intr. (usu. foll. by for) pose in a sitting position (for a portrait). 7 intr. (foll. by for) be a Member of Parliament for (a constituency). 8 tr. & (foll. by for) intr. Brit. be a candidate for (an examination). 9 intr. be in a more or less permanent position or condition (esp. of inactivity or being out of use or out of place). 10 intr. (of clothes etc.) fit or hang in a certain way. 11 tr. keep or have one's seat on (a horse etc.). 12 intr. act as a babysitter. 13 intr. (often foll. by before) (of an army) take a position outside a city etc. to besiege it. --n. the way a dress etc. sits on a person. Phrases and idioms be sitting pretty be comfortably or advantageously placed. make a person sit up colloq. surprise or interest a person. sit at a person's feet be a person's pupil. sit at home be inactive. sit back relax one's efforts. sit by look on without interfering. sit down 1 sit after standing. 2 cause to sit. 3 (foll. by under) submit tamely to (an insult etc.). sit-down adj. (of a meal) eaten sitting at a table. sit-down strike a strike in which workers refuse to leave their place of work. sit heavy on the stomach take a long time to be digested. sit in 1 occupy a place as a protest. 2 (foll. by for) take the place of. 3 (foll. by on) be present as a guest or observer at (a meeting etc.). sit-in n. a protest involving sitting in. sit in judgement...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (sat; ~ting)  Etymology: Middle English ~ten, from Old English ~tan; akin to Old High German sizzen to ~, Latin sedere, Greek hezesthai to ~, hedra seat  Date: before 12th century  intran~ive verb  1.  a. to rest on the buttocks or haunches ~ in a chair — often used with down  b. perch, roost  2. to occupy a place as a member of an official body ~ in Congress  3. to hold a session ; be in session for official business  4. to cover eggs for hatching ; brood  5.  a. to take a po~ion for having one's portrait painted or for being photographed  b. to serve as a model  6. archaic to have one's dwelling place ; dwell  7.  a. to lie or hang relative to a wearer the collar ~s awkwardly  b. to affect one with or as if with weight the food sat heavily on his stomach  8. lie, rest a kettle ~ting on the stove  9.  a. to have a location the house ~s well back from the road  b. of wind to blow from a certain direction  10. to remain inactive or quiescent the car ~s in the garage  11. to take an examination  12. baby~  13. to please or agree with one — used with with and an adverb the decision did not ~ well with me  tran~ive verb  1. to cause to be seated ; place on or in a seat — often used with down  2. to ~ on (eggs)  3. to keep one's seat on ~ a horse  4. to provide seats or seating room for  II. noun  Date: 1776  1. the manner in which a garment fits  2. an act or period of ~ting ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sits, sitting, sat) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If you are sitting somewhere, for example in a chair, your bottom is resting on the chair and the upper part of your body is upright. Mother was sitting in her chair in the kitchen... They sat there in shock and disbelief... They had been sitting watching television... He was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv, V, V adj, also V 2. When you sit somewhere, you lower your body until you are sitting on something. He set the cases against a wall and sat on them... When you stand, they stand; when you sit, they sit. VERB: V prep/adv, V • Sit down means the same as sit. I sat down, stunned... Hughes beckoned him to sit down on the sofa. PHRASAL VERB: V P, V P prep/adv 3. If you sit someone somewhere, you tell them to sit there or put them in a sitting position. He used to sit me on his lap... VERB: V n prep/adv • To sit someone down somewhere means to sit them there. She helped him out of the water and sat him down on the rock... They sat me down and had a serious discussion about sex. PHRASAL VERB: V n P prep/adv, V n P 4. If you sit an examination, you do it. (BRIT; in AM, use take) June and July are the traditional months for sitting exams. = take VERB: V n 5. If you sit on a committee or other official group, you are a member of it. He was asked to sit on numerous committees... VERB: no cont, V on/in n 6. When a parliament, legislature, court, or other official body sits, it officially carries out its work. (FORMAL) Parliament sits for only 28 weeks out of 52... VERB: V 7. If a building or object sits in a particular place, it is in that place. (WRITTEN) Our new house sat next to a stream... On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles. = stand VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 8. see also sitting 9. If you sit tight, you remain in the same place or situation and do not take any action, usually...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v past tense and past participle sat present participle sitting 1 »IN A CHAIR ETC« a) to be on a chair or seat, or on the ground, with the top half of your body upright and your weight resting on your buttocks +on/in/by etc  (sitting in a comfortable armchair | We all sat around the campfire and sang songs. | She's the girl that sits next to me in my math class.) sit at a desk/table etc (=sit facing it)  (Harry sat at his desk and stared out of the window. | sit doing sth)  (We sat watching TV for a while. | sit still)  (I wish you children would sit still for minutes.) b) I always+adv/prep) to get to a sitting position after you have been standing up  (Jim walked over and sat beside her.) c) to make someone sit down or help them to sit down  (sit sb down/on/in etc)  (I sat him down in the armchair by his bed.) 2 »OBJECTS/BUILDINGS ETC« to lie or be placed in a particular position +on/in etc  ("Where's my coat?" "It was sitting on the bottom of the stairs last time I saw it." | a village sitting on the side of a hill | When I got to work I found a huge bunch of flowers sitting on my desk.) 3 »DO NOTHING« I always +adv/prep) to stay in one place for a long time, especially sitting down, doing nothing useful or helpful  (I spent half the morning sitting in a traffic jam. | Well, I can't sit here chatting all day. | She just sits there complaining all day.) 4 »COMMITTEE/PARLIAMENT ETC« a) to be a member of a committee, parliament, or other official group +in/on  (She sits on several government committees. | Their father sits in the National Assembly.) b) to have a meeting in order to carry out official business  (The council only sits once a month. | The court will sit until all the evidence has been heard.) 5 sit tight a) to stay where you are and not move  (If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police.) b) to stay in the same situation, and not change your mind and do anything new  (We're advising all our investors to sit tight till the market improves.) 6 be sitting pretty to be in a very good...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hum. gen. abbr. Suppressor Of Initiation Of Transcription physiol. abbr. Situational NASA abbr. System Implementation Team NASA abbr. Seal Initiation Temperature transport. abbr. Storage In Transit mil. abbr. System Integration Test mil. abbr. Short Intensive Training mil. abbr. Sensory Integration Training mil. abbr. Slayers In Training 3-let. lang. abbr. Sino-Tibetan (Other) airport code Sitka, Alaska USA curr. abbr. Slovenian Tolar univ. abbr. School Of Information Technology univ. abbr. Student Intervention Team univ. abbr. School For International Training electron. abbr. Static Induction Transistor adult abbr. Slut In Training softw. abbr. System Integration Testing gen. comp. abbr. Software Image Transitions gen. comp. abbr. Some Image Type gen. comp. abbr. System Initialization Table network. abbr. Subsidiary Integrity Token network. abbr. Simple Interface Tunnel telec. abbr. Special Information Tones telec. abbr. Special Information Tone file ext. abbr. UnStuff Compressed file archive media abbr. Seating Interior Themes media abbr. Satellite Instructional Television non-prof. org. abbr. School for International Training educ. abbr. Smart Intense Training educ. abbr. Satellite Instructional Television sport abbr. Skater In Training law abbr. Special Intervention Team law abbr. Specialized Intervention Team law abbr. Self Inflicted Trial music abbr. Stay In Tune gen. bus. abbr. Scaffold Inspection And Testing gen. bus. abbr. Systematic Inventive Thinking gen. bus. abbr. Staff In Training ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. sittan "to sit" (class V strong verb; past tense sжt, pp. seten), from P.Gmc. *setjanan. Slang sitting duck first recorded 1944; sitting pretty is from 1921. Sit-in first attested 1936 in reference to session musicians; 1960s of student protests. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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