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Англо-русский политический словарь - ship


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Перевод с английского языка ship на русский



корабль; судно

to convoy ships — конвоировать суда

to disable a ship — выводить корабль из строя

to exclude nuclear arms ships from a country's ports — закрывать порты страны для кораблей с ядерным оружием

to hump ship — переходить на сторону бывших противников

to impound a ship — конфисковывать судно

to put ships on alert — приводить флот в состояние боевой готовности

to search a merchant ship — обыскивать торговое судно

to sink a cargo ship — топить торговое судно

ship flying a British flagAmerican-flagged shipanti-submarine shipcargo shipcombat shipdeath shipdry-cargo shipescort shipguided-missile shipmerchant shippassenger shipre-flagged shipspace cargo shipsupport shipthird-party shipwaterborne shipescorting of ships

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См. в других словарях

   1. noun  1) корабль, судно; to take ship - сесть на корабль  2) экипаж корабля  3) (гоночная) лодка  4) amer. самолет  5) attr. корабельный, судовой ships that pass in the night - мимолетные, случайные встречи when my ship comes home/in - когда я разбогатею - old ship - ship of the desert Syn: see vessel  2. v.  1) грузить, производить посадку (на корабль)  2) перевозить, отправлять (груз и т.п.) любым видом транспорта  3) садиться на корабль  4) нанимать (матросов)  5) поступать матросом  6) ставить (мачту, руль)  7) вставлять в уключины (весла) - ship off - ship out - ship a sea Syn: see send SHIP a sea черпнуть воды (о корабле, лодке) SHIP biscuit сухарь; галета SHIP in commission судно, готовое к плаванию SHIP in distress судно, терпящее бедствие SHIP of the desert корабль пустыни (верблюд) SHIP off отсылать; отправлять You must ship him off to a good school. SHIP out  а) посылать, отправлять (особ. морским путем) The price is high because the goods have to be shipped out.  б) выйти в море (о моряке) I first shipped out when I was a very young man. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. корабль; судно broad-bottomed ship —- плоскодонное судно merchant ship —- торговое судно ship of war —- военный корабль ship's articles —- договор о найме на судно 2. ам. договор о поступлении на службу в военно-морские силы ship's days —- мор. дни, отведенные на производство грузовых операций base ship —- плавучая база ship carpenter —- корабельный плотник ship pendant —- вымпел военного корабля ship propeller —- мор. судовой движитель, гребной винт a ship of the line —- ист. линейный корабль on board ship —- на борту корабля to fit out a ship —- снарядить корабль to take ship —- садиться на пароход, теплоход ship ahoy! —- на судне! (оклик) abandon ship ! —- покинуть корабль! (команда) 3. парусное судно 4. спорт. академическая (гоночная) восьмерка 5. самолет 6. дирижабль 7. космический корабль 8. экипаж корабля to pay off a ship —- распускать экипаж судна Id: a ship of the desert —- корабль пустыни, верблюд Id: ships that pass in the night —- корабли, проходящие в ночи; мимолетные, случайные встречи Id: when my ship comes home —- когда я разбогатею; когда мне улыбнется счастье Id: a great ship asks deep waters —- посл. большому кораблю большое плавание 9. перевозить, отправлять (груз), отгружать по воде 10. транспортировать (любым видом транспорта) to ship goods by rail —- перевозить груз по...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ихт. шип (Acipenser nudiventris) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  See: гл. 1) трансп. грузить, грузиться, производить погрузку на корабль (судно); производить посадку на корабль, принимать людей на борт to ship goods on board a ship - грузить (погружать) товары на борт судна, the shipped cargo - погруженный на корабль груз, All the people were shipped. - Все поднялись на борт. See: shipment 2) трансп. отправлять, перевозить, транспортировать (товары или грузы морем, по железной дороге, по воздуху, автотранспортом) to ship goods overseas - отправлять товары за границу, to ship goods to South Africa - перевозить товары в Южную Африку, It was among the first firms to ship cargo by air. - Она была одной из первых фирм, специализирующихся на перевозке грузов по воздуху. 3) общ. садиться на корабль, подниматься на борт (корабля); плыть на корабле 4) общ. набирать (нанимать) экипаж (команду корабля); наниматься на корабль (судно) (напр., матросом) SHIP сущ.трансп., торг. = shipment 4) SHIP 1. сущ. корабль, судно - be on board ship - bulk cargo ship - cargo ship - clean ship - coasting ship - container ship - dock a ship - domestic ship - ex ship - foreign going ship - free alongside ship - general ship - heavy-lift ship - laid-up ship - lead ship - merchant ship - motor ship - passenger carrier - passenger ship - ship's company - training ship - tramp ship 2. гл. 1) грузить, грузиться 2) отправлять морем 3) амер. отправлять по железной дороге или автотранспортом - ship in bulk -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  отгружать, отправлять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) брандвахта 2) транс. корабельный 3) корабль 4) насылать 5) судно 6) судовой 7) судовый block coefficient of a ship — коэффициент заполнения судна bow of a ship — нос судна bring ship to anchor — ставить судно на якорь fishing factory ship — рыбопромысловая плавучая база hog of ship hull — перегиб корпуса корабля principal dimensions of a ship — машиностр. главные размерения корабля propulsive quality of ship — ходкость судна sea endurance of ship — автономность плавания корабля ship breaks her back — судно переламывается ship by air freight — отправлять грузовым самолетом ship construction basin — судостроительный бассейн ship drags her anchor — судно тащится на якоре ship is lying at dock — судно находится в доке ship is lying idle — судно на приколе ship repair yards — машиностр. завод судоремонтный underseas exploration ship — судно для подводных исследований whaling factory ship — китобойная плавучая база - auxiliary ship - cable ship - carvel ship - class of ship - container ship - crane ship - depot ship - dry cargo ship - dry-cargo ship - endurance of ship - fabricated ship - factory ship - fuel ship - guard ship - lay up ship - leave off ship - merchant ship - passenger ship - plank ship - refrigerator ship - ship by water - ship framing - ship is stranded - ship paint - ship stabilizer - ship timber - ship waves - sunk ship - trailer ship - transport ship - weather ship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (кабельное) судно 2) пересылать (данные) – cable-maintenance ship – communication ship – repeater ship ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  судно; корабль перевозить; отгружать; отправлять (груз) drill ship pipe lay ship ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) судно, корабль грузить судно или корабль 2) перевозить (груз); отправлять (груз), отгружать - ship of opportunity - air-cushion ship - cable ship - container ship - core ship - cruise ship - dedicated ship - deployment ship - diesel-electric ship - diesel-propelled ship - diving tender ship - dredge ship - drill ship - dynamically positioned drill ship - dynamically supported ships - exploratory drill ship - factory ship - fire-fighting ship - fishery mother ship - fishing freezer ship - freeboard ship - gas-turbine-engined ship - gas-turbine ship - general cargo ship - guard ship - hospital ship - hydrofoil ship - hydrographic ship - ice ship - icebreaking ship - ice-strengthened ship - incinerator ship - lighter-aboard ship - longitudinally framed ship - maintenance ship - merchant ship - mother ship - motor ship - nonmagnetic ship - nuclear-powered ship - ocean-going ship - ocean ship - oceanographic ship - palletized ship - pipe-lay ship - pollution control ship - refrigerator ship - research ship - roll-on/roll-off ship - sailing ship - salvage ship - seaworthy ship - seismic survey ship - seismic ship - self-unloading ship - semisubmercible ship - shooting ship - single-bulled drill ship - single-bull drill ship - surface-effect ship - surveying ship - tank ship - transport ship - transversely framed ship - turboelectric ship - turret-moored drill ship - twill-hull ship - unmanned supply ship - voluntary observing ship - weather ship SHIP сокр. от ship meteorological report судовая метеорологическая сводка ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a any large seagoing vessel (cf. BOAT). b a sailing-vessel with a bowsprit and three, four, or five square-rigged masts. 2 US an aircraft. 3 a spaceship. 4 colloq. a boat, esp. a racing-boat. --v. (shipped, shipping) 1 tr. put, take, or send away (goods, passengers, sailors, etc.) on board ship. 2 tr. a take in (water) over the side of a ship, boat, etc. b take (oars) from the rowlocks and lay them inside a boat. c fix (a rudder etc.) in its place on a ship etc. d step (a mast). 3 intr. a take ship; embark. b (of a sailor) take service on a ship (shipped for Africa). 4 tr. deliver (goods) to a forwarding agent for conveyance. Phrases and idioms ship-breaker a contractor who breaks up old ships. ship-broker an agent in shipping goods and insuring ships. ship burial Archaeol. burial in a wooden ship under a mound. ship-canal a canal large enough for ships to pass inland. ship (or ship's) chandler see CHANDLER. ship-fever typhus. ship-money hist. a tax raised to provide ships for the navy in the 17th c. ship of the desert the camel. ship off 1 send or transport by ship. 2 colloq. send (a person) away. ship of the line hist. a large battleship fighting in the front line of battle. ship-rigged square-rigged. ship's articles the terms on which seamen take service on a ship. ship's biscuit hist. a hard coarse kind of biscuit kept and eaten on board ship. ship's boat a small boat carried on board a ship. ship's company a ship's crew. ship's corporal see CORPORAL(1) 2. ship a sea be flooded by a wave. ship's husband an agent appointed by the owners to see to the provisioning of a ship in port. ship's papers documents establishing the ownership, nationality, nature of the cargo, etc., of a ship. take ship embark. when a person's ship comes home (or in) when a person's fortune is made. Derivatives shipless adj. shippable adj. Etymology: OE scip, scipian f. Gmc SHIP suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 a quality or condition (friendship; hardship). 2 status, office, or honour (authorship; lordship). 3 a tenure...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scip; akin to Old High German skif ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a large seagoing vessel  b. a sailing vessel having a bowsprit and usually three masts each composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast  2. boat; especially one propelled by power or sail  3. a ~'s crew  4. fortune 3 when their ~ comes in they'll be able to live in better style  5. air~, airplane, spacecraft  II. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to place or receive on board a ~ for transportation by water  b. to cause to be transported ~ped him off to prep school  2. obsolete to provide with a ~  3. to put in place for use ~ the tiller  4. to take into a ~ or boat ~ the gangplank  5. to engage for service on a ~  6. to take (as water) over the side — used of a boat or a ~  intransitive verb  1. to embark on a ~  2.  a. to go or travel by ~ — often used with out  b. to proceed by ~ or other means under military orders — often used with out  3. to engage to serve on ~board  4. to be sent for delivery the order will ~ soon  • ~pable adjective SHIP  noun suffix  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English -scipe; akin to Old High German -scaft ~, Old English scieppan to shape — more at shape  1. state ; condition ; quality friendship  2. office ; dignity ; profession clerkship  3. art ; skill horsemanship  4. something showing, exhibiting, or embodying a quality or state township fellowship  5. one entitled to a (specified) rank, title, or appellation his Lordship  6. the body of persons participating in a specified activity readership listenership ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ships, shipping, shipped) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure... We went by ship over to America. ...merchant ships. N-COUNT: also by N 2. If people or things are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transport. Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep/adv 3. see also shipping ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a large boat used for carrying people or goods across the sea  (a cruise ship | a merchant ship | by ship)  (Most of the island's supplies are brought in by ship.) 2 a large spacecraft or aircraft 3 ships that pass in the night people who meet for a short time and then never meet again 4 when your ship comes in used when you are wishing that something will suddenly happen to make you rich  (When my ship comes in, I'll quit work and travel around the world.) ~2 v past tense shipped present participle shipping 1 to send or carry something by ship  (ship sth out/to etc)  (I'm flying over to the States and having my car shipped out later.) 2 to deliver goods or make them available for people to buy  (The new Windows software was announced in April and they're planning to ship it in October.) 3 to order someone to go somewhere  (ship sb off/out etc)  (As soon as the doctor saw her, he shipped her straight off to the hospital. | I was in Heidelberg at the time, about to be shipped out to Vietnam.) 4 ship water if a boat ships water, water comes into it over its sides 5 ship oars to stop rowing and to bring the oars into the boat  (- see also shape up or ship out shape2 (3)) ship ~ suffix in nouns 1 a) the state of having a particular position or job  (Full membership (=being a full member) of the club costs $35. | professorship (=the job of professor)) b) the time during which this lasts  (their long friendship | during his premiership) 2 the art or skill of a particular person  (her peerless musicianship | a work of great scholarship)  (- see also ­manship) 3 the whole group of a particular group  (a magazine with a readership of 9000 (=with 9000 readers)) 4 forms part of certain titles  (your ladyship) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  st. & loc. abbr. State Housing Initiative Partnership st. & loc. abbr. State Housing Initiative Program univ. abbr. Student High Interest Program univ. abbr. Student Health Insurance Plan network. abbr. Simple Host Information Protocol educ. abbr. Self Help Initiatives Project religion abbr. Shepherd's Hill Information Person ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. -scipe "state, condition of being," from P.Gmc. *-skapaz. Cognate with shape. SHIP - O.E. scip "ship, boat," from P.Gmc. *skipan. The verb meaning "to send or transport by ship" is M.E. Shipment "that which is shipped" is from 1861; ship-shape first attested 1644; shipwreck (n.) is from 1450. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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